

Lemurs Bushbabies and Aye-Ayes

Prosimian, or lower primates, include 6 families and approximately 50 species altogether. These animals represent the earliest primates on the evolutionary tree. Most are native to Madagascar, Asia, and Africa. Specialized hands and feet are a key indicator of Prosimians.

500 Questions

Why does willy think that he is a good salesman?

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Willy Loman in "Death of a Salesman" believes he is a good salesman because he excels in making personal connections with his clients and has a strong work ethic. He also values the idea of being well-liked and charismatic, which he believes are important qualities for a successful salesman. Additionally, Willy's beliefs are influenced by the culture of the time that equates material success with personal worth.

On which website can you find a poem about a ring-tailed lemur?

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As the lemur is a rare and exotic animal, there is less information and poetry than chimpanzees. The lemur has been exported for study and to various zoos and has become the subject of a few poems found at 'Hello Poetry '

Do aye ayes have babys?

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They are mammals; yes they do.

What impact do humans have on lemurs?

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People cut down the trees that lemurs live in, leaving the lemurs homeless

When were lemurs discovered?

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Lemurs Lemurs are mentioned in sailors' voyage logs as far back as 1608 and in 1658 that at least seven lemur species were described in detail by the French merchant,Étienne de Flacourt, who may also have been the only westerner to see and chronicle the existence of a giant (now extinct) lemur, which he called the tretretretre. Around 1703 merchants and sailors began bringing lemurs back to Europe, at which time James Petiver, an apothecary in London, described and illustrated the mongoose lemur. Starting in 1751, the London illustrator George Edwards began describing and illustrating some lemur species, of which a few were included in various editions of Systema Naturae by Carl Linnaeus. In the 1760s and 1770s, French naturalists Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon and Louis-Jean-Marie Daubenton began describing the anatomy of several lemur species. The first traveling naturalist to comment on lemurs was Philibert Commerçon in 1771, although it was Pierre Sonneratwho recorded a greater variety of lemur species during his travels.

credit: Wikipedia

Lemurs are not found on the Galapagos Islands which is what someone had previously written for this answer. They are endemic (only exist naturally) to Madagascar, the fourth largest island on the planet, due east of South Africa.

Where are aye ayes on the food chain?

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what is a aye aye on the food web what is a aye aye on the food web

Do lemurs sunbathe?

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All reptiles exhibit some form of cold bloodedness so that they have limited physiological means of keeping the body temperature constant and often rely on external sources of heat - i.e Sunbathing.

Is there a reason the bush baby has big eyes?

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Bushbabies have big eyes because they are nocturnal, and larger eyes help them gather what little light is available so that they can see better in the dark.

Do lemurs like water?

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Lemurs require water to survive, but most will not swim in it.

Why are aye-aye going extinct?

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The aye-aye is so feared by the Malagasy (the people of Madagascar) that in much of the country it is killed on sight. The aye-aye was once thought to be extinct, but recent discoveries suggest there may be 100 or more aye-ayes alive in the wild.

Why are Ring Tailed Lemurs called Ring Tailed Lemurs?

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The word "lemur" comes from the Latin word "lemures", which referred to specters or ghosts that were exorcised during the Roman festival of Lemuria.

The word was first used by Carl Linnaeus to describe lorises, close cousins of lemurs. He used the word because the lorises were active only at night and moved around at a slow pace. A year later, he officially used the word as a genus in primate taxonomy, which at the time included lorises, lemurs, and other unrelated animals. Eventually, the term "lemur" became the colloquial term for the primates native to Madagascar, and not lorises.

How high can lemurs jump?

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It all depends on the size and whether or not the monkey is in good physical shape, but many monkeys can jump several feet.

Are lemurs fast?

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Compared to humans, yes lemurs tend to be fast. However, no clocked speeds have been reported.

What are 2 groups of primitive primates?

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It depends on what you mean by "primitive." The strepsirrhine primates and tarsiers have many traits that are ancestral for primates. However, strepsirrhines have more of these traits. Their group includes the lorises (and relatives) and the lemurs (including the Aye-aye).

How many bones does a ring-tailed lemur have?

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There is probably variation between species, and I've never seen a number published for any of them. However, they have almost all of the same bones that we have, plus a few extra in the tail. Humans adults have 206, while human infants have 270. As an rough estimate, I'd just add 10 or more to those totals for lemur adults and infants.

What countries do lemurs live in?

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Lemurs live on the island of Madagascar, which is considered part of Africa.

What do ring-tailed lemurs look like?

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Per Wikipedia:

The species has a slender frame and narrow face, fox-like muzzle. The Ring-tailed Lemur's trademark-a long, bushy tail-is ringed in alternating black and white transverse stripes, numbering 12 or 13 white rings and and 13 or 14 black rings, and always ending in a black tip. Its tail is longer than its body. The fur is so dense that it can clog electric clippers. The chest coat and throat are white or cream. The back coat varies from gray to rosy-brown, sometimes with a brown pygal patch around the tail region, where the fur grades to pale gray or grayish brown. The coloration on the back is slightly darker around the neck and crown. The hair on the throat, cheeks, and ears is white or off-white and also less dense, allowing the dark skin underneath to show through. The muzzle is dark grayish and the nose is black, and the eyes are encompassed by black triangular patches.

Do lemurs carry their young in a pouch?

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No. Lemurs are not marsupials, but placental mammals.

Do ringtailed lemurs survive in cold weather?

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No, ring-tailed lemurs do not estivate.