



A person having custody of a child exercises exclusive parental authority and responsibility over the child’s physical provisions, moral and emotional health, medical treatment, discipline, religion, property, control, and place of residence.

500 Questions

What does the aged parent like to read each night?

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Asked by Wiki User

The aged parent likes to read mystery novels each night before going to bed.

If you are trying to serve your daughter for temporary custody of her children and you have the court order but can't find your daughter can you go ahead and take the children if they aren't with her?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you should not take the children without knowing their whereabouts or without proper consent from their legal guardian. It is important to follow legal procedures and consult with authorities in such situations to ensure the safety and well-being of the children.

From the book The giver- Why would a parent call their child by their original birth number?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "The Giver," parents calling their child by their original birth number is a way to emphasize the sameness and lack of individuality within the community. It reinforces the idea of conformity and is a method of maintaining control over the citizens by erasing personal identity.

What is Edwards dad's name?

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Asked by Wiki User

his name is actually Edward if you are talking about his birth father In Breaking Dawn, when Bella is deciding what to name her child, she says she'll name it E.J. because she didn't think Edward would want his son named after his actual father

What do you say when people ask who is your child's father?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would typically share my child's father's name if it's a straightforward question. If it's a more personal or sensitive situation, I might choose to use discretion in my response and share that information only with those I feel comfortable with.

What is the illumination required for children's bedroom?

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Asked by Wiki User

The illumination required for a children's bedroom can vary depending on the activities taking place. Generally, a combination of ambient lighting, task lighting, and accent lighting is recommended to create a well-lit and inviting space. Consider using adjustable lighting options to cater to different needs, such as reading or playing.

How can you move to another state with shared custody the father has?

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Asked by Wiki User

Moving to another state with shared custody requires legal steps. First, review your custody agreement or court order to determine any restrictions or requirements for relocation. If there are none, consult with a family law attorney to understand the legal process in your jurisdiction. It may involve negotiating with the other parent or obtaining permission from the court to relocate. Compliance with applicable laws and court orders is crucial for a smooth transition when moving with shared custody.

Does a child at age 13 have to visit a parent with visitation rights in North Carolina?

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Asked by Wiki User

In North Carolina, a child at age 13 does not have the legal authority to refuse visitation with a parent who has court-ordered visitation rights. Visitation rights are typically determined by the court and are legally binding unless modified or revoked by the court.

Why should fathers not be held accounted for his child's success or failure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fathers should not solely be held accountable for their child's success or failure because parenting is a shared responsibility. The outcomes of a child's life are influenced by various factors, such as genetics, environment, education, and personal choices. Blaming or crediting only the father disregards the contributions of other individuals, including the mother, extended family, teachers, and the child themselves. It is more effective and fair to recognize the collective effort and support that shapes a child's development.

How can fathers be made to see their children?

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Asked by Wiki User

Fathers can be encouraged to see their children through open communication, collaboration, and a focus on the child's best interests. Providing support, resources, and programs that facilitate father involvement can also be effective. It's important to promote a positive and inclusive parenting culture that emphasizes the importance of fathers in their children's lives.

Do you have to have a DNA test to lagetimize a child?

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Asked by Wiki User

In many cases, a DNA test is not a legal requirement to legitimate a child. The process of legitimizing a child typically involves establishing legal paternity, which can be achieved through other means such as a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity or a court order. However, in some situations, such as when there is a dispute regarding paternity, a DNA test may be necessary to determine the biological father and establish legal rights and responsibilities. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional for specific guidance.

I'm paying child support for son- soon to stop-turned 18 -Courts are now forcing me to pay child support for my daughter to my ex although she lives with me-Do the courts have the right to do this?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am not a legal professional, but generally, child support is determined based on the financial needs of the child and the income of both parents. If the court has determined that your daughter is still in need of financial support despite living with you, they may have the authority to order you to pay child support. It may be beneficial to consult with a family law attorney to understand your specific situation and explore any available legal options.

If mom leaves state can the father push for sole custody?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, if the mother leaves the state without the consent of the father or court approval, the father may push for sole custody. He can argue that her decision to move without considering the best interests of the child demonstrates a lack of ability to provide a stable environment. The court will make a custody determination based on the best interests of the child.

I am 10 years old and I live with my mom. My dad wants custody over me. I don't want that. How do I tell him that without being mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

It's important to communicate your feelings honestly and respectfully to your dad. You can express your perspective by calmly explaining why you prefer to live with your mom at this time. It's important to emphasize that it's not about being mean, but about what you feel is best for you at the moment.

Is admitted drug use grounds for losing custody?

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Asked by Wiki User

The determination of custody is a complex legal matter that varies depending on jurisdiction and specific circumstances. Generally, drug use can have a negative impact on a person's ability to retain custody, particularly if it is deemed to endanger the child's welfare or safety. However, each case is evaluated on an individual basis, taking into account multiple factors such as the frequency and severity of drug use, the presence of a safe environment for the child, and the parent's ability to provide for their child's wellbeing.

How do you become a legal guardian in North Carolina if the mother is willing to give you guardianship?

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Asked by Wiki User

To become a legal guardian in North Carolina, you need to file a petition for guardianship with the clerk of court in the county where the child resides. The mother can voluntarily consent to the guardianship and sign a consent form. A hearing will then be set, where the court will review the case and determine if it is in the child's best interest for you to be appointed as the legal guardian.

What do you need to bring to courthouse for temporary custody?

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Asked by Wiki User

To bring to the courthouse for temporary custody, you typically need to have documents such as a completed temporary custody petition or motion, any supporting evidence or affidavits, identification documents, and any relevant court forms or paperwork that may be required. It's always a good idea to check with the courthouse or consult with an attorney to ensure you have all the necessary documents specific to your jurisdiction.

Can a non biological father give away his rights in new york state The child is 10 and the father is not the biological father. The real father has no rights.?

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Asked by Wiki User

In New York state, a non-biological father can voluntarily give up his parental rights through a legal process called "adoption by estoppel." This allows a non-biological father who has acted as the child's father to relinquish his rights and responsibilities. However, it is recommended to consult with a family law attorney to navigate the specific circumstances of your situation.

If a step parent remarries after death my mother can the kids contest a will?

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Asked by Wiki User

Whether or not the children can contest the will would depend on various factors, such as the specific laws in the relevant jurisdiction and the terms of the will. In some circumstances, children may have valid grounds to contest a will if they believe that they have been unfairly excluded or treated. It would be advisable to consult with a lawyer who specializes in estate law to evaluate the specific situation and determine the children's legal options.

If you have full custody can you take your daughter out of country?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you have full custody of your daughter, you may generally have the legal right to take her out of the country. However, it is important to review any provisions or restrictions pertaining to international travel in your custody agreement or court order. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with an attorney to ensure you are in compliance with all legal requirements and to address any potential concerns or issues.

What is considered unfit home?

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Asked by Sheenadiamond

An unfit home is typically one that does not meet the basic requirements for safety, cleanliness, and habitability. This can include conditions such as severe structural damage, lack of running water or electricity, presence of hazardous materials, unsanitary conditions, or overcrowding. It can vary based on specific local laws and regulations.

Can a parent receiving disability-SSI-get custody of their children?

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Yes, a parent receiving disability SSI can seek custody of their children. The court will consider the best interests of the child when making custody decisions, and the disability status of a parent alone does not prevent them from obtaining custody. The court will evaluate factors such as the parent's ability to care for the child and provide a stable environment.