


Ancient Religions

The legends, worship and observances of a god or gods of the distant past. Including but not restricted to the Roman, Greek, Sumerian, Norse, Celtic, Indian, Chinese and Japanese.

500 Questions

How did the champion slay Tiamat?

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The champion defeated Tiamat by using a magical artifact or weapon that could pierce her defenses and weaken her powers. They utilized their strategic skills and knowledge of Tiamat's weaknesses to outmaneuver and ultimately defeat her in a fierce battle. The champion also may have had the help of allies or divine intervention to assist in vanquishing the mighty dragon goddess.

What does the name of the Babylonian creation myth translate to in English?

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The name of the Babylonian creation myth is "Enuma Elish," which translates to "When on High." It is a story about the creation of the world and the battle between different gods for supremacy.

Who killed Tiamat by dividing her body in two and separating her halves with the sky?

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In Mesopotamian mythology, Tiamat was killed by the god Marduk. He divided her body into two halves and used one to create the sky and the other to create the earth. Marduk's victory over Tiamat is a central tale in the Babylonian creation myth known as the Enuma Elish.

What do the Mesopotamian deities require of the people in The Epic of Gilgamesh?

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The Mesopotamian deities in The Epic of Gilgamesh expect humans to respect their authority, offer sacrifices, and seek their favor through prayers and rituals. They play a crucial role in shaping the outcomes of events and influencing the lives of mortals.

What is Gilgamesh's attitude toward death before his battle with humbaba?

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When Gilgamesh and Enkidu debate whether or not to fight Humbaba, what is Gilgamesh's attitude toward death? He tells his friend to not be afraid; it is not his time to die. With both of them fighting, they will be victorious.

Who was the God poetry music medicine and light?

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The god associated with poetry, music, medicine, and light is Apollo in Greek mythology. He is often depicted as the god of the sun, healing, prophecy, and artistic pursuits. Apollo was also associated with archery and the protection of young men.

Where to locate 'Holding My Father's Hand' poem by Frank Pavlick?

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"Holding My Father's Hand" by Frank Pavlick can typically be found in poetry anthologies, online poetry databases, or on personal blogs and websites dedicated to poetry. It is best to search for the poem using a search engine or visit your local library for poetry collections that may contain this work.

Is Gilgamesh in Norse mythology?

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No, Gilgamesh is not a figure in Norse mythology. He is a central character in the ancient Sumerian epic of Gilgamesh, which is one of the oldest known works of literature. Norse mythology is primarily focused on the gods, goddesses, and heroes of the pre-Christian Norse religion practiced by the Vikings.

What were the three major germanic tribes that invaded England?

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The three major Germanic tribes that invaded England were the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. They arrived in England in the 5th century AD, collectively known as the Anglo-Saxons, and played a significant role in shaping the culture and language of the region.

When was Gilgamesh tomb found?

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The tomb of Gilgamesh has never been found. Gilgamesh is a legendary figure from Mesopotamian literature, and his existence is debated among historians and archaeologists. There is no concrete evidence to support the idea that his tomb has been discovered.

How are fables different from myths?

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Fables are short stories featuring animals or inanimate objects that teach a moral lesson, often with a clear moral at the end. Myths are traditional stories that explain natural phenomena, religious beliefs, or the origins of the world, and are often seen as sacred narratives by a particular culture or community. Fables typically have a fictional setting and characters, while myths often involve gods, heroes, and supernatural beings.

What purpose does religion serve throughout history?

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Religion has served various purposes throughout history, including providing explanations for the unknown, offering moral guidance, creating a sense of community and belonging, shaping cultural practices and traditions, and providing comfort and hope in times of adversity. Additionally, religion has often been used to legitimize political power and social hierarchies.

Ganaka and Kaniyar How the terms are related?

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Ganaka and Kaniyar are both terms used to refer to caste groups in India. Ganaka typically refers to traditional Brahmin priests or scholars, while Kaniyar can refer to a group traditionally associated with astrology, ritual practices, and traditional healing. Both groups play specific social roles within the Indian caste system.

How many daughters did Lot have?

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lot was not a phrophet, but he only had one wife.

What is the signifance of carrying the gargam?

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Carrying the gargam is a ritual believed to bring good luck and protect against evil spirits in some African cultures. The gargam, usually an amulet or charm, is thought to possess supernatural powers and is carried as a form of personal spiritual protection. It is a symbol of faith and belief in the power of the supernatural.

How many gods did ancient Kush have?

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Ancient Kush, also known as Nubia, had a pantheon of gods and goddesses. However, the exact number of gods worshipped by the ancient Kushites is not known. Some of the prominent deities include Amun, Isis, Osiris, and Horus. Like many ancient civilizations, the Kushites likely worshipped a variety of gods, each associated with different aspects of life and nature.

Who is the three kings of DTFSU?

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The three kings of DTFSU are J. Cole, Bas, and Omen. They are a part of the Dreamville collective and have collaborated on various projects together.

What did Greek and Roman goddesses do?

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Greek and Roman goddesses were believed to have various powers and responsibilities. They were associated with specific domains, such as Aphrodite being the goddess of love and beauty, Athena being the goddess of wisdom and war, and Demeter being the goddess of agriculture and fertility. They were worshipped and revered by people, and their myths and stories often explained natural phenomena and human experiences.

Who are the seven mad gods who rule the sea?

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The concept of the "seven mad gods who rule the sea" is fictional and appears in H.P. Lovecraft's short story "The Call of Cthulhu". These mad gods include Cthulhu, Dagon, Hydra, Kraken, Abaia, Scylla, and Deep Ones. They are part of Lovecraft's mythos and represent ancient and powerful deities with a connection to the ocean.

Does Satan possess unlimited Powers even to kill a person?

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Asked by Domingos

Christian belief attributes a great deal of power to Satan, but always assumes that Satan will not use those powers to kill anyone. In the Book of Job, God instructed Satan to do any manner of evil to the person of Job, but to stop short of actually killing him. The Books of Matthew and Luke say that Satan lifted Jesus up and placed him on a pinnacle of the temple - if Satan can do that, he can pick an ordinary person up and drop him from a great height.

Christianity has more to gain by focussing our fear of Satan on the spiritual and eternal hellfire than on the possibility that he might kill someone..

What is the literal Hebrew translation of pistachio?

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peanut = egoz adamah (אגוז אדמה)...or less common, boten (בוטן)

Meaning of Luna moth?

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Luna moths are a symbol of spiritual transformation.

Where can Hermes be found?

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In Greek mythology Hermes can be found delivering messages for Zeus. Hermes is the illegitimate son of Maia and Zeus.

What does it mean when a bird flies into your window and dies?

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Asked by Wiki User

It probably failed to see the glass.

People have assigned meanings to the most mundane things. None of which have any scientific basis.

It this case it may have to be a particular type of bird, or time of day, or who saw it, or what the weather was like etc.

In other words it depends who you ask.

When a bird flies into a window and dies, it means that transparent windows are different from anything that was encountered by birds in the course of their evolutionary history, and as a result, they are not well prepared by their instincts or biology in general, to deal with this particular hazard.
Some people see a bird flying into a closed window as an omen of death.
Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as a sign or omen.

At various times of the day, as the light outdoors reflects off of windows they take on the appearance of mirrors. A bird flying low might think it is seeing more garden or wooded area ahead, when it is in fact seeing the reflection of what is behind it.

Where I live we have at least one bird a day bump into a window. Most, but not all of them survive. For this reason we have placed decals on the window surface to try to cut down on the problem.