

Tree Care

In the modern world of soil compaction and environmental pollution, tree health and life expectancies tend to increase with responsible cultivation practices. For example, they are more likely to maintain proper form and growth if the particular planting, pruning, spraying and watering needs are met. Contributors typically want to know about a tree's planting depth and width, potential pests and stresses, pruning and watering schedules, and treatment options.

500 Questions

Is tree sap valuable?

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Some are:

  • maple tree sap: very high in sugar, cooked down makes maple syrup.
  • rubber tree sap: long polymer chains, makes latex used to be only source of rubber.
  • eucalyptus tree sap: an oil in this sap is an effective insecticide.
  • etc.

How were cedar trees most useful to the Phoenicians?

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Cedar trees were highly valuable to the Phoenicians in several ways. They used cedar wood for constructing ships, as its durability and resistance to rot made it ideal for maritime trade. Cedar was also used in building houses, temples, and palaces. Additionally, the Phoenicians extracted resin from cedar trees, which served as a waterproofing material for their ships.

What do the leaves do?

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by absorbs in the sunlight and the nutrients needed for the plant or plants to survive

When do rhododendrons bloom in North Carolina?

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I know they are in full bloom in July, so I would say June

Why are softwood trees grown in plantations?

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Simpy because , like any other crop, to maximise the return from a given space.

Can you transplant a cedar tree?

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I've heard that it's best to do in fall, and water lots.

What adaptations do western red cedar trees have?

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It's waxy coating, it helps it store water. Also the fact of it height(the height of the western red cedar is 60 meters), it helps it collect lots of sunlight.

What to do to rot a tree stump?

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by putting old would on the stump and burn it

When to spray fruit trees?

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It depends on what you are spraying. There are different schedules for different parts of the country and whether you are going organic or semi-organic or whatever. Usually, there is an application of horticultural dormant oil ( winter rate) after a mid winter pruning and then subsequent sprayings of insecticide and fungicides at different stages of development, such as before the buds open, after the flowers have dropped and during fruit development.Check with your local state agricultural office for a full schedule and list of products.

Why do the leafs on trees turn red orange and yellow during the fall?

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Trees do that because they lose the chloroplast in their cells, which is what gives them the green color. That makes them reveal their true identity, yellow, red, or orange.

Should a mature liquid amber tree be pruned and topped?

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Sure, you should thin out the crown of the tree by removing selected branches, or raise the crown by removing lower branches.

My Arborist has done a fabulous job with our Liquid Amber We live in Vancouver BC - the tree is 10 years old and stands nearly 20 feet tall. We don't want the tree to grow to its full potential of around 60 feet and so we prune it each year.

So - here's what to do - wait till the very beginning of spring - more like the end of winter - you'll see little buds where the new growth is about to emerge.

The pruning is done in a spiral shape cutting every third branch form the trunk and /or every third twig from the branch in a spiral formation depending on your desired overall effect This will prevent die back and also assist with healing. It will also limit the height of the tree which will also limit the footprint of the tree and also the root pattern. As it is the rootball will be approximately the same as the blossoming tree foilage and it will push up driveways and pathways unless controlled.

Good luck.

How do you kill weeds in myrtle?

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Mulching, removing, spraying, and using landscape fabric or mulch are ways to kill weeds without killing the myrtle among which the weeds are growing. Removal can be done -- but carefully so as not to damage or destroy the woody plant's body parts -- by hand, hoe, rake, or shovel. Spraying must involve a non-residual, specific, target herbicide so as not to adversely affect the Myrtus genus member in question.

How has kudzu affected trees?

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Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make energy, through interaction with the sun's rays. Plants need energy to grow. When they live for more than one year, they tend to store this energy while they're dormant, for ready access in the spring. The preceding informaton applies to herbaceous and woody plants, and therefore to kudzu. Kudzu uses photosynthesis to changethe form of the water and nutrients that the plant gets from the soil. Under the influence of the sun's rays, the nutrients and water are changed into energizing materials, such as sugars and starches. These materials are what kudzu needs to carry out its daily activities, such as growing.

How do you remove umbrella tree?

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Cut the stem close to the ground, then allow bush to turn brown before composting Lift root ball in increments, allow soil to fall off root ball in small amounts before composting roots Incorporate soil in other containers or garden or compost

What substance does tree use for food?

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They use a process called photosynthesis to make there own food. What the trees do is take in carbon dioxide, water and sunlight and convert into sugars in which they use for food and oxygen that the realises into the air and we use the oxygen they create to survive. The chemical equation to photosynthesis is 6co2( six molecules of carbon dioxide+ 6h2o( six water molecules) and sunlight= c6h12og ( sugar) and 6o2 ( six molecules of oxygen)

Is a magnolia a flower?

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Magnolias are a group of trees and shrubs some of which bear large flowers.

Can you start a Magnolia Tree from a seed or bulb If so how?

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Magnolia - remove seed coat, sow 3m or more @ 39ºF, then direct sow outdoors or bring temperature to warmer but still cool. Short viability seeds, do not attempt to store before sowing...

How far in each direction do tree roots grow?

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Tree roots typically grow very wide and shallow. How wide do tree roots grow? Most people say tree roots grow to the dripline. In fact, tree roots grow much farther than the dripline, typically 2 to 3 times the distance, sometimes further. All of the roots are important to the tree. Do not cut the roots. If in doubt, hire a Certified Arborist to consult on your project BEFORE getting started. Trees do not heal; they can only compartmentalize decay. So, do not expect to have someone wave a magic wand and sprinkle some chemicals to fix your problem or "save" your tree. Learn more at http:/


•ISA Certified Arborist
•AL State Licensed:
- Tree Surgeon
- Landscape Designer
- Landscape Contractor
- Pest Control Supervisor

Why will tulip trees not bloom?

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they DO bloom, in fact tulips, the flower, still grow at night once they are cut:)

Where does a cedar tree originate?

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Cedar trees are quite common in Canada and the northern United States. Elbert Little of the US Department of Agriculture has made an atlas of where various trees grow in the United States. You can see these some of these maps online.

When do you prune olive trees what is the best time to prune an olive tree?

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The best time to prune an Olive Tree is soon after the fruit has been harvested when the tree is in a more dormant state. Here in Spain many trees are pruned at the same time as the fruit is being picked often with branches cut then shaken for the Olives.

What tree grows along streams?

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A Sycamore

What is the use of Sap of trees?

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Hi sap comes from a tree as it is produced by a tree . Sap is produced because it is needed to transport food and other substances to plant tissue to help plant growth , its a bit like our blood carrying oxygen to the areas needed