


The word "moose" is said to be from "mus" of the Native American Algonquian family of languages. The largest of the deer family, Cervidae, Alces alces americanus have a distribution in the boreal forests of Alaska and Canada, but extend southward down the Rocky Mountains into Utah and Colorado.

500 Questions

Where did moose flanagan live before Alcatraz?

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Moose Flanagan lived in a town called Santa Monica before his family moved to Alcatraz Island in the book "Al Capone Does My Shirts."

What is the falling action in the story Just Once Moose?

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In the falling action of "Just Once Moose," the mood shifts as Moose begins to accept his situation and starts to make peace with himself. The conflict between Moose and the other animals begins to resolve, leading to a sense of closure for the characters and the story. The falling action sets the stage for the story's resolution and eventual conclusion.

Who is the author of the poem Goose and Moose?

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The author of the poem "Goose and Moose" is Shel Silverstein. Shel Silverstein was a beloved American poet, writer, and illustrator known for his whimsical and imaginative works for children and adults.

Who is Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose?

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Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose is a character created by Dr. Seuss in a children's book of the same name. Thidwick is a kind-hearted moose who allows various animals to live in his antlers, despite the difficulties it causes him. The story teaches the importance of setting boundaries and not being taken advantage of.

In the book hatchet was there a moose attack?

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No, there was no moose attack in the book "Hatchet" by Gary Paulsen. The main character, Brian, faces many challenges in the wilderness after a plane crash, but a moose attack is not one of them.

When was the Moose Festival established?

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The annual Moose Festival held in Colebrook, New Hampshire, Canaan, Vermont, and Pittsburg, New Hampshire, was established in 1990. It was canceled in 1997 following the Drega shootings, but returned as normal the next year.

What is the literary term for multiple moose?

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the literary term for multiple moose, or the plural of moose, is moose. e.g I have a herd of moose. it sounds alot better then I have a herd of mooses. so the plural is moose.

Do moose eat peanuts?

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We feed birds sunflower seeds and peanuts. Every 5-8 years, when the snow gets to deep, the moose tip the bird feeders on top of themselves and eat as much as they can. So, yes they eat peanuts (and sunflower seeds), if they get a hold of food they can't eat, (one tried to eat suit), they lie down with a tummy ache for a while but move on and survive.

Conflict in the moose and the sparrow?

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character vs. character , is the conflict between moose and cecil . moose tried to play pranks and tries to hurt him .. but that didn't turn out the best for him . now did it ?

Is a moose a vertbrate?

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No, moose are not invertebrate, in fact they have rather large backbones do to their size.

Do moose live in swamps?

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For the fiver ivers of Maine, they are known if be the of the swamp

Do moose eat algae?

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In my exploration of moose dietary habits, I've found that while moose are primarily herbivores and graze on various plants like shrubs, grasses, and aquatic vegetation, they are not typically known to consume algae as a significant part of their diet. Moose tend to feed on terrestrial vegetation, especially in forested environments. However, in certain circumstances, moose might inadvertently ingest small amounts of algae if it's present on the plants or aquatic vegetation they consume. Most of their diet consists of woody plants, buds, and aquatic vegetation rather than algae. It's fascinating how the dietary preferences of these majestic creatures contribute to their survival in diverse ecosystems. #MooseDiet #Herbivores #WildlifeFeedingHabits

How does human activity affect a moose?

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Human activity can have several negative effects on moose populations. Deforestation and habitat loss reduce their available habitat, making it harder for them to find food and shelter. Human disturbance, such as noise from recreational activities or collisions with vehicles, can stress or injure moose. Additionally, pollution and climate change can disrupt ecosystems and affect the availability of food and water sources for moose.

What is the largest antlered animal?

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penguins, it is a well known fact that penguins have the biggest and best of everything in the world, you may think its caribou or deer or even turtles.


What are the special features of a moose?

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The minks fur is very special and popular because it is used to make many things and there even happens to be many large scaled mink farming as well...

Do moose have to have a backbone to be a mammal?

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Yeah, all mammals have backbones. A lot of things that aren't mammals have backbones, too. The general term is "vertebrate". This applies to most fish, birds and reptiles.

Does a tiger eats a moose?

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Yes, most definitely if the opportunity is presented.

Elk, (Cervus canadiensis) also known as wapiti, are native to North America and possibly parts of Siberia. In Asia, the tiger's current range does not overlap so they would not be a natural predator.

The Moose (Alces alces) is called 'Elk' in Europe. There is some overlap in its range with the current range of the tiger. It would not be inconceivable that properly motivated tiger would attack an adult moose but it would seem unlikely that a tiger would give up its advantage since their defense strategy is to retreat to water and they are very capable of defending themselves. A tiger would almost certainly attack a moose calf if the opportunity was presented.

The Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), also known by a host of names including 'Wapiti' and the 'Bactrian Red Deer'. has a range that extends through central Asia and overlaps some of the tiger's range. Recently, it was determined that it and the North American Wapiti, once thought to be members of the same species, are in reality separate species.

Geist (1998) recommended that C. elaphus and C. canadensis be regarded as distinct species. This is supported by patterns of mtDNA variation as reported by Randi et al.

You may still find people (including myself, prior to researching this) who call this animal the 'Red Elk'.

See the links.

Are moose bovine?

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The scientific name for the moose species is Alces americanus. Since it was not discovered by the English speaking world until the colonization of the western hemisphere, it does not have the same kind of linguistic roots as the word cow. However, based on the species name, I would opt for "American" as the adjectival form.

Do moose bite?

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only plants.

unless they have Rabies.

When is is moose born?

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23658879 per year

What are moose gestation periods?

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Moose generally give birth between May and June of each year. Their gestation period is approximately 280 days and it is rare that they give birth to twins.

How fast do full grown moose run?

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A moose can run up to 35 miles per hour without a fmf exhaust

What is a male moose called?

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A male is called a 'bull' and a female a 'cow'

Do people like moose?

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Yes, I absolutely love Moose!!

I have a warm spot in my heart for the moose named Bullwinkle... Ya just gotta love a moose that wears a sweatshirt from 'Whatsa matta U.' i love moose<3 they are amazing