


Business Ethics

Also called corporate ethics, business ethics is a form of professional ethics or applied ethics that looks at ethical principles and ethical or moral problems arising in a business environment. It is relevant to the conduct of business organizations and individuals.

500 Questions

Difference between corporate sector and BPO'S?

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The corporate sector includes a variety of industries producing goods or services. BPOs specialize in outsourcing specific business functions to third-party providers, aiming for cost-effective solutions.

In not more than 200 words apply any 5 elements of communication to a specific context.?

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In a business setting, the elements of communication are crucial for effective collaboration and productivity. For example, in a team meeting, clarity is essential to ensure that each team member understands their role and responsibilities. Active listening is important to show respect for others' opinions and ideas, fostering a culture of open communication. Non-verbal cues such as body language and facial expressions can enhance the understanding of messages and build rapport among team members. Feedback allows for continuous improvement by providing constructive criticism and positive reinforcement. Finally, empathy plays a role in understanding the perspectives and feelings of others, promoting a supportive and harmonious work environment. By incorporating these elements into communication within a business context, organizations can improve teamwork, decision-making, and overall performance.

Who is Omar Dyer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Omar Dyer is a community activist in New Jersey. He ran for Governor in New Jersey in 2009--was challenged off the ballot for Governor, then won the case in court. He ran on the assembly ticket and mounted a Write / Type in Campaign for Governor, where he managed to get 61 write / type in votes. He's also run for Congress of the 13th district of New Jersey. In 2008, he was a grassroots organizer out of college and was a member of the student movement for Barack Obama: where he earned the title of New Jersey's Grassroots Finance Committee chairman. Which the organization was later disassembled after the democratic primary! Omar Dyer is currently promoting and working on his program: The Next Generation of Leaders Movement, plus he is also the Hudson County Chairman of a new young organization called (DYNO) Democratic Youth National Organization. And Omar Dyer is now mounting a campaign for Governor in 2013 in the state of New Jersey.

What does The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

This phrase emphasizes the importance of paying attention to nonverbal cues, emotions, and underlying messages during communication. It highlights the significance of understanding the silence, emotions, and intentions behind someone's words to fully grasp their message. Effective communication involves being attuned to both spoken and unspoken cues to ensure clear understanding and connection.

How are leadership theory and styles related to motivation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Leadership theory and styles can influence motivation by determining how a leader motivates and influences their team. Transformational leaders, for example, inspire and motivate followers by setting a vision and fostering commitment. On the other hand, autocratic leaders may use rewards or punishments to motivate their team, which can affect motivation levels differently. Different leadership styles can impact employee motivation in various ways.

How do you decide an appropriate span of management?

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The appropriate span of management is influenced by factors such as the complexity of tasks, skill level of employees, communication processes, and manager's experience. It is typically recommended to have a span of management that allows for effective supervision and communication without overwhelming the manager or leading to micromanagement. Generally, a span of management of around 5-10 direct reports is considered manageable.

I want to enhance my English communication skills which software can help me?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are several apps and software available that can help improve English communication skills, such as Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, and Babbel. These platforms offer interactive exercises, vocabulary building, pronunciation practice, and lessons on grammar and sentence structure to help enhance your English proficiency.

What is an example of induction?

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Asked by Wiki User

An example of induction is observing that the past five times you have drunk coffee in the morning, you felt more alert and focused. Therefore, you conclude that drinking coffee in the morning makes you feel more awake and attentive.

What does honesty mean?

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You mean "rigorous" honesty. Rigorous means "rigidly accurate; allowing no deviation from a standard;

How do you answer case study questions?

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Asked by Wiki User

When answering case study questions, it's important to thoroughly read and understand the case study provided. Focus on identifying the main issues or problems, analyze possible solutions or strategies, and support your answers with relevant data or evidence from the case study. Finally, present clear and logical recommendations or conclusions based on your analysis.

Is illegal behaviour same as ethical behaviour?

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No, illegal behavior refers to actions that violate laws, regulations, or rules, while unethical behavior involves actions that violate moral principles or standards. One can engage in behavior that is legal but unethical, and vice versa. It is important to uphold both legal and ethical standards in one's actions.

Which MBA focuses on social responsible entrepreneurship?

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All organizations should promote social responsibility, thus it is not a specialization that I am aware of, just because it is something that is included in most all MBA degrees and their specific areas. However, there are some colleges and universities that do have a specialization in Entrepreneurship.

What do you call an agreement made between differnent companies to charge the same amount for products?

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An agreement made between different companies to charge the same amount for products is called **price fixing**.

It is a type of anticompetitive practice that is illegal in most jurisdictions. Price fixing can be done either horizontally, between competitors, or vertically, between a manufacturer and its distributors or retailers.

Price fixing can have a number of negative consequences for consumers. It can lead to higher prices, less choice, and lower quality products. It can also stifle innovation and reduce economic growth.

Here are some examples of price fixing:

  • Two competing grocery stores agreeing to charge the same price for milk

  • A group of car manufacturers agreeing to set a minimum price for their vehicles

  • A book publisher agreeing with its retailers to set a minimum resale price for its books

Price fixing can be difficult to detect, but there are a number of red flags that can indicate that it is taking place. These include:

  • Identical prices for competing products

  • A lack of price competition

  • Refusal by suppliers to sell to retailers who discount their products

  • Industry-wide agreements on pricing policies

If you suspect that price fixing is taking place, you can report it to the relevant competition authority.

Note: It is important to note that price fixing is illegal in most jurisdictions, and companies that engage in it can face serious consequences, including fines and imprisonment.

What is the meaning of ethical behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

The work ethically means to work with one's ethics in mind. Since most humans eithics include telling the truth, keeping others in mind, and such, working ethically means to work with these qualities in mind.

What is the importance of human resources plan in an organization?

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  1. Compensation
    • One of HR's many roles is compensation. Without a competitive compensation package, a company will never be able to retain its most valuable workers, which can crimp innovation and performance. Compensation is mainly monetary, but even when budgets are tight, human resources can motivate workers with other rewards, like perks and benefits.

    Health and Safety
    • HR is also charged with ensuring the health and safety of employees. Safety refers to avoiding on-the-job hazards and injuries, while health is an umbrella term for physical and emotional wellness. Healthy workers not only are more productive and satisfied, but also reduce a company's medical insurance costs.

    • Not as many workers belong to unions today as in the past, but businesses still have a legal obligation to work with these organizations in good faith. HR is deeply involved in issues like contract negotiations. HR's role is to keep things running smoothly and have information on hand that can lead to compromise. This keeps animosity to a minimum and ensures good future relations with unions.

    Human Resource Development
    • HR takes on the role as trainer to new employees, giving them the information they need to be valuable additions to the company. It also works with existing employees to map out long-term career goals. Giving workers the feeling of empowerment and mobility helps them stay motivated and keeps them from looking to rival companies for promotions and other opportunities.

    • HR must work to ensure that a company always has the right number of employees, deployed in the positions that best utilize their talents. This means grooming employees to take on promotions, as well as actively looking to recruit new talent. The latter, known as human resource planning, is one of its most important functions, as it keeps a company abreast of a competitive job market and ensures that it will not fall behind on its goals due to lack of talent.

    Human Resource Planning
    • Human resource planning consists of pairing workers--both internal candidates and those outside the company--with future job openings. By always anticipating a company's staffing needs, HR can make transitions as quick as possible, so that companies do not fall behind while searching for the right person to fill an opening.

      First, HR must forecast a company's requirements: how many employees with what abilities it will need. Then, it must forecast availability: Do these people exist in the job market and how likely are they to join the company? By proactively analyzing a company's future workforce, HR can stay on top of labor trends. For example, if not enough college students are majoring in an area critical to a company's success, it should encourage more young people to consider the career path, while also actively stepping up campus recruiting to beat rivals to the top graduating talent.

Can a business owner refuse to serve a patron over the use of racial jokes?

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Any business owner reserves the right to refuse service to any customer for any reason.

This can be abused by business owners, but most business owners don't exercise this right unless the customer truly deserves.

It's the same as kicking someone off your property for trespassing if they do something while visiting you that you do not approve of. Business owners, obviously own the business, and many own the property that the business is on. Others may lease or rent the building/land but it is still their business. The customer is not necessarily always right. Business and companies used to be firm believers in this policy, but so many customers have adapted to abusing this policy just to get their way when, their actions/behavior are obviously unacceptable.

What are three companies takes a defensive stance in social responsibility?

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Asked by Wiki User

hospitals are one type of business that take a defensive stance.

What is the importance of netiquette in school?

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Asked by Wiki User

Netiquette at SchoolCyberspace has the potential to be a tremendous resource for students and teachers at all levels. The Internet was invented as a research tool, and it's been used at universities, especially by graduate students and professors, almost since its inception. Its use is now spreading downward to undergraduates, high school students, and even elementary schools.

And new uses pop up every day. There's a discussion group that functions as a support group for first-year teachers. Other discussion groups allow teachers in the same discipline to exchange ideas and teaching methods. At Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, California, there's a class devoted solely to the Internet. College teachers encourage their students to do their research on the net.

Unfortunately, all this new net traffic can present problems. The Internet was designed for use by adult computer experts, not novices and children. Children, of course, rapidly become computer experts. But the openness of the Internet, which makes it so useful to all users, can also be problematic in several situations. Adults worry that children in the midst of more or less innocent net surfing may stumble across adult material not meant for their eyes. And novices can bombard experts with basic questions (violating Netiquette Rule 4, Respect other people's time).

What is the importance of ethics?

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Asked by Wiki User

Ethics are the set of moral principles and values. it sensitize us to moral issues faced in the workplace. we know that engineering profession can affect public safety. it can make dangerous mistakes. ethics learning is important for not to make those mistakes. it helps one to learn to avoid issues before they arise and recognize that they are grey areas governing our behaviours.

How do ethics relate to legal systems?

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Asked by Tweis10

Ethical behaviour is determined by an individuals context ie their background beliefs, values and morals. Large groups of individuals can then work together to make these behaviours the legal standard which means that if one individual does not act in this way, they are able to be sanctioned either via fines or imprisonment etc. In effect, what was a personal choice becomes a governing rule with an associated punishment to act as a deterrent.

When advertisement become immoral?

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Asked by Wiki User

advertisement become immoral when it tries to manipulate, deceive and impose uncertainties of the product they advertise to the consumers who are only interest is to buy a particular product...