


Drug Side Effects

Drug side effects are undesirable secondary effects of any drugs or medications. When there is a severe drug side effect, the doctor would usually adjust the dosage or prescribe another medication.

500 Questions

What is it called when you faint if you see flashing lights?

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Asked by Ch4rl1

That is called photosensitive epilepsy. It is a form of epilepsy in which seizures are triggered by visual stimuli such as flashing lights.

How long does cortizone injections stay in your system?

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Asked by Wiki User

The duration a cortisone injection stays in your system, also known as its **systemic effect**, depends on several factors, including:

  • **Type of Corticosteroid:** Different types of corticosteroids have varying durations of action. Short-acting corticosteroids typically last **24-48 hours**, while intermediate-acting ones can last *2-4 weeks*. Long-acting corticosteroids can have effects lasting *weeks or even months*.

  • **Injection Site:** The location of the injection can influence how long the cortisone stays in your system. Injections into larger joints or areas with slower blood flow may result in a longer duration of action compared to injections in smaller joints or areas with better blood flow.

  • **Dosage:** The amount of cortisone injected also plays a role. Higher doses may have a longer-lasting effect compared to lower doses.

  • **Individual Factors:** Individual factors like metabolism and body composition can also influence how long the cortisone stays in your system.

Here's a general breakdown:

  • **Short-acting corticosteroids:** Up to **48 hours**.

  • **Intermediate-acting corticosteroids:** **2-4 weeks**.

  • **Long-acting corticosteroids:** **Weeks or months**.

However, it's important to note that the **therapeutic effect**, or the period for which the injection alleviates symptoms, can differ from the systemic effect. While the cortisone may be present in your system for a longer duration, the relief from pain or inflammation may not last as long.

It's crucial to consult with your healthcare professional to understand the specific type and dosage of cortisone used in your injection and the expected duration of its effects. They can provide the most accurate information based on your individual circumstances.

Are there any side effects of IVF treatment?

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Asked by Ivf center in Indore

Biologically there are really no long term effects of IVF--the babies develop the same as babies conceived the "natural" way. One exception is that scientists are finding a higher rate of occurrence of hermaphrodites among IVF children.

Can Ayurvedic medicine cause side effects?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, Ayurvedic medicine, like any form of medical intervention, has the potential to cause side effects. It's important to recognize that while Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine that has been practiced for centuries, and many of its principles align with holistic health, safety concerns may arise, especially when using Ayurvedic remedies that contain herbs, minerals, or other substances.

Here are some considerations regarding the potential side effects of Ayurvedic medicine:

Contamination and Purity: One of the primary concerns with Ayurvedic medicines is the potential for contamination and lack of standardization. Some Ayurvedic products, particularly those obtained from less regulated sources, may contain impurities, heavy metals, or toxic substances that can cause adverse effects.

Allergic Reactions: Individuals may be allergic to specific herbs or ingredients used in Ayurvedic preparations. Allergic reactions can range from mild skin irritations to more severe symptoms like difficulty breathing.

Interactions with Conventional Medications: Ayurvedic medicines can interact with conventional medications. It's essential to inform healthcare professionals about all the treatments, including Ayurvedic remedies, that one is using to avoid potential interactions that could compromise health.

Overconsumption or Improper Use: Excessive intake of certain Ayurvedic herbs or formulations can lead to adverse effects. Improper use or self-prescription without proper guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner can contribute to side effects.

Individual Variability: Individuals may respond differently to Ayurvedic treatments based on factors such as their constitution (dosha), overall health, and existing medical conditions. What works well for one person may not be suitable for another.

To minimize the risk of side effects and ensure the safe use of Ayurvedic medicine, consider the following:

Consult Qualified Practitioners: Seek guidance from qualified and experienced Ayurvedic practitioners who have a thorough understanding of the principles and practices of Ayurveda.

Source Quality Products: Choose Ayurvedic products from reputable manufacturers who adhere to quality standards and regulations. Be cautious about obtaining products from unregulated sources.

Communicate with Healthcare Providers: Inform your conventional healthcare providers about any Ayurvedic treatments you are considering or currently using. This ensures they have a comprehensive view of your health and can advise you on potential interactions.

It's crucial to approach Ayurvedic medicine with the same level of scrutiny and caution as any other form of healthcare. While Ayurveda offers holistic principles that can be beneficial for some individuals, safety should always be a top priority, and decisions regarding its use should be made in consultation with healthcare professionals.

What are side effects and long term effects of lung pleuradesis procedure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pleurodesis is a medical procedure used to treat pleural effusion, a condition where there is an abnormal buildup of fluid in the pleural space around the lungs. The procedure involves the introduction of an irritant substance or medication into the pleural space to induce inflammation, causing the pleural layers to stick together. This helps prevent the recurrence of pleural effusion. While pleurodesis is generally safe and effective, there can be potential side effects and long-term effects, including:

Short-Term Side Effects:

Pain and Discomfort: After pleurodesis, patients may experience chest pain or discomfort, which can last for a few days. Pain can be managed with pain relievers.

Fever: Some patients may develop a low-grade fever as a result of the inflammation induced by the procedure. This is usually temporary and can be managed with medication.

Shortness of Breath: In some cases, pleuradesis can temporarily worsen shortness of breath before improving. This is due to inflammation in the pleural space.

Long-Term Effects:

Reduced Risk of Recurrence: The primary long-term benefit of pleuradesis is a reduced risk of pleural effusion recurrence. This can improve overall quality of life for individuals with recurrent pleural effusion.

Pleural Adhesions: The goal of pleuradesis is to create adhesions (scar tissue) between the pleural layers. While this is necessary to prevent recurrence, extensive adhesions can potentially limit lung expansion and lead to restrictive lung disease in rare cases. This is more likely to occur with repeated pleuradesis procedures.

Chronic Chest Pain: Some individuals may experience chronic chest pain or discomfort, although this is relatively uncommon. It may be related to the presence of adhesions.

Infection or Complications: As with any medical procedure, there is a small risk of infection, bleeding, or other complications, although these are rare.

Impaired Lung Function: In some cases, pleuradesis may slightly reduce lung function. This can be a concern for individuals with preexisting lung conditions.

It's important to note that pleuradesis is typically considered when the benefits of preventing recurrent pleural effusion outweigh the potential risks and side effects. The decision to undergo pleuradesis should be made in consultation with a healthcare provider who will evaluate the individual's specific condition and the most appropriate treatment options. The majority of patients experience a reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life after the procedure, with any side effects generally being temporary.

What is the process by which the liver burns up alcohol that has been consumed?

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Asked by Wiki User

How long does it take for alchohol to be processed by the liver?

What are the side effects of coffee consumption?

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Asked by Wiki User

There many effects of coffee on your body some of which are harmful. Coffee acts as a laxative and helps the body to absorb vital vitamins, it may also raise the blood pressure cause incontinence among other things.

Is there scientific evidence that proves for every cigarette you smoke a minute is taken off of your life?

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Asked by Wiki User

My stop smoking worker told me that smoking one cigarette takes 5 minutes off your life. But if you are only young, then you can become healthy again fast, unlike somebody that has been smoking for 30 years.

smoking has over 4000 deadly chemicals in one smoke. some include nail polish remover, dust from a factory floor, and even carbon monoxide that if you breath in enough times it makes you sleepy and kills you in your sleep by seeping into your heart and painfully shuts it down :(

What side effect will salt give you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sodium chloride applications

- seasoning for foods

- preservative for foods

- preparation of sodium, chlorine, sodium hydroxide

- roads deicing

- soaps fabrication


Does beer thin your blood?

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Asked by Wiki User

my doctor says, if over 40, never, never eat a green vegatable, green beans, asparaqus, brocolli, peas all are high in blood clotting agents and do more harm than good, he also suggest 3 ounces of alchol before bed, he suggest a straight kentucky bourbon or a scotch whiskey, he says beer wont work, and to avoid gin due to the junniper beeries its made with as they sometimes give allergy affects, he's advise is straight whiskey(bourbon) not blended(crown, canadian mist, etc) or single malt scotch, my blood has thinned alot on this program, especially not eating any green veggies. its working for me, and its sure better than that darn rat poision they prescribe you to thin your blood

Can glutathione cause side effects?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are no known side effects from oral glutathione, except empty wallet syndrome.

For a list of the known side effects, for proven methods to raise glutathione, please consult the related link..

What is the side effect of hastmaithun?

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Asked by Wiki User

hastmathun se nuses dili pad jati hai aur josh kam hone lagta hai

Can you take triphala every day without side effects?

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Asked by Wiki User

either I take 1 glass of water or 3 glasses of water, I go to urine very frequently after every 15 min? Is everything all right in me.

Can the energy pill yellow jacket make you come up hot on a drug test?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is possible that if your Yellow Jacket pills are not the ephedra-free form, your test will come up dirty. But unless you have the form of YJs that the FDA banned and took off the market awhile ago, or took a great deal of the YJs still containing ephedra today to match the amount of ephedra that the old pills contained, then your chances of coming up dirty aren't likely. But it is possible.

Anti-depressant with the least sexual side effects?

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Asked by Wiki User

No anti-depressant is known to have minimum side-effects for everybody as far as I am aware. We all seem to have different body chemistries which react differently with each AD. It is, unfortunately, a matter of experimentation to find the AD which works best, or at least with tolerable side-effects, for the person taking them. Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost confidence that for any individual, there is an AD which will have minimum side-effects and provide relief of the symptoms of depression. It is also possible that one of the other techniques available (non-medicinal) will prove effective. I base my words on my own experience and from reading the symptoms of many depressed people who write on the web at help sites. I am not medically qualified; just an ex-depressed person who needed medication and was prepared to try many tablet types before finding one which worked for me. Being a patient patient and having an understanding doctor who listens to your reports of bad side-effects and is prepared to try a new drug possibly several times is the surest way to resolving depressive episodes.

What type of medication causes the death of bacteria?

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Asked by Wiki User

Antibiotics are medications that kill bacteria.

What are the side effects of rifampin?

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Asked by GaleEncyofMedicine

Rifabutin and rifampin will make saliva, sweat, tears, urine, feces, and skin turn reddish orange to reddish brown. This is nothing to worry about. However, the discolored tears may permanently stain soft contact lenses

What are side effects after a thyroidectomy regarding a persons mental state?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hoarseness or voice loss may develop if the recurrent laryngeal nerve was injured or destroyed during the operation. This is more apt to occur in patients who have large goiters or cancerous tumors.

What are the side effects of chick peas?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you eat too much

and some people are allergic to it, so decide urself

What are the side effects of Embrel?

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Asked by Wiki User

The medication Embrel has many side effects listed. Cancer, blood problems, nervous system problems, Hepatitis B, heart failure, allergic reactions, autoimmune reactions (lupus like), and risk of infection. When considering this and other medications it's best to discuss all health related issues with a medical professional to weigh the risk verses benefit factors.

What side effects do you get from using cannibas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Due to government and propaganda, and the drug war, and the DEA, and ridiculous programs such as DARE many people such as yourself are inclined to believe that what information the government relays to you through their "studies" marijuana is a harmful and dangerous substance with many negative side effects. Marijuana has generally NO side effects (other than that pesky cough. Yet the government has claimed to the public for centuries that marijuana destroys brain cells, causes heart problems, and cancer. At best marijuana MAY destroy some brain cells, but that is a risk accepted when consuming any mind altering substance. Don't take their word for it, but don't take mine either. Educate yourself about marijuana through your own studies. I hope you can easily burn one when you're finished and say marijuana is the least harmful drug known to man. (Because it is)