


Famous Quotations

This category contains questions and answers about some of the greatest quotes in history including the quotes themselves, their meanings, who said them, and when and where they were said.

500 Questions

What is the meaning of 'You can say a lot when you say a little'?

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Asked by Wiki User

This phrase suggests that effective communication doesn't necessarily require using a lot of words. It emphasizes the importance of being concise and impactful in delivering your message, as clarity and brevity can often convey more meaning and significance than verbosity. It encourages people to be thoughtful and intentional in their communication.

Who said To teach is to learn twice?

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Joseph Joubert, a French moralist and essayist, is credited with the quote "To teach is to learn twice." It emphasizes the idea that the act of teaching reinforces and deepens one's understanding of a subject.

Give you some ideas for anchoring in school annual day function?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Utilize a theme related to education or achievement to anchor the annual day function.
  2. Incorporate interactive games or activities that engage the audience and maintain their interest throughout the event.
  3. Introduce guest speakers or performers who can add value to the program and inspire the audience.
  4. Use multimedia presentations or videos to enhance the overall experience and keep the audience entertained.

What is the source of goethe's quote about architecture and frozen music?

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The quote "Architecture is frozen music" is attributed to Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, a German writer and statesman. Goethe used this metaphor to express the idea that architecture, like music, has the power to evoke emotions and create a sense of harmony and beauty through its structural forms.

Source of the quote time for this one to come home?

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The quote "time for this one to come home" originates from the lyrics of the song "Times Like These" by the Foo Fighters, written by Dave Grohl. It signifies a desire for something to return to its rightful place or to find peace and resolution.

What are Functions of guidance?

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Asked by Wiki User

Guidance helps individuals gain clarity on their goals, make informed decisions, and develop strategies to achieve success. It also provides support and encouragement, helping individuals navigate challenges and obstacles they may encounter along the way. Overall, guidance plays a crucial role in personal and professional development.

Why are peers important?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peers are important because they provide social support, opportunities for learning and growth, and a sense of belonging and connection. Interacting with peers can also help individuals develop communication, empathy, and teamwork skills.

What does the quote today is yesterday's pupil mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

People today can learn valuable lessons from historical events and those individuals who came before us.

Who said 'today is yesterday's pupil'?

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Benjamin Franklin is commonly attributed with the quote "Today is yesterday's pupil."

What is an example when a little learning is a dangerous thing?

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An example of "a little learning is a dangerous thing" could be when someone with limited understanding of a complex topic tries to make important decisions based on that partial knowledge. This can lead to mistakes, misinformation, or misinterpretation of facts, potentially resulting in negative consequences. In situations where expertise or full understanding is necessary, relying on superficial knowledge can be risky.

How many pages are in Stephen King's IT?

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Asked by Wiki User

The novel "IT" by Stephen King has around 1,138 pages depending on the edition and format.

How many school days are there in Africa?

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Africa is a large continent made of of many countries. There are many different kinds of schools. There is no answer to this question.

Experience is the best teacher?

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Asked by Wiki User

Experience is a valuable teacher because it provides hands-on learning and helps develop practical skills. Through experience, individuals gain knowledge that cannot be obtained through books or classroom instruction. Mistakes made during experiences can also lead to important lessons and personal growth.

Phrases unique to a particular language are called?

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Asked by Wiki User

Phrases unique to a particular language are called idioms. These expressions often have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal translation of the words used.

Why is educate a reflexive rather than a transitive verb?

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Asked by Wiki User

The verb "educate" is reflexive because it involves the idea of self-improvement or self-development as the direct object of the verb. When you say "I educate myself," the action of educating is directed back to the same subject. In contrast, a transitive verb would involve directing the action towards something or someone else, such as "I teach students."

How do you spell orginizomes?

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The correct spelling is "organisomes." Organisomes are specialized structures within cells that perform specific functions.

Did JFK actually say A child miseducated is a child lost?

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There is no verifiable evidence that John F. Kennedy said, "A child miseducated is a child lost." This quote has been attributed to him, but there is no record of him actually saying or writing it.

What is the origin of the saying those who can't do teach?

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Asked by Wiki User

The saying "those who can't do, teach" is often attributed to George Bernard Shaw in his play Man and Superman. Shaw's character expresses the idea that individuals who are not successful in their own pursuits often turn to teaching instead. It implies a lack of practical experience or skill in the subject being taught.

What is the meaning of the phrase 'experience is the best teacher'?

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Asked by Wiki User

This phrase means that firsthand experiences provide the most effective way to learn and gain knowledge. Through personal encounters and lessons learned from real-life situations, individuals often develop a deeper understanding and wisdom that cannot be gained solely through theoretical knowledge or instruction.

What is the most reliable way to get the opinion of experts on any writing topic?

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Asked by Wiki User

The most reliable way to get the opinion of experts on any writing topic is to reach out to individuals who have published research or articles in the field, attend conferences or workshops, or seek feedback from academic institutions or professional organizations dedicated to that specific writing topic. Utilizing online platforms like LinkedIn or Quora to connect with experts in that field can also be helpful.

Who was Thomas Carruthers who is quoted as saying A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary?

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Thomas Carruthers was an educator known for his belief in empowering students to become independent learners. The quote "A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary" means that effective teaching involves guiding students to develop the skills and knowledge to succeed on their own, rather than relying on the teacher for constant help. It underscores the goal of education to foster self-sufficiency and critical thinking in students.

What is the definiton of co-curriculum?

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Co-curriculum refers to activities and experiences that complement the formal academic curriculum. These activities may include sports, clubs, community service, and other extracurricular pursuits that enhance students' overall learning and personal development.

What is a voice inflection?

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Asked by Wiki User

Voice inflection is the variation in pitch, tone, and emphasis that we use when speaking to convey different meanings or emotions. It can alter the interpretation of a statement and give clues about the speaker's feelings or intentions.

What does a leg up mean or imply?

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Asked by Wiki User

"A leg up" typically means to receive assistance or support to achieve something. It implies that someone is providing an advantage or helping hand to help another person succeed in a particular situation or task.