


Allegory and Simile

Includes questions related the use of symbolic representation and the comparison of unlike things.

500 Questions

What is a sentence that has the word ''fallacious'' in it?

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The belief that all politicians are inherently corrupt is fallacious, as there are many who work diligently for the public good.

Where did the simile as big as a school bus come from?

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The simile "as big as a school bus" likely originated from the actual size of a school bus, which is large and easily recognizable to most people. It is used to emphasize the impressive size or scale of something by comparing it to something familiar and easy to visualize.

Can you show me a list of similes about a library?

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ok heres one. as quit as a library

What are 5 examples of a chocolate simile?

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One simile is...

The smell of melting chocolate was like being reborn into a chocolate cake

What is a simile for as confusing as?

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As confused as being in a Maths lesson

What is a simile for imperialism?

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Imperialism is like the bully on the playground who dictates when and which groups are allowed to play, and maintains control by recruiting followers willing to help enforce those rules.

What is a simile for waves crashing against the sides of a ship?

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== "The waves crashing against the sides of a ship is like Poseidon's Fury."

== A simile is a comparison using "like" or "as." You can start any sentence with "The waves crashing against the ship were like ..." and then use your imagination. Some further examples:

"The waves were crashing against the ship like glass smattering on the floor."

"The waves crashed against the ship as a bull might smash into the walls of a barn."

The point is, you are making a comparison. If you want to compare the violence of such a thing, use comparisons that point out the violence. If you want to emphasize the sturdiness of the ship, use something different, like:

"The waves were crashing against the ship like a prisoner trying to batter down the walls of his cell."

What is a simile in chapters 3-5 in the book the true confessions of charlotte Doyle?

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In chapters 3-5 of "The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle," one example of a simile is when the storm is described as "like an army marching into battle." This comparison helps emphasize the intensity and power of the storm that Charlotte faces.

What is a simile in war horse the book?

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In "War Horse," a simile is used when describing how a horse's hooves sounded like drumbeats on the ground. This comparison helps create a vivid image of the horse's powerful and rhythmic movement.

Did the merchant's tale use any similes?

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No, "The Merchant's Tale" by Geoffrey Chaucer does not contain prominent similes, as it focuses more on the direct narrative and character interactions.

Why does jk Rowling use the simile a pile of red rubies as big as glowing coals?

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J.K. Rowling uses this simile to create a vivid image that conveys the intensity of the red rubies' color. By comparing the rubies to glowing coals, she emphasizes their brightness and warmth, adding depth to the description of whatever is being compared to them.

What 3 examples of evidence did the jury chose to ignore in to kill a mockingbird?

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the jury chose to ignore the lack of evidence presented against Tom Robinson, the credible testimonies of both Tom and Mayella Ewell, and the lack of physical evidence to support the plaintiff's claims. Despite these factors pointing towards Tom's innocence, racial prejudice and bias influenced the jury's decision.

What are ten examples of famine similes?

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  1. Hungry as a wolf
  2. Thin as a rail
  3. Weak as a kitten
  4. Starving like a beggar
  5. Gaunt as a skeleton
  6. Emaciated like a scarecrow
  7. Wasting away like a shadow
  8. Famished as a desert wanderer
  9. Ribs showing like a xylophone
  10. Hollow-eyed like a ghost

Was 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow' an allegory?

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Although "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" contains elements of allegory, such as representing the clash between rationality and superstition, it is primarily a Gothic tale with fantastical and supernatural elements. The story can be interpreted in various ways, but it is not strictly considered an allegory.

What is a short story with foreshadowing in it?

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In "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson, the author uses subtle clues to foreshadow the shocking ending of the story. Examples include the mentioning of the black box and the townspeople's nervousness before the lottery begins, hinting at the grim tradition that unfolds.

What similes are used in 'There Will Come Soft Rains' by Ray Bradbury?

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one is "At four o'clock the tables folded like great butterflies back through the paneled walls. "

What situation would writing an allegory most likely help an author stay out of trouble?

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Writing an allegory can help an author stay out of trouble when addressing controversial or sensitive topics by using symbolism and metaphor to convey the message subtly. This way, the author can discuss difficult themes without being overly explicit or directly offensive, reducing the risk of backlash or criticism.

The type of play that is usually an allegory is?

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The type of play that is usually an allegory is often categorized as a symbolic play that represents abstract ideas or moral principles through characters, actions, and events. Allegorical plays use symbolism to convey deeper meanings beyond the literal plot, making them rich in metaphor and allusion.

What is an example of a metaphor in Fahrenheit 451 before page 31?

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One example of a metaphor in Fahrenheit 451 before page 31 is the comparison of burning books to “pouring kerosene” on the mind of society, implying that the act of censorship destroys knowledge and intellectual growth.

What are 2 similes in chapter 9 from the book the westing game?

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On page there is a simile saying dead as a squashed June bug and rattling away on a moth-eaten Oriental rug. The other one would be on page 9 Angela Wexler stood on a hassock as still and blank0faced pretty as a store-window dummy.

What are 5 examples of similes on haunted house?

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  1. The haunted house was as dark as a moonless night.
  2. The creaking stairs sounded like a chorus of ghosts.
  3. The walls felt as cold as ice, sending shivers down my spine.
  4. The ghostly moans echoed through the halls like a haunting melody.
  5. The flickering candles cast shadows as twisted as the house itself.

What does ff stand for?

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It stands for Final Fantasy. Of course, there might be other definitions.

In reference to books, the notation means And Following. To be exact, following pages or (for the Bible) following verses.

What are some similes and metaphors in Coraline?

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Some similes in "Coraline" include "like a knife cutting through butter" and "as cold as ice." Metaphors include describing the Other Mother as a "spider with a sweet voice" and the Other World as a "beautiful, dangerous place disguised as something wonderful."