


Ethics and Morality

Ethics is about what we should – and should not - do. It includes identification of basic principles, e.g. the prerogatives of property owners; and the application of those principles to actual situations, e.g. copyright protection of intellectual property over the Internet.

500 Questions

What are the political factors that influence the development of the code of ethics?

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Political factors that influence the development of a code of ethics may include government regulations, political ideologies, lobbying efforts by interest groups, and the influence of political stakeholders. These factors can shape the values, principles, and standards included in the code of ethics to align with prevailing political interests and agendas.

What is bribery with reference to professional ethics?

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Bribery in professional ethics refers to the act of offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting something of value in exchange for influencing the actions of an individual in a position of authority. It undermines the integrity of the professional relationship and can lead to ethical violations, conflicts of interest, and legal consequences. Professionals are expected to uphold high ethical standards by refraining from engaging in bribery.

What practices that support equality and inclusion will reduce the likelihood of discrimination in the setting of an elderly persons care home?

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Implementing diversity training for staff, promoting a culture of inclusivity and respect, fostering opportunities for intergenerational activities, and actively addressing any discriminatory behavior or attitudes will help reduce the likelihood of discrimination in an elderly care home setting. Creating policies that promote equality, providing resources for cultural competence, and involving residents in decision-making processes can also contribute to a more inclusive environment.

What are three actions launcelot's that are worthy of a chivalric hero?

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Three actions of Lancelot that showcase his chivalric heroism include his unwavering loyalty to King Arthur, his exceptional skill in battle that allows him to protect the innocent, and his commitment to upholding the principles of courtly love in his relationship with Queen Guinevere.

Identify at least three sources of professional values and ethics?

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  1. Professional codes of ethics established by professional organizations or regulatory bodies.
  2. Legal regulations and requirements governing professional conduct in the industry.
  3. Organizational policies and procedures that outline expected behavior and conduct for employees.

Why are Americans becoming more and more 'unemployed' and 'homeless' and even more 'Familyless'?

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Rising unemployment can be due to factors like shifts in industries, economic downturns, or automation displacing workers. Homelessness can stem from a lack of affordable housing, mental health issues, or substance abuse. The breakdown of family ties may be influenced by societal changes, economic strain, or individual circumstances. Addressing these issues requires comprehensive solutions that tackle root causes such as providing access to education and job opportunities, affordable housing, and social support systems.

Bribery of foreign government officials is both ethical and legal issue?

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Bribery of foreign government officials is unethical and illegal. It undermines fair competition, distorts markets, and erodes trust in institutions. Many countries have laws in place, such as the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the US, to prohibit bribery of foreign officials.

Identify some of the ethical dilemmas faced by these organizations?

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  1. Tech companies: balancing user privacy with data collection for targeted advertising.
  2. Pharmaceutical companies: setting drug prices to balance profit with accessibility for patients.
  3. Financial institutions: managing conflicts of interest in investment decisions to prioritize client welfare.
  4. Food manufacturers: deciding whether to prioritize healthiness or taste in product development.

The difference between ethics and anthropology is that the one tries to discover what people should do while the other is?

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focused on studying what people actually do, their behaviors, cultures, and societies. Ethics is concerned with moral principles and values that guide individual and societal behavior, while anthropology examines human cultures, societies, and behaviors through the lens of observation and analysis.

What are the three racial categories?

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1. Fabricated

2. Invented

3. Socially constructed.

Race has no legitimate biological basis, and any attempt to arbitrarily categorize people based on perceived skin color, eye shape, or any other factor is bound to fail. There's no such thing as race.

Another answer:

superior to other cultures.

Who is tajik in The Kite Runner?

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In "The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini, Tajik refers to a member of the Tajik ethnic group in Afghanistan. One of the main characters, Baba, is a Pashtun, while Hassan, his son's loyal friend and servant, is half-Hazara and half-Tajik. The distinctions between the ethnic groups play a significant role in the novel's themes of social class, discrimination, and loyalty.

What is morality of fame?

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The morality of fame relates to the ethical considerations surrounding how individuals attain, use, and respond to fame. It raises questions about the impacts of fame on personal values, social relationships, responsibilities to fans, and how fame is obtained (e.g., through ethical versus unethical means). The moral implications of fame may vary depending on factors such as authenticity, integrity, and the impact on others.

What type of reasoning does the author use in Lifeboat Ethics by Garrett Hardin?

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Garrett Hardin uses utilitarian reasoning in "Lifeboat Ethics" to argue that wealthy nations should prioritize their own citizens' needs over helping people from other countries. He compares the world to a lifeboat with limited resources, advocating for strict immigration policies and a focus on sustainability.

Personal satisfaction gained from consumption?

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Personal satisfaction from consumption can come from a variety of factors such as meeting a need or desire, enjoying a pleasurable experience, or achieving a sense of status or identity. It is subjective and can vary from person to person based on their unique preferences and values.

Why would a christian author write a poem about a pagan hero?

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A Christian author may write a poem about a pagan hero to showcase universal themes of virtue, heroism, or redemption that transcend religious boundaries. It may serve as a way to bridge different belief systems and offer a moral lesson that resonates with a wider audience. Additionally, by exploring the story of a pagan hero, the author may seek to highlight the complexity and richness of human experiences and values.

What are three ways Beowulf is ethical?

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Beowulf is ethical in the way he went to Hrothgar and asked for permission to kill Grendel. Another ways is when he instead of winning the swimming match with Brecca, Beowulf fight the sea monsters and cleans out the seas. A third way Beowulf is ethical is that Beowulf is merciful of Unferth, because Beowulf know that Unferth is drunk when he called Beowulf's victories luck.

What are the importance of values?

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Values guide our behavior and decision-making, helping us to prioritize what is important to us. They provide a sense of purpose and identity, and influence our relationships with others. Living in alignment with our values can lead to greater fulfillment and well-being.

What is the moral to the book sounder?

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The moral of "Sounder" is about the strength that comes from perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. It underscores the power of love, loyalty, and family bonds in overcoming hardships and finding hope in difficult circumstances.

What the difference between civics and ethics?

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Civics deals with the rights and responsibilities of citizens in a society, focusing on how government functions and how individuals can participate in the community. Ethics, on the other hand, refers to moral principles that guide behavior and decision-making, focusing on what is considered right or wrong in a given situation.

What is the name of the historic oath that still forms the ideal of medical behavior and is the basis for the AMA code of ethics?

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The historic oath is called the Hippocratic Oath. It is a traditional code of ethics attributed to the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates and is considered a foundation of medical ethics and conduct.

What is a Different cultural backgrounds?

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Different cultural backgrounds refer to the distinct beliefs, traditions, customs, and values that are unique to various groups of people based on factors such as ethnicity, nationality, religion, or socio-economic status. These backgrounds influence the way individuals perceive and interact with the world around them, shaping their behaviors and relationships with others. Understanding and respecting different cultural backgrounds is essential for promoting diversity, inclusion, and mutual understanding in society.

Are laws necessary to govern ethical treatment of employees?

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Yes, laws are necessary to establish a minimum standard for ethical treatment of employees. Laws provide a framework to protect employees from exploitation and abuse, ensure fair practices within the workplace, and hold employers accountable for their actions. While laws set the foundation for ethical treatment, organizations should also strive to go above and beyond legal requirements to create a positive and supportive work environment for their employees.

How long is a 200 to 300 word essay?

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A 200 to 300 word essay typically consists of approximately one to one and a half pages of double-spaced text. This length allows for a concise yet focused discussion of a topic, providing enough room for an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. It is important to adhere to the word count requirement while ensuring that all key points are addressed effectively within the limited space.

What ethical code of conduct does Buddhism promote?

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Buddhism promotes ethical conduct through the Five Precepts, which include abstaining from killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, and intoxicants. These guidelines aim to cultivate moral behavior, compassion, and mindfulness in one's actions. Practicing these precepts is believed to lead to a more peaceful and ethical way of living.

What are the components of an ethical code of conduct?

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An ethical code of conduct typically includes principles, values, and guidelines that govern the behavior and actions of individuals within an organization. It often covers areas such as integrity, honesty, respect, fairness, accountability, and transparency. Additionally, it may outline specific rules and standards for addressing conflicts of interest, confidentiality, and compliance with laws and regulations.