



Marijuana is a drug made from the Cannabis sativa plant. Its mind-altering ingredient is called the “dronabinol,” a psychoactive substance. More than 400 other chemicals are found in the cannabis plant.

500 Questions

Is heather a weed?

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Asked by Wiki User

Heather is a type of plant that is not classified as a weed. It is a genus of evergreen shrubs or dwarf shrubs that typically grow in acidic soils in heathland, moorland, and acidic grasslands.

What age do people start smoking weed?

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Asked by Wiki User

People typically start using marijuana in their late teens to early twenties. The age may vary depending on factors such as availability, social influences, and personal preferences. It's important to note that the brain is still developing during these years, and using marijuana at a young age can have potential negative effects on brain development.

Can THC be detected in urine 30 days after smoking?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are a heavy daily smoker, yes, it can be detected in urine 30 days after quitting.

Death because of weed?

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It is extremely rare for someone to die directly from using cannabis. Usually, deaths associated with cannabis involve contributing factors like preexisting health conditions or accidents while under the influence. Consuming large amounts of cannabis can lead to adverse effects like severe anxiety or paranoia, but fatalities from marijuana alone are very uncommon.

Do girls like guys that smoke?

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Asked by Dpmm7

Preferences vary among individuals. While some women may not mind, others may find smoking unattractive due to health concerns, the smell of smoke, or personal values. It's important to be honest about your habits, as compatibility in lifestyle choices is crucial in a relationship.

How many teens use marijuana?

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Asked by Wiki User

In the United States, about 1 in 7 high school students report using marijuana in the past month, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse's Monitoring the Future survey. This percentage has remained relatively stable in recent years.

Why do teens smoke marijuana?

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Asked by Wiki User

Teens may smoke marijuana for various reasons, including social influence, curiosity, peer pressure, stress relief, or seeking emotional escape. It is important for teens to be educated on the potential risks and consequences of marijuana use at a young age.

Is smoking Marijuana at the age of 13-14 bad?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, smoking marijuana at such a young age can have negative effects on brain development and overall health. It can impair cognitive function, memory, and decision-making abilities, and increase the risk of developing mental health issues later in life. It is important to avoid using substances like marijuana during adolescence to support healthy brain development.

What newspaper baron was instrumental in promoting making marijuana use illegal?

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Asked by Wiki User

William Randolph Hearst, a newspaper magnate, was influential in promoting the criminalization of marijuana through sensationalized stories linking cannabis use to violence and Mexican immigrants. Hearst used his vast media empire to spread propaganda against marijuana in the 1930s, which helped shape public opinion and ultimately led to the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.

Why does 7 eleven sell weed magazines selling weed magazine is no different than selling drugs you are profiting off of drug industry and that is wrong do you not agree?

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Asked by Wiki User

7-Eleven stores typically sell a variety of products based on consumer demand. Selling weed magazines does not equate to selling drugs, as they are centered around information and culture rather than illicit substances. It is important to differentiate between legal activities such as selling magazines and illegal drug trafficking.

Can christians smoke weed-?

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Asked by Rauldavaloz0161

Christian beliefs on smoking weed can vary. Some Christians believe that marijuana use may be acceptable if used responsibly and in moderation, while others believe it is not in line with biblical teachings. It is advisable for individuals to reflect on their faith and seek guidance from their religious leaders when making decisions about marijuana use.

How long does it take for a heavy smoker to be THC free?

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Asked by Wiki User

To be completely clear of nicotine , about 10 years.

However, you will feel the benefit after about 30 days. If you get a whiff of tobacco smoke in that time you may react in two different ways ' 1' ; Oh!!! I'd like a smoke. or '2' Filthy habit ('holier than thou'.)

Nicotine is an addictive drug, so it takes a lot of will-power to stop. in order to break the addiction.

How do you get weed and ahcol out of your system?

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Asked by Wiki User

In time u must wait but u can try vinegar it may help faster to rid of it

How many people are sick from marijuana each year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Zero. To confine the death rate to each year is an understatement. Never, in the 5000 recorded years of cannabis usage, has there been a recorded death, sickness, etc. In fact, the plant is known to cure more illnesses than any other drug currently known.

How much weed do you have to injest to come up dirty?

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Asked by Wiki User

I don't know, but smoke any at all and you will get caught eventually. Don't think you can hide it! Don't smoke!

Is hybrid marijuana legal in Missouri?

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Asked by Wiki User

When it comes to marijuana, if it's any kind except medicinal, then it's illeagal.

Is it safe to smoke marijuana while on omeprazole?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have never had problems, in fact it seems to help the omeprazole take affect better for me, but everyone reacts different.

Yes, you can take Prilosec (omeprazole) with marijuana. You can also take all the other drugs in omeprazole's family, such as Nexium (esomeprazole), Prevacid (lansoprazole), Protonix (pantoprazole), Aciphex (rabeprazole) etc....

Can you take NyQuil and smoke pot at the same time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes of course you can smoke some weed while taking Nyquil just realize if you smoke some good cronic then your gonna be knocked out also if your sick and that's why your taking NyQuil its going to hurt your throat more then it already does.... But you'll sleep like a baby.

Is it safe to blow marijuana smoke in your ear?

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Asked by Wiki User

Will blowing marijuana smoke in the ear for an ear infection help

How many eighths in a half pound of marijuana?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are 128 eights in a pound of weed

Can marijuana help with vasectomy pain?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it is a pain reliever.

Can smoking cause brain cancer?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, there is a link between smoking and an increased risk of brain cancer. Smoking is a well-known risk factor for several types of cancer, including lung, mouth, throat, and esophageal cancer. While the relationship between smoking and brain cancer is not as strong as for other types of cancer, research has suggested that smoking may contribute to an elevated risk of developing brain cancer.

The carcinogenic substances found in tobacco smoke, such as nicotine, tar, and various chemicals, can enter the bloodstream and affect various parts of the body, including the brain. Over time, exposure to these harmful substances may increase the risk of brain cancer, particularly in long-term or heavy smokers.

It's important to emphasize that brain cancer is a complex disease with multiple risk factors, and smoking is just one of them.

Does marijuana have an effect on novamoxin?

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Asked by Wiki User

I have a prescription for novamoxin, and I'm going to get baked tonight and play video games. I will let you know if I die or not.

What states in the United States of America still consider marijuana illegal?

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Asked by Wiki User

In four states — Idaho, Kansas, South Carolina and Wyoming — marijuana is fully illegal, according to DISA Global Solutions, a drug testing company.