


The Moon

The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth, and the only celestial body where humans have landed. It is approximately 384,403 kilometers (238,857 miles) away from the Earth, and has an approximate diameter of 3,476 kilometers (2,160 miles).

500 Questions

In what country is No Man's Land located in?

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Asked by Wiki User

No Man's Land is a term commonly used in war to refer to territory that is not controlled or claimed by any side involved in the conflict. It is not a specific location but rather a general concept found in various conflicts throughout history.

What are lowlands?

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Asked by Wiki User

Lowlands are areas of relatively low elevation, typically flat or gently rolling in terrain. They are often found near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, or oceans, and are important for agriculture and settlement due to their fertile soil and easy accessibility for transportation. Examples of lowlands include river valleys, coastal plains, and basins.

How long do PSYD programs take to complete?

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Asked by Wiki User

A Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) program typically takes around 4-6 years to complete, depending on the program structure, specialization, and whether a student is pursuing full-time or part-time study. This duration includes completing coursework, clinical training, and a dissertation or research project.

Which of emersons ideas do you think are true in the light of your own experience?

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Asked by Wiki User

Emerson's idea of self-reliance resonates with my experience, as I believe in the importance of trusting one's own instincts and abilities. The concept of individualism and the belief in the power of the individual to shape their own destiny also aligns with my personal beliefs. Additionally, Emerson's emphasis on the connection between nature and spirituality has been validated in my own life through the peace and inspiration I find in nature.

How hot or cold is Jupiter?

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Asked by Wiki User

Jupiter is a gas giant and does not have a solid surface to define a specific temperature. The outer atmosphere of Jupiter is extremely cold, but as you descend deeper into the planet, the temperatures rise to extreme levels due to the intense pressure and heat generated by gravitational forces.

Does the full moon drive people crazy?

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Asked by Veludo

Lunatic means "of the moon." The word lunatic actually means moon struck. Police forces all over the country man more police officers during a full moon. The craziness may not be permanent. Think how the moon affects the tides then consider you're about 80% water.

Can the executor sell a house that is in probate and willed to three people other than themselves even if three people do not want it sold?

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Asked by Wiki User

In general, the executor has the authority to sell a house in probate even if the beneficiaries do not want it sold. However, the executor must act in the best interest of the estate and follow any instructions in the will. If there is a disagreement among beneficiaries, they may need to seek legal counsel to resolve the matter.

Why do people act so weird online?

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Asked by LexyAdams

People may act differently online due to the anonymity the internet provides, making them feel less accountable for their words and actions. Additionally, the absence of face-to-face interactions can lead to miscommunication and misunderstandings, resulting in behaviors that may seem strange or awkward. Lastly, the vastness of the online world and the constant exposure to various opinions and perspectives can also influence people's behaviors.

Are there more prisoners in the US than lawyers?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there are more prisoners in the US than lawyers. According to statistics, the US has one of the highest incarceration rates in the world. While the exact number of lawyers in the US is not readily available, it is estimated to be over a million.

Are there more births during a full moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that more births occur during a full moon. Many studies have failed to find a correlation between lunar phases and birthing patterns. Factors like social, cultural, and environmental influences play a bigger role in when babies are born.

When does narcolepsy present?

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Asked by Wiki User

Narcolepsy typically presents in adolescence or early adulthood, although it can occur at any age. Symptoms may develop gradually over time or suddenly. Common signs include excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden loss of muscle tone (cataplexy), sleep paralysis, and hallucinations.

How does narcolepsy present?

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Asked by Wiki User

Narcolepsy typically presents with excessive daytime sleepiness, sudden loss of muscle tone (cataplexy), sleep paralysis, and hallucinations during falling asleep or waking up. It can also involve sudden sleep attacks or episodes of microsleep.

How many woman have been on the moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

No woman has ever been to the moon. The only people who have walked on the moon were male astronauts from the United States during the Apollo missions in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

What does the surface of the moon contain?

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Asked by Wiki User

The surface of the moon contains mainly dust, rocks, and craters. There are also areas with mountains, valleys, and large plains called maria, which are formed from ancient volcanic activity. Additionally, the moon's surface has no atmosphere, water, or organic material.

What is the average number of moons per planet?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average number of moons per planet in our solar system is roughly 2. moons, but this can vary significantly from planet to planet. For example, Saturn has the most moons with 82, while Mercury and Venus have none.

How many genocides has there been?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no exact number, but historians recognize numerous genocides throughout history. Some well-known examples include the Armenian Genocide, the Holocaust, the Rwandan Genocide, and the Bosnian Genocide. Each of these events resulted in the mass killings of targeted groups of people.

What conditions must exist for collective behavior to occur?

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Asked by Wiki User

For collective behavior to occur, there must be a sense of anonymity, where individuals feel less social accountability. There also needs to be a shared goal, belief, or emotion that unites the group. Additionally, there must be a trigger or catalyst that prompts individuals to come together and engage in the collective behavior.

Is teenage pregnancy decreasing or increasing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teenage pregnancy rates have been decreasing in many countries over the past few decades. Factors contributing to this decline include improved access to sex education, contraceptive methods, and greater social awareness. However, specific trends may vary by region and socio-economic factors.

Who is the skinniest person on earth?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no definitive answer to this question as body size and weight can vary greatly among individuals. It is also not appropriate to focus on or compare individuals based on their weight in this way.

What problems have to be solved before building permanent research stations on the moon?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some of the key problems that need to be solved before building permanent research stations on the moon include developing sustainable life support systems, creating radiation shielding for long-term human habitation, developing reliable communication systems in the lunar environment, and establishing efficient transportation methods for crew and supplies to the moon. Additionally, ensuring cost-effective and efficient construction technologies for lunar infrastructure is essential.

Is a survey required for a property settlement in Maryland?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a survey is not required for a property settlement in Maryland. However, it is commonly recommended to have a survey conducted to define the boundaries and identify any potential encroachments or discrepancies that may affect the property.

What is an American's average commute to work each day?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average American's commute to work is around 26.1 minutes one way, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This can vary depending on location and mode of transportation.

How many miles can a 1995 Ford Probe average in a lifetime?

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Asked by Wiki User

The average lifetime mileage for a 1995 Ford Probe is estimated to be around 150,000 to 200,000 miles. However, with proper maintenance and care, some vehicles have been known to exceed this range.

The study of the layers of earth that have been deposited over a long period of time?

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Asked by Wiki User

The study of the layers of the Earth that have been deposited over a long period of time is called stratigraphy. This field helps scientists understand the chronological order of rock layers and their composition, providing insight into the Earth's past environments and geologic history. Stratigraphy is crucial for interpreting the history of life on Earth and understanding past climate changes.

When did the Chicxulub impact crater occur?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Chicxulub impact crater was formed approximately 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period. This impact event is strongly associated with the mass extinction of the dinosaurs and many other species.