


Market Research

A very important element of business strategy, market research is an organized effort to collect information about markets or customers. It is an important factor to get advantage over rivals, providing significant information to analyze and identify the market need and size and competition.

500 Questions

What do you learn from carrying out secondary research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Carrying out secondary research allows you to gather existing data, information, and findings related to your topic. This helps you to understand the current knowledge available, identify gaps in research, and build upon existing insights to inform your own work. It also provides context and background that can support your analysis and decision-making.

What is the different between marketing information system and marketing research?

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Asked by Wiki User

A marketing information system is a continuous process of collecting, analyzing, and distributing data relevant to marketing decision-making within a company. Marketing research, on the other hand, involves specific studies conducted to gather information on market trends, customer preferences, and competitor analysis to help in making strategic marketing decisions. In essence, marketing research is a component of a marketing information system.

How do you know you have validated a research study based on data gathered from primary and secondary sources?

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Asked by Wiki User

To validate a research study based on data from primary and secondary sources, you can compare the findings from both sources to check for consistency and coherence. Ensure that the data aligns with the research objectives and hypotheses. Additionally, cross-referencing the data with existing literature or consulting with experts in the field can help validate the study's findings.

What are the three theories of low involvement consumer behavior include?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three theories of low involvement consumer behavior are the Peripheral Route Theory, the ELM (Elaboration Likelihood Model), and the Heuristic-Systematic Model. These theories explain how consumers make decisions when they are not highly motivated to process information extensively.

What is primary and external research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primary research involves collecting data directly from original sources through methods like surveys, interviews, or experiments. External research, on the other hand, involves gathering information from existing sources such as published articles, reports, or databases. Both types of research play a crucial role in informing decision-making and analysis in various fields.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using ict in presenting marketing research report?

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Asked by Wiki User


  1. Allows for interactive and engaging presentations with multimedia elements.
  2. Enables easy sharing and distribution of reports electronically.
  3. Provides the opportunity for real-time updates and modifications to the report.


  1. Potential technical issues or compatibility problems with different devices.
  2. May require additional time and resources to create digital presentations.
  3. Security concerns in sharing sensitive marketing research data electronically.

Is research paper a brief report of research work based on both primary and secondary data?

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Asked by Wiki User

A research paper is a detailed and formal document that presents the results of a study or investigation. It typically includes an introduction, research methodology, results, discussion, and conclusions. Primary data is collected directly from research participants, while secondary data is obtained from existing sources, both of which can be used in research papers.

What is the sticker market like?

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Asked by Wiki User

The sticker market is a growing industry as more people use messaging apps that support stickers. There is a wide variety of sticker designs available, ranging from cute and funny to trendy and customizable. Many independent artists and designers create and sell their own sticker packs online.

What does the survey method of marketing research design entail?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The survey method in marketing research involves collecting data by asking individuals a series of questions about their preferences, behaviors, opinions, or experiences. Surveys can be conducted through various means such as online questionnaires, telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, or mail-in surveys. The results of the survey are then analyzed to gain insights into consumer behavior and attitudes, helping businesses make informed decisions in their marketing strategies.

Statement that most accurately applies to online source of market research information?

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Asked by Wiki User

Online sources of market research information provide quick and convenient access to a wide range of data and insights on consumer behavior, industry trends, and competitors. However, it's important to verify the credibility and reliability of the sources to ensure the accuracy of the information. Conducting thorough research and cross-referencing multiple sources can help in making well-informed decisions based on online market research data.

What is a course evaluation questionnaire CEQ and what is its purpose?

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Asked by Wiki User

A course evaluation questionnaire (CEQ) is a survey given to students at the end of a course to gather feedback on their learning experience. Its purpose is to assess the effectiveness of the course, the instructor's teaching methods, and the overall learning environment. This feedback helps instructors and institutions make improvements for future courses.

What are the advantages of desk research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Desk research is cost-effective, as it does not involve fieldwork or data collection expenses. It can also be conducted quickly and efficiently using existing resources such as online databases and published materials. Additionally, desk research allows for a wide range of information to be gathered from various sources without geographical constraints.

Explain the scope and methodology of operational research with an example?

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Asked by Wiki User

Operational research involves using mathematical models to make better decisions in complex situations. The scope includes optimization, simulation, and decision analysis. Methodology involves problem formulation, data collection, model building, solution, and implementation.

For example, in supply chain management, operational research can be used to determine the most cost-effective inventory levels and distribution strategies to meet customer demand while minimizing costs.

What general types of information would you include in the questionnaire?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a questionnaire, you would include questions related to demographics (age, gender, location), preferences, opinions, experiences, behaviors, and any other specific information you want to collect for your study or research.

Statement that most accurately applies to online sources of market research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Online sources of market research can provide valuable and up-to-date information on consumer preferences, trends, and competitive landscapes. It is essential to critically evaluate the credibility and reliability of these sources before making business decisions based on the information obtained. Combining information from multiple sources can help in gaining a comprehensive understanding of the market.

What are the uses and limitations of secondary research?

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Asked by LydiaDyett

Secondary research is useful for gathering existing data and information quickly and cost-effectively. It can provide insights into trends, market size, and competitive landscape. However, it may not always be up to date or relevant to the specific research objective, and the quality of the data can vary depending on its source.

Can data for one person be information for another person?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, data can be considered information for one person if it is relevant and meaningful to them. For example, a list of numbers may just be data to one person, but to another person who understands the context and can derive insights from it, it becomes information.

Explain the difference between primary data and secondary data give an example of each?

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Asked by Wiki User

Primary data is data collected firsthand, through surveys, interviews, experiments, etc. by the researcher, while secondary data is existing data that has already been collected by someone else. An example of primary data would be survey responses collected by a marketing team for a new product. An example of secondary data would be industry reports or census data obtained from a government website.

What is internal primary research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Internal primary research involves collecting and analyzing data that is specifically gathered by an organization for its own purposes. This can include surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations conducted by the company itself to gain insights relevant to its operations.

Which stage in information processing are learning strategies used to make incoming information more memorable by relating concepts and ideas to ideas already in memory?

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Asked by Wiki User

Learning strategies are used during the encoding stage of information processing to help make incoming information more memorable. This involves relating new concepts and ideas to existing ideas already stored in memory, which can enhance understanding and retention.

What are the three primary data gathering methods?

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Asked by Wiki User

The three primary data gathering methods are surveys, observations, and interviews. Surveys involve asking individuals a set of questions to collect information. Observations involve watching and recording behaviors or events. Interviews involve direct communication with individuals to gather data.

Focus group advantages?

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Asked by Wiki User

Focus groups allow for in-depth insights, exploration of underlying motivations, and spontaneous feedback from participants. They provide a platform for interactive discussions that can uncover rich qualitative data and enable participants to build on each other's ideas during the session.

Where do you go for the Discovery Girls questionnaire?

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Asked by Wiki User

You can typically find the Discovery Girls questionnaire on their website under the "Submit Your Story" or "Get Involved" section. Alternatively, you can check their magazine or social media platforms for any announcements regarding the questionnaire.

How has information technology affected international marketing research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Information technology has revolutionized international marketing research by providing access to vast amounts of data from various sources in real-time. It allows for more efficient data collection, analysis, and reporting, enabling marketers to make informed decisions quickly. Additionally, technology has made it easier to reach international markets, conduct surveys, and gather feedback from consumers all around the world.

Could you help me with what summer project i can do in textile industry regarding marketing i am an MBA student interested in textile field?

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Asked by Wiki User

One project idea could be to analyze the impact of social media marketing on consumer behavior in the textile industry. You could study how different platforms and strategies influence purchasing decisions and brand perception. Another idea could be to create a marketing plan for a sustainable textile product, examining consumer interest in eco-friendly options and how to effectively promote them. These projects would allow you to apply your marketing knowledge to the specific challenges and opportunities within the textile industry.