



The world is home to 4260 named species of mammals. Mammals, or Mammalia are a class in the Phylum Chordata and the Subphylum Vertebrata. An animal is a mammal if, providing it is female, it can produce milk to feed its young.

500 Questions

What is IT?

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An organisation with a culture of cybersecurity does not create an additional layer of security. Instead, it weaves it into the very fabric of the organisation. Let us now see how that can be accomplished.

What are the 2 mammals that don't drink water?

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Dolphins and Whales

Why fish use less energy in excreting nitrogeneous wastes than mammals and birds?

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Yes, they do. Fish do not need to create urea or uric acid in order to excrete their wastes because they live in water, they can simply excrete the waste out of their gills, which requires less energy than having to create uric acid etc.

What size is the smallest mammal?

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The Etruscan Shrew, Suncus Etruscus.

What sounds do pangolin make?

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When agitated, they tend to make a huffing sound, almost as if a cat would.

Marsupials give birth to immature live young that continue to develop within the mother's pouch?

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Marsupials do give birth to immature live young that continue to develop within the mother's pouch. After it climbs up the mother's belly and gets in the pouch it grabs on to one of the teats. After several weeks, the young marsupial starts coming out more and more. It leaves the pouch when it is about 7 to 10 months old.

What is North Dakota's state mammal?

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The official state bird of North Dakota is the Western Meadowlark, adopted by state legislation in 1947.

What is a small mammal with black stripes across back?

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a pooey baby mixed with save buttons

Whales and dolphins spend all their life in water. Why are they classified as mammals?

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They both make milk for their young (and at some point in their life they have hair).

Why are mammals different from fishes?

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Yes, they are. Fish cannot be removed out of water without dieing, but mammals can be in water and land, and mammals have more organs than fish, but fish are the only ones with a Swim bladder. A Swim Bladder helps the fish find density in water to float and swim.

Are the mammals are uricotelic?

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Ureotelicrefers to an organism that excretes excess nitrogen as urea. Humans can be described as being Ureotelic organisms.An Uricotelicorganism produces uric acid as a result of deamination. An example of such an organisms include birds and insects.

Is a elafant a mammal?

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Yes, the elephant is the biggest land mammal.

Do seals live in Antarctica all year round?

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All year round. the leopard seal stay within the antarctic regions all year round feeding on penguins, fish and other sea birds.

What the respiratory structure for a mammal?

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The diaphragm

How can you tell if your potato bug is a boy or girl?

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what is the difference between a boy and a girl potato bug

Is the red fox a vertebrate?

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A red fox has a spine (backbone), so it is a vertebrate.

All mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish are vertebrates.

Does your dog remember your other dog that died?

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Yes, the dog knows. Of course, the dog may not have the same emotional reaction that you do.

The night when my dog died, and I wrapped him in a blanket and laid him on the front porch overnight. The next morning I found my cat sleeping up next to him. I do believe the cat knew the dog was gone and was mourning over the loss of his friend. I do believe cats and dogs have some sense of loss.

Is robin mammal?

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I assume you mean the bird?

How mammals give birth?

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This process is different in different mammals,in human beings it is as follows

1-The Labor begins:

As labor begins, rhythmic uterine contractions begin weakly and grow progressively stronger. Each contraction shortens the muscle fibers in the uterus, pulling the cervix (uterine opening) wider. In this early stage of labor the cervix dilates (opens) to about 4 cm (1.5 in).

2-Cervical Dialation:

As labor begins, rhythmic uterine contractions begin weakly and grow progressively stronger. Each contraction shortens the muscle fibers in the uterus, pulling the cervix (uterine opening) wider. In this early stage of labor the cervix dilates (opens) to about 4 cm (1.5 in).


As labor begins, rhythmic uterine contractions begin weakly and grow progressively stronger. Each contraction shortens the muscle fibers in the uterus, pulling the cervix (uterine opening) wider. In this early stage of labor the cervix dilates (opens) to about 4 cm (1.5 in).


If a baby's position is head first during delivery, the mother's vagina fits like a crown around the baby's head, making the head visible as it emerges from the birth canal.


As the head emerges, the neck flexes and the baby rotates to the side. This enables the shoulders to maneuver around the pubic bone. One shoulder emerges, quickly followed by the other shoulder and the rest of the body.

6-Delivery of Placenta:

In the final stage of labor, the uterus continues to contract and the placenta detaches from the uterus and is expelled.

There is a tiny set of mammals that are egg-laying - the duck-billed platypus and one or two others - but viviparous, or placental, reproduction ending in birth at least partly along the lines of the above (according to genus & species) is the system in all other mammals.