



Communication is how we send messages to each other. It can be wordless, like body language. It can be written like a letter or message. It can also be spoken. Communication is very different from one situation to another.

500 Questions

When using the Cornell system is the location in which your primary notes are made while you are listening or reading material?

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Yes, in the Cornell note-taking system, the primary notes are made in the main note-taking area while you are listening to or reading material. The system includes a specific format for documenting key points, questions, and a summary in an organized manner for later review and study.

Explain the relation between text and discourse?

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Text refers to written or spoken language with a specific structure and content, while discourse involves the broader context in which texts are created and interpreted, including the social, cultural, and historical factors that shape meaning. Discourse helps to understand the larger implications and influences on text, such as power dynamics, ideologies, and societal norms.

What part of the essay can be summative or evaluative?

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The conclusion of an essay is typically where summative or evaluative statements can be made. This is where you can provide an overall assessment of the topic discussed in the essay and summarize the key points made throughout.

Give a sentence with the word lamb?

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The shepherd led his flock of sheep, including the adorable lamb, back to the barn for the night.

How to write the title is worn of path by eudora welty...the parts of the essay are opening paragraph identifies work and author. 2nd thesis statement. 3rd-5th paragraph key symbols.lastly conclusion?

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Title: "The Path Less Traveled: Symbolism in 'A Worn Path' by Eudora Welty"

  1. In "A Worn Path" by Eudora Welty, the story of Phoenix Jackson's journey through the woods to receive medicine for her grandson unfolds in a symbolic and poignant manner.
  2. The thesis statement could focus on how Welty uses symbols like the worn path itself, the obstacles Phoenix faces, and the bird in the story to represent deeper themes of perseverance and love. 3-5. The body paragraphs can analyze these symbols in detail, discussing their significance and how they contribute to the overall meaning of the story.
  3. In the conclusion, summarize how the symbols in "A Worn Path" enhance the themes of resilience and sacrifice, leaving a lasting impact on readers.

Who are some well-known female theorists?

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Some well-known female theorists include Judith Butler in gender studies, bell hooks in feminist theory, and Donna Haraway in science and technology studies. These theorists have made significant contributions to their respective fields and have influenced academic discussions on various social and cultural issues.

What is informal style?

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Informal style refers to language that is casual, relaxed, and conversational. It includes slang, colloquialisms, and a more relaxed grammar structure compared to formal language. Informal style is often used in everyday conversations and informal written communication.

How do you write an essay on co-education?

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To write an essay on co-education, start by introducing the topic and providing background information on the concept of co-education. Then, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of co-education, providing examples and evidence to support your points. Conclude by summarizing your main arguments and offering your own perspective on the topic.

What is the scientific name for study of handwriting?

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Graphology is the pseudoscientific analysis of handwriting.

How does tion change a word?

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The suffix "-tion" usually changes a word into a noun form. It is commonly used to turn a verb into a noun denoting action or process, such as "create" becoming "creation." This suffix often signifies the result or outcome of the action described by the original verb.

What is a sentence for external?

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The external noise made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work.

When two people disagree on factual matter can they both be right?

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No, if two people are in disagreement about a factual matter, it is not possible for both of them to be right. Facts are objective and do not change based on individual beliefs or opinions. They are based on evidence and can be verified through research or observation.

Why use allusion?

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Allusion adds depth and meaning to a text by referencing other works, historical events, or cultural symbols that readers may be familiar with. It can help create connections, evoke emotions, and enrich the overall understanding of the message being conveyed.

What is correct What do you call or How do you call or is there a shift in meaning eg What do we call the people in France?

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All three phrasings are correct, but they may have slight differences in use and connotation. "What do you call" is more common for asking about the name or title of something, while "How do you call" can be used in a similar way but might suggest a method or process of naming. Both can be suitable when asking about the name of people in France.

What are reading methods?

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Reading methods are strategies or approaches that individuals use to comprehend and interpret written text. They can include techniques such as skimming, scanning, close reading, and summarizing. Different methods may be employed based on the purpose of reading and the complexity of the material.

What is a validity statement?

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A validity statement refers to a statement that indicates the accuracy and authenticity of a research study's findings, conclusions, or results. It helps to demonstrate that the study measured what it intended to measure and that the results are reliable and trustworthy.

What is format for communication?

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The format for communication can vary depending on the context, but generally includes a sender, a message, a channel through which the message is transmitted, a receiver, and feedback. It is important to consider factors such as clarity, tone, and audience when determining the appropriate format for communication.

What is a person who studies handwriting called?

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A person who studies handwriting is called a graphologist. Graphology is the analysis of the physical characteristics and patterns of handwriting to infer personality traits and psychological state.

When to use honor or honor?

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The spelling "honor" is typically used in American English, while "honour" is more common in British English. Choose the spelling based on the variety of English you are writing in or following a specific style guide.

Why is communication effective only when impressive vocabulary and correct grammar are used?

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Communication can be effective even without impressive vocabulary or perfect grammar. Clear and concise language that is easily understood by the audience is often more important than complex words or flawless grammar. Effective communication is about conveying your message in a way that is easily understood and connects with the recipient.

How do you use a statement sentnce using word licked?

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That kid licked that ice cream so fast, it was gone before we got back to the car.

What is being personified in the sentence The sun lay down behind the mountains?

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The sun is being spoken of as a person in this sentence. It's called and anthropomorphism. Obviously the sun doesn't lie down anywhere, and if you cross over the mountain you won't find it. It's a picturesque way of describing what a sunset looks like.

What is the format of a formal letter in Hindi?

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A formal letter in Hindi typically follows the format of a sender's address, date, recipient's address, subject line, salutation, main content, closing, and signature. The language used is formal and polite, with proper greetings and respectful tone throughout the letter. It is common to use titles such as "Shri" or "Smt" before the recipient's name for added formality.

The purpose of the dialectic method of discourse?

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The purpose of the dialectic method of discourse is to arrive at truth through a process of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. It involves a structured dialogue where conflicting ideas are discussed and resolved, leading to a deeper understanding of a topic.

Which of the following topics would lend itself only to a formal style of writing a Folk songs you have sung b psychological effects of nuclear weapons c how you lost 10 pounds d why living in the cou?

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b. The psychological effects of nuclear weapons would lend itself only to a formal style of writing, given the serious and scientific nature of the topic. Folk songs, weight loss, and living in the countryside could be approached in a more casual or informal style of writing.