


The largest group of mammals that have the ability to fly. Their nocturnal habits have given raise to many myths and fears through the ages, most of which are unfounded. Ask your questions here and find out what is true or myth about these fascinating creatures.

500 Questions

What do birds have but bats don't?

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Asked by Wiki User

Bats have fur but birds do not.

Bats are mammals that give birth to live young, whereas birds give birth by way of the laying of eggs.

Who is Emmet in vampires suck?

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Asked by Wiki User

Emmett is a character in the movie "Vampires Suck" who is a parody of the character Emmett Cullen from the "Twilight" series. In "Vampires Suck," Emmett is portrayed as a big, strong, and dim-witted vampire who is part of the vampire family the central character Becca falls in love with.

Can you exchange blood with a vampire?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, exchanging blood with a vampire is not possible because they are fictional creatures. In folklore and fictional stories, vampires are portrayed as undead beings that drink blood to survive, but they cannot transfer their condition to others through blood exchange.

How do the vampire get blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vampires are legendary creatures and do not exist in the real world. Vampire BATS, however, are smaller than a teacup and their only diet is blood. Their usual victims are sleeping cattle and horses. Vampire bats do not "suck" blood from their victims but, after puncturing the skin, actually lap up the flowing blood with their tongues. The bats' saliva prevents the blood from clotting. These tiny bats never remove enough blood to harm their victims but the bites can cause infections and disease if not treated by a doctor.

Are Italian vampires allergic to garlic?

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Asked by Wiki User

In traditional Italian folklore, vampires are usually not depicted as being allergic to garlic. However, this aspect of vampire lore can vary depending on the specific cultural interpretation.

What happens to a vampire that drinks the last drop of blood from a person?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a vampire drinks the last drop of blood from a person, the victim typically dies, and the vampire gains maximum nourishment and satisfaction. In some vampire lore, draining a victim completely may lead to a stronger bond forming between the vampire and the victim in terms of control or possession.

How do vampires eat blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vampires in folklore and fiction are often portrayed as supernatural creatures that consume blood to sustain their immortal existence. They are usually depicted as using their sharp fangs to puncture the skin of their victims and drink their blood. This act is often associated with seduction, power, and immortality in vampire mythology.

What do vampires do in Hawaii?

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Asked by Wiki User

In popular culture, vampires are often depicted as immortals who feed on blood to survive. In Hawaii, a vampire might blend in with the tourist population, taking advantage of the warm climate and bustling nightlife to find unsuspecting prey. Alternatively, they might seek isolation in the remote areas of the islands to avoid detection.

What do greek people call vampires?

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Asked by Wiki User

Well, the Greek wordnosophoros ("carrier of the plague") evolved into the Slavic word nosufur-atu which is a synonym for the word "vampire". so one can safely assume if the Greek don't call them "vampires", they call them "nosophoros"

Who first discovered vampires?

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Asked by Wiki User

The concept of vampires has existed in folklore and mythology across various cultures for centuries. The modern-day vampire legend was popularized in Western literature during the 18th century, with works like John Polidori's "The Vampyre" and Bram Stoker's "Dracula" contributing to the image of vampires as we know them today.

What is a vampire group called?

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Asked by Wiki User

A vampire group is called a coven.

It is actually called a 'Brood'.

Brood - A group of vampires gathered around a leader (usually their sire).

Sire - The parent-creator of a vampire, used both as the female and male form.

A brood may (over a long time!) become a 'clan' by virtue of lineage, bloodline.

Clan - A group of vampires who share certain mystic and physical characteristics.

A 'coven' is only correctly used in terms of witches... --noun: an assembly of witches,esp. a group of thirteen. However since more people know more about witches than vampires and since 'coven' also means 'gathering/assembly', the word coven are sometimes (wrongly) used for a group of vampires too.

What are the 10 ways to become a vampire?

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Asked by Wiki User

As vampires are fictional creatures, there is no proven method to become one. In folklore and literature, becoming a vampire often involves being bitten by one, being resurrected after death, or making a deal with a vampire. It's important to remember that vampires are not real, so these methods are solely based on myths and stories.

What happens if you are bitten by a vampire bat?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vampire bats are known to transmit rabies through their bites, which can be fatal if not treated promptly with post-exposure rabies vaccinations. The bite itself can also lead to secondary infections if not cleaned properly. If bitten by a vampire bat, seek medical attention immediately.

Why are vampires dangerous?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vampires are often portrayed as dangerous because they typically feed on human blood to survive, posing a threat to people's lives. In many myths and stories, vampires have enhanced physical abilities and can be difficult to defeat, adding to their dangerous nature. Their eternal existence and predatory nature also contribute to their reputation as a threat to society.

What happens if you drink vampire bat blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

Drinking vampire bat blood can potentially transmit diseases such as rabies or other infections that the bat may carry. It is not safe for human consumption and could lead to serious health issues. It is best to avoid consuming any type of animal blood.

What weapon can really kill vampires?

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Asked by Wiki User

In folklore, weapons such as wooden stakes, silver bullets, and holy water are considered to be effective against vampires. However, their effectiveness varies depending on the story or mythology being referenced. Ultimately, the most effective weapon against vampires is often depicted as sunlight.

Why does fire kill vampires?

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Asked by Wiki User

In folklore, fire symbolizes purification and renewal, making it an effective weapon against supernatural creatures like vampires which are often associated with evil and darkness. Fire is also believed to destroy a vampire's physical body to ashes, preventing regeneration. This vulnerability to fire adds to the mystique and danger surrounding vampires in popular culture.

What are some myths about bats?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some myths about bats include that they are blind (they can see, although some species rely more on echolocation), they get caught in people's hair (rarely happens), and they are all blood-sucking vampires (only a few out of over 1,400 species feed on blood).

Do vampires like garlic?

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Asked by Wiki User

actually vampires like/hate garlic as much as any "human" would,but they don't enjoy the sunlight it doesn't kill them it just damages their powers such as :running fast,extra strength ,ect.but they also don't like to be staked in the heart with anything wooden ,that will kill them.

Vampires in general have no problem with garlic. Ok some of them might not like it others migh like it but that's just personal opinion...

How would you describe a value-added activity?

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Asked by Wiki User

A value-added activity is any activity that enhances a product or service in the eyes of a customer, either by increasing its quality, performance, or features, or by reducing costs or time. These activities directly contribute to the end product and are essential for maintaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

How would you describe a stock index?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

A stock index is a tool used to measure and track the performance of a select group of stocks representing a particular market, sector, or economy. It provides investors with a snapshot of how a specific group of stocks is performing collectively, often serving as a benchmark for evaluating the overall market performance.

How would you describe the rational-maximizer paradigm?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The rational-maximizer paradigm assumes that individuals make decisions by weighing the costs and benefits to maximize their utility or outcome. It suggests that individuals act in their self-interest and make rational choices based on available information. This paradigm is commonly used in economics and decision theory to predict human behavior in various contexts.

How would you describe the principal-agent model of relationships?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The principal-agent model involves a principal delegating tasks or decision-making to an agent to act on their behalf. The challenge arises from the divergence of interests between the principal and agent, leading to potential conflicts, information asymmetry, or moral hazard. Incentive alignment mechanisms, such as contracts or monitoring, are typically used to mitigate these issues and align the agent's actions with the principal's objectives.

How would you describe incentive compensation?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Incentive compensation is a type of payment or reward given to employees based on performance outcomes, usually tied to specific goals or targets. It is designed to motivate employees to achieve desired results and can include bonuses, commissions, and stock options.