


Weight and Mass

Weight and mass are two commonly misunderstood terms in fluid mechanics and mechanics. Weight is the measurement of the gravitational force on an object, while mass is the measurement of the amount of matter in an object.

500 Questions

If you are 120 pound what is that in kilo?

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If you weigh 120 pounds, that is equivalent to approximately 54.5 kilograms.

What is the Average Weight for a 5 foot 9 inch Man who is 51 years old?

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The average weight for a 5 foot 9 inch man is around 170-200 pounds. However, weight can vary greatly based on factors such as muscle mass and body composition. It is recommended to speak to a healthcare professional for personalized advice on weight management.

What is the average weight of 5 foot 3 inches woman of fifty years?

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The average weight for a woman who is 5 feet 3 inches tall and 50 years old can vary based on factors like muscle mass and body composition. However, a healthy weight range for someone with those characteristics is typically around 118-159 pounds. It's important to focus on overall health and well-being rather than just weight alone.

How many onces is 100 grams?

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100 grams is equivalent to approximately 3.5 ounces.

What is the ideal weight of women at age of 52 having height 4.9 feet?

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The ideal weight for a woman at the age of 52 with a height of 4.9 feet would depend on various factors such as body composition, muscle mass, and overall health. A general guideline can be to aim for a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9, which would typically correspond to a weight range of approximately 94-128 pounds for a height of 4.9 feet. It's essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine a healthy weight goal specific to individual needs and factors.

How much should you weigh if your 5 feet 2 inches?

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A healthy weight range for someone who is 5 feet 2 inches tall is typically between 101-136 pounds. However, it's important to remember that factors such as muscle mass, body composition, and overall health can also impact what is considered a healthy weight for an individual. It's best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

How many grams are in 1 liter of suncream?

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The weight of 1 liter of sunscreen depends on its density. The density of sunscreen typically ranges from 0.7 to 1.2 g/ml, so 1 liter (1000 ml) of sunscreen would weigh between 700 to 1200 grams.

How many kilograms is 89 pounds?

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195.8 pounds
First take the weight in kilograms and simply multiply it by 2.2. This would give you the answer in pounds. So in this case the answer is 196.2 pounds.
Answer: 89 kg = 196.211 lb

OR 196 lb and 3.38 oz

Average weight for a 14 year old male that is 176 cm tall?

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The average weight for a 14-year-old male who is 176 cm tall is typically around 63-70 kg. However, individual weight can vary depending on factors such as muscle mass, body composition, and overall health. It is always best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

How much weight can concrete hold before breaking?

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The weight that concrete can hold before breaking depends on factors such as its composition, thickness, and the conditions it is exposed to. On average, concrete can typically withstand compressive strengths ranging from 3,000 to 7,000 pounds per square inch (psi) before failing. However, it is important to consult with a structural engineer to determine the specific load-bearing capacity for your particular application.

Which is more 12002 pounds or 6 tons?

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12,002 pounds is more than 6 tons by 2 pounds. That is because 12,000 pounds is 6 tons already.

Is 3 grams of cocaine considered a felony?

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The classification of a drug offense as a felony varies by jurisdiction. In many places, possession of 3 grams of cocaine would likely lead to felony charges due to its illegal nature and potential for harm. It's important to consult with a legal professional familiar with the laws in your area for accurate information.

Who long will you get put in jail for 28 grams of meth?

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The length of a jail sentence for possessing 28 grams of meth varies depending on factors such as the specific laws of the jurisdiction, prior criminal history, and other circumstances of the case. In general, possessing that amount of meth can result in significant jail time, possibly ranging from a few years to a decade or more.

What is more 19997 pounds or 10 tons?

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The answer is ten tons because ten tons is equal to 20000 pounds.

How do you convert cubic feet to lbs?

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You cannot convert cubic feet (volume) to lbs. (weight) without specifying the material, and particularly the density of the material.


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How much is 51500 kg in kN?

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'N' is a Newton , which is a unit of FORCE. So for mass in Kg you need to know the Acceleration .

F(N) = mass(kg X Acceleration (m/s^2) .

The 'k' in kN only refers to 'thousands of Newtons.

Assuming you are on the Earth's surface, then gravitational acceleration is ~ 10 m/s^(2)

So substituting

Force(N) = 51500 kg X 10 m/s^(2) =

Force(N) = 515000 N

Force in kN - 515 kN .

How many pounds in a 7 ounces?

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Remember there are 16 ozs. in 1 lb(pound)

So 7 oz is 7/16 lbs = 0.4375lbs.

What is the mass of a 90000 kg whale turned into grams?

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90,000 kg in grams is 90,000,000 ( ninety million# grams)


90,000 kg in tonnes is 90 tonnes.

How much does 1 brick of heroin weight?

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top answer from Wiki User is wrong wrong wrong. a single bag (10 in a bun) should weigh .1g each, equaling a total of a 1 gram for the total. A brick, therefore, is 5 grams (generally priced between 3 and 4 hundo). but with fentanyl in the game? pft... get some testing strips before you kill yourself. you shoot .1g of uncut fentanyl it'll 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 your life up if not end it completely

How much does a 20 of cocaine weight?

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Between 1.5 and .3 g. Of course this is all dependent upon the area you live in. Prices can vary greatly.

How much is 1 kg of gold?

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One Kilogram of gold weighs 1 kilogram

However if you convert it to other systems it is:

32.1507 Troy ounces, which is the measure for precious metals

or 35.274 ounces in the system we use for weighing vegetables.

1 tola gold equals to how many grams?

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The tola is a unit of weight used in India and Pakistan that is equal to the weight of a silver rupee, 180 grains troy.

1 grain troy = 0.0648 grams

1 tola in India weighs 11.664 grams (180 X 0.0648).or i tola =11.6638 grams

1 tola in Pakistan weighs 12.5 grams

How much is 3 kilos in pounds?

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3 kilos is 6.61 pounds.