


Market Research

A very important element of business strategy, market research is an organized effort to collect information about markets or customers. It is an important factor to get advantage over rivals, providing significant information to analyze and identify the market need and size and competition.

500 Questions

What important demographic shift occurred in the 1950s?

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Asked by Wiki User

One important demographic shift that occurred in the 1950s was the post-World War II baby boom, a significant increase in birth rates in many Western countries. This led to a large generation of baby boomers who had a lasting impact on society and the economy.

How much money is being spent on dementia research?

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Asked by Wiki User

According to the World Health Organization, the estimated global cost of dementia in 2018 was around $1 trillion, including direct medical costs and societal costs. However, the amount specifically spent on dementia research varies by country and organization. In the US, the National Institutes of Health allocated over $2 billion for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias research in 2021.

What is the primary task of the congressional research service?

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Asked by Wiki User

The primary task of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) is to provide nonpartisan research and analysis to members of Congress on a wide range of issues. They produce reports, memoranda, and briefings to help inform lawmakers on policy matters to support their legislative decision-making.

What are the age groups on a questionnaire?

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Asked by Wiki User

Age groups on a questionnaire typically include categories such as: 0-17, 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+. These age ranges are commonly used to categorize survey respondents according to their age brackets for analysis and comparison purposes.

How does age affects consumer behavior?

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Asked by Wiki User

Age can influence consumer behavior by impacting preferences, needs, and spending habits. Younger consumers may be more open to trying new products and trends, while older consumers may prioritize quality and brand loyalty. Additionally, older consumers may have different financial situations and life experiences that shape their purchasing decisions.

How do you conduct a demographic study?

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Asked by Wiki User

To conduct a demographic study, start by defining your research questions and objectives. Collect data from reputable sources such as government census reports, surveys, and interviews. Analyze the data to identify trends and patterns within specific demographic groups, and draw conclusions based on your findings. Be sure to consider factors like age, gender, income, education, and geographic location.

What can be the SWOT analysis for a retirement home?

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Asked by Wiki User

Strengths: Experienced staff, prime location, quality amenities Weaknesses: Aging infrastructure, limited funding for renovations Opportunities: Increasing demand for retirement homes, potential for expansion and partnerships Threats: Competition from new facilities, changing healthcare regulations

Is consumer behavior more of a function of a person's age or generation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Consumer behavior can be influenced by both a person's age and generation. Age can impact factors like life stage and physical capability, while generation can shape values and attitudes based on shared experiences and historical events. Both play a role in understanding and predicting consumer behavior.

What is high-tech politics?

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Asked by Wiki User

High-tech politics refers to the use of technology, such as the internet and social media, to shape political processes and engage with citizens. It involves digital campaigning, online activism, and the use of data analytics to target and mobilize voters. High-tech politics has become increasingly important in modern political landscapes.

1What are the three most important things to notice about an opinion poll?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Sample size: Ensure the poll has a large enough sample size to be representative.
  2. Methodology: Pay attention to how the poll was conducted to understand potential biases.
  3. Margin of error: Recognize that results may have a margin of error and may not be precise.

Questionnaire for Middle Adulthood about life experience?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. What have been some of the most significant life events or milestones for you during middle adulthood?
  2. How have your priorities or goals evolved as you have aged?
  3. In what ways have your relationships with friends, family, or partners changed during middle adulthood?
  4. How have you navigated challenges or setbacks that have arisen during this stage of life?
  5. What advice would you give to younger individuals approaching middle adulthood based on your own experiences?

Explain the demographic segmentation based on age of the consumer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Demographic segmentation based on age involves categorizing consumers into different age groups, such as teenagers, young adults, middle-aged adults, and seniors. Marketers use this segmentation to target specific age groups with products and messages that are most relevant and appealing to them based on their stage in life, needs, preferences, and behaviors. This approach helps businesses tailor their marketing strategies to effectively reach and engage different age demographics.

Criteria for good research?

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Asked by Wiki User

Good research should be based on a clear research question, use reliable and valid data sources, employ appropriate research methods, and provide well-supported conclusions. It should also be transparent in its methods and findings, capable of being replicated by others, and contribute new knowledge to the field.

Who was The founder of modern polling?

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Asked by Wiki User

George Gallup is considered the founder of modern polling. He developed innovative techniques for conducting public opinion surveys and founded the American Institute of Public Opinion, which later became the Gallup Organization. Gallup's work revolutionized the field of survey research and made polling a standard tool for measuring public opinion.

When did the relationship era begin?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

The relationship era began in the early 20th century with the rise of modern dating practices and the shift towards more individual choice in selecting partners. This era marked a departure from traditional arranged marriages and gave individuals more agency in their romantic relationships.

What is London drugs SWOT analysis?

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Asked by Wiki User

London Drugs' SWOT analysis would likely focus on its strengths in offering a wide range of products, strong brand reputation in Canada, and strategic store locations. Its weaknesses may involve heavy reliance on the Canadian market and limited international presence. Opportunities could include expanding its online presence and diversifying its product offerings, while threats may involve competition from e-commerce giants and changing consumer preferences.

Questionnaire on causes of examination malpractices?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Lack of preparation and poor study habits
  2. Pressure to succeed and fear of failure
  3. Easy access to cheating methods and technology
  4. Inadequate supervision during exams.

What is the scope of marketing management?

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Asked by Wiki User

The scope of marketing management is broad and encompasses various activities and responsibilities aimed at achieving marketing objectives and driving business growth. The key aspects of the scope of marketing management include:

Market Research and Analysis: Understanding consumer behavior, market trends, competitor strategies, and market segmentation through detailed research and analysis.

Strategic Planning: Developing marketing strategies aligned with overall business objectives, including product positioning, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional activities.

Product and Service Management: Overseeing the development, pricing, and promotion of products and services to meet customer needs and maximize profitability.

Branding and Promotion: Creating and managing brand identity, executing advertising campaigns, public relations efforts, and digital marketing initiatives to build brand awareness and reputation.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implementing strategies to acquire, retain, and grow customer relationships through effective communication and customer-centric approaches.

Sales and Distribution Management: Collaborating with sales teams to optimize distribution channels, manage sales processes, and achieve revenue targets.

Marketing Analytics: Utilizing data and metrics to evaluate marketing performance, measure ROI, and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Digital Marketing: Leveraging online platforms and digital technologies for lead generation, customer engagement, and conversion optimization.

International and Global Marketing: Developing marketing strategies for international markets, considering cultural differences, regulatory requirements, and market dynamics.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Integrating ethical and sustainable practices into marketing strategies, aligning with corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives.

Overall, marketing management aims to create value for customers, drive business growth, and achieve organizational objectives through effective planning, implementation, and evaluation of marketing activities across diverse channels and markets. The scope of marketing management continues to evolve with advancements in technology, changes in consumer behavior, and shifts in global markets on exhibition stand builders Berlin, requiring marketers to adapt and innovate to stay competitive and relevant.

Is the quality of a product more important than branding?

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Asked by Wiki User

I wouldn't say that either is more important than the other being both are important to business success. What I will say is what should come first. Product development and refinement of that product to create quality should be the first strategy to a successful business.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Undifferentiated Marketing?

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Asked by Wiki User

What are the advantages and diadvantages of undifferenciated marketing strategy

Example of Behavioral Segmentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

Behavioral Segmentation is market segmentation based on certain consumer behavior characteristics, such as benefits sought by the consumer, the extent to which the product is consumed, brand loyalty, price sensitivity, and the ways in which the product is used.

For example: If a customer has been using the same brand of toothpaste for 12 years and has had no cavities in that time period, a small price increase will most likely mot be an issue to that customer.

Why is a marketing plan necessary?

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Asked by RolandGM

A marketing plan is essential for several reasons, providing a structured and strategic approach to guide businesses in achieving their marketing objectives. Here are some key reasons why a marketing plan is necessary:

Goal Alignment:

A marketing plan helps align marketing efforts with overall business goals and objectives. It ensures that marketing activities are directly contributing to the organization's mission and vision.

Strategic Direction:

A marketing plan outlines the strategies and tactics that will be employed to achieve specific marketing goals. It provides a roadmap for how marketing resources will be allocated and utilized.

Resource Allocation:

By detailing the marketing strategies and tactics, a marketing plan helps allocate resources effectively. This includes budget allocation, human resources, and time management, ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently to achieve the desired outcomes.

Target Audience Identification:

The plan helps in clearly defining the target audience for the products or services. This includes understanding their needs, preferences, and behaviors, allowing for more effective and targeted marketing campaigns.

Competitive Advantage:

Through market research and analysis, a marketing plan helps identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) in the market. This information is crucial for developing a competitive advantage and positioning the business effectively in the marketplace.

Risk Management:

A marketing plan allows businesses to anticipate and mitigate potential risks and challenges. By having a proactive approach to risk management, organizations can respond more effectively to unforeseen circumstances.

Consistency and Coordination:

It ensures consistency in messaging and branding across various marketing channels. A well-coordinated marketing plan helps create a unified and coherent brand image, fostering trust and recognition among the target audience.

Measurable Objectives:

A marketing plan includes measurable objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) that allow businesses to track and evaluate the success of their marketing efforts. This data-driven approach enables continuous improvement and optimization of marketing strategies.

Budgeting and ROI:

A marketing plan includes a budgetary component, outlining the costs associated with each marketing initiative. This helps in managing expenses, measuring return on investment (ROI), and ensuring that marketing activities are financially sustainable.


In a dynamic business environment, a marketing plan provides a framework that can be adapted and revised as needed. It allows businesses to respond to changes in the market, industry trends, or internal factors.

Communication and Collaboration:

A marketing plan serves as a communication tool, ensuring that all stakeholders, both internal and external, are on the same page regarding marketing objectives and strategies. It facilitates collaboration among different departments within the organization.

In summary, a marketing plan is a crucial tool for businesses to strategically approach their marketing efforts, align them with overall business goals, and achieve sustainable success in a competitive market. It provides a structured framework for decision-making, resource allocation, and performance measurement.

Four bases for effective segmentation?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the world of marketing and customer targeting, there are four main bases for effective segmentation:

Geographic: This divides your audience based on location. You can segment by continent, country, state, city, or even zip code. You can also consider factors like population size (urban, suburban, rural) to tailor your approach.

Demographic: This focuses on factual characteristics of your audience like age, income level, education level, occupation, and even family size. This can be a good starting point for understanding broad customer groups.

Psychographic: This dives deeper into the psychology of your target audience. It considers their values, interests, lifestyles, and personalities. This helps you understand what motivates them and what resonates with them emotionally.

Behavioral: This segmentation looks at how your audience actually interacts with your product or service. It considers factors like purchase history, usage patterns, and brand loyalty. This allows you to target customers based on their past actions and predict future behavior.

How are traditional and social marketing similar?

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Asked by EncofBizandFinance

Traditional marketing and social marketing both aim to promote products, services, or ideas to a target audience. They both involve strategic planning, communication, and engagement with customers or stakeholders. Both forms of marketing utilize various channels to reach their audience, such as print media, television, email, social media platforms, and more. Additionally, they both focus on building brand awareness, generating leads, and ultimately driving sales or desired actions. Despite differences in tactics and platforms, the fundamental goal of both traditional and social marketing is to effectively communicate messages and create value for the target audience.

What is the difference between telemarketing and direct mail marketing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Telemarketing and direct mail marketing are both methods of reaching out to potential customers directly, but they differ in their approach and reach. Here's a breakdown of the key differences:


  • **Telemarketing:** Uses phone calls to connect with potential customers. Sales representatives typically follow scripts or talking points to present offers or answer questions.

  • **Direct Mail Marketing:** Uses physical mail to reach potential customers. This can include brochures, postcards, catalogs, or personalized letters.


  • **Telemarketing:** Allows for immediate, two-way communication. Sales representatives can answer questions, address concerns, and potentially close deals during the call. It's a more personal approach.

  • **Direct Mail Marketing:** One-way communication. The message is delivered through the mailed piece, and the recipient may respond later if interested, usually through a phone number, website, or reply card.


  • **Telemarketing:** Can be somewhat personalized, as salespeople can tailor their pitch based on the recipient's response during the call.

  • **Direct Mail Marketing:** Can also be personalized using mailing lists with specific demographics or past purchase history. However, the level of personalization is often lower compared to telemarketing.


  • **Telemarketing:** Can be relatively expensive, especially considering the cost of hiring and training staff, phone lines, and potential low connection rates.

  • **Direct Mail Marketing:** Costs can vary depending on the design, printing, and postage, but it can be a more cost-effective way to reach a large audience, especially for geographically targeted campaigns.

Response Rates:

  • **Telemarketing:** Response rates can vary but are generally lower than traditional marketing methods due to potential customer resistance to cold calls.

  • **Direct Mail Marketing:** Response rates can also be low, but some studies suggest they may be slightly higher than telemarketing, especially for well-targeted campaigns.


  • **Telemarketing:** Works well for products or services that require more explanation or benefit from a personal touch. It can also be useful for gathering customer feedback or conducting surveys.

  • **Direct Mail Marketing:** Effective for promoting tangible products, special offers, or events. It can be a good way to reach customers who may not be easily reached online or who prefer physical mail.

In Conclusion:

  • Telemarketing allows for immediate, personalized communication but can be expensive and have low response rates.

  • Direct mail marketing is a more cost-effective way to reach a large audience but offers one-way communication and potentially lower response rates.

The best approach often involves a combination of marketing methods. You can use direct mail marketing to generate initial interest and then follow up with telemarketing calls to close the sale.