


Butterflies and Moths

To many people they are indistinguishable. There is a difference and this is the place to satisfy you curiosity. Both are class Insecta but the butterfly has a longer smoother antenna and tends to be more colorful. With 165,000 known species, there is room for lots of questions in here.

500 Questions

What greek word means changing shape describing the change from a caterpillar to a butterfly?

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The Greek word that means changing shape, specifically describing the transformation from a caterpillar to a butterfly, is "metamorphosis."

You want to manignify a butterfly so that you can see the colorful scales on its wings what would you use a concave lens or a convex lens?

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Asked by Wiki User

i guess it doesnt really matter. my magnifying glass is a convex lens so yaaaa. well that's all i got cuz this website don't even no what a concave or convex lens is.

What are five elements of a short story in day of the butterfly of Alice munro?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Character development: Portrayal of two schoolgirls, Myra and Chris, who are unique and distinct in their personalities and experiences.
  2. Setting: The story takes place in a small Canadian town, reflecting the societal norms and expectations of the time.
  3. Conflict: Myra and Chris's friendship faces challenges as they navigate issues of class, social status, and identity.
  4. Theme: Exploration of the complexities of female friendships, societal expectations, and the impact of socioeconomic differences.
  5. Resolution: The story concludes with a poignant realization about the characters' individual paths and choices, leaving readers to reflect on the nature of friendship and personal growth.

How did Eckels kill the butterfly in the story?

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Eckels inadvertently steps off the Path at the dinosaur hunting safari, which causes significant changes to occur in the timeline. A prehistoric butterfly that he steps on, symbolizing the fragility of nature and the potential for catastrophic consequences from small actions.

What is Blue-Butterfly Day about?

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"Blue-Butterfly Day" is a poem by Robert Frost that celebrates the beauty and tranquility of nature. The poem describes a peaceful day filled with blue butterflies fluttering around, conveying a sense of joy and harmony in the natural world. Frost uses vivid imagery to evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

What are the plots of the story day of the butterfly by Alice Munro?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Day of the Butterfly" by Alice Munro is a short story about a young girl, who is bullied by her classmates at school and forms an unexpected bond with another girl. Over the course of a day, their friendship evolves, revealing the complexities of childhood relationships and the power dynamics at play. The story explores themes of loneliness, friendship, and the impact of societal expectations on young girls.

How do butterflies land?

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Butterflies use a combination of their wings and legs to slow down and stabilize before landing. They typically approach a landing spot with their wings raised and then use a combination of flapping and gliding movements to descend gently onto the surface. Once they make contact, they quickly fold their wings to make a secure landing.

How do the butterflies wings change the weather?

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Butterflies do not change the weather with their wings. The idea that butterflies can influence the weather comes from chaos theory and the concept of the butterfly effect, where small changes in one system can lead to large effects in another system. However, butterflies themselves do not have the ability to directly change the weather with their wings.

What is the symbolism in Fawziyya Abu Khalid's poem Butterflies?

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The butterflies in Fawziyya Abu Khalid's poem symbolize transformation, freedom, and the fleeting nature of beauty. They suggest a sense of lightness and delicacy, while also representing fragility and vulnerability. The poet might be using butterflies to underscore themes of change, growth, and the ephemeral quality of life.

You HAVE BEEN coming across butterflies in pictures in poems on papertowels they are appearing to you everywhere what does this mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Seeing butterflies in various forms may symbolize transformation, growth, or a need for change in your life. It could also signify a sense of freedom, joy, or beauty. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions when encountering butterflies to gain insight into their specific meaning for you.

Spiritual meaning of brown butterfly?

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Brown butterflies are often considered a symbol of grounding, stability, and a connection to the Earth. They can represent simplicity, nurturing, and a reminder to slow down and appreciate the present moment. In some spiritual beliefs, a brown butterfly may also symbolize growth, transformation, and rebirth.

Who did Okonkwo bring home from his trip to Mbaino?

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Okonkwo brought home a boy named Ikemefuna from his trip to Mbaino as a peace offering after a girl from his village was killed in Mbaino. Ikemefuna was to stay with Okonkwo's family until the elders decided on his fate.

What does bococky mean?

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Asked by Mommakchristy2746

It appears that the word "bococky" is not a recognized word in English, nor does it have a meaning that is widely accepted. There's a chance that you mispronounced or misspelled a different word. I will attempt to offer more precise information if you can provide me additional context or use a different spelling.

Butterfly in stomache?

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getting used to something for the first time

What is difference between ant and butterfly?

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The difference between ants and flies is that one can fly and the other one crawls. Also one is mostly in the air, while the other one is mostly on land.

What is the biggest type of moth?

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The biggest type of moth is the Atlas moth. It's a proven fact by the scientists of Central Michigan Comity.

What is the Latin name for a owl butterfly?

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"Tyto alba" is the Latin name for the Barn Owl.

Where o gypsy moth live?

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The gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) originates from Europe and Asia.

Is a checkered butterfly real?

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Asked by Skullbonessxx

are there such thing as rainbow butterflys

What is the kingdom class phylum order domain family genus species of a butterfly?

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Since the term "damselfly" encompasses all insects in the suborder Zygoptera, it cannot be categorized as far as an individual species, but the scientific classification is as follows:

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Odonata
Suborder: Zygoptera

What is the meaning of a black butterfly lingering on a picture?

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Asked by Wiki User

This is a common form of Symbolism showing death or loss of a memory.

What are some physical adaptations about the owl butterfly?

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Physical adaptation of the owl include:

  1. large eyes to see in different levels of light
  2. keen eyesight
  3. ability to swivel its head
  4. compact body length
  5. wide wingspan
  6. strong wings
  7. strong "feet" and legs
  8. large gripping talons strong enough to hold a wiggling prey
  9. ability to "swim" while dragging prey underwater as it is held in one talon
  10. ability to take off from a still position and become aloft/airborn
  11. ability to bear young and provide for its young

What are the advantages of living where monarch butterflies live?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well just the whole advantage of waking up the beautiful living creatures. Also if u have a science prodject about monarch butterflies problem solved! Theres no other way to study butterflies , then ovserving them personally!!!!!!!!!!

- Anabelliana

( Im on zwinky please add me my gamer tag is anabelliana)