



Hydrocarbons include Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Aromatic and Alicyclic compounds.

500 Questions

Is hexane polar or non polar?

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Hexane is nonpolar. It consists of carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together in a linear structure, resulting in a symmetrical distribution of electron density and no permanent dipole moment.

What are the end products of burning propane assuming 100-percent efficiency?

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Water and Carbon dioxide.

Here is the Balanced combustion eq'n.

CH3CH2CH3 + 5O2 = 4H2O + 3CO2

Is CCL4 hydrocarbon and organic componud?

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Yes!!! Because it contains CARBOB . All organic chemistry is based on carbon compounds.

CCl4 is 'Tetrachloromethan' ( archaically 'Crbon tetrachloride).

It is methane (CH4) with the four hydrogens substituted with chlorine.

Can humans breathe methane?

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Because it's mainly due to how the feed they eat is digested. The digestive processes both from the rumen and from the cecum encourage byproduct which includes methane and carbon dioxide. Since these gases don't have anything to contribute to the health of the animal, they are expelled by belching and flatulence. And methane isn't just from cows: it also comes from humans, pigs, deer, horses, sheep, wolves, lions, etc. It also comes from deep in the earth and is expelled into the atmosphere.

What is the formula of propane?

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The ratio between carbon atoms and hydrogen atoms in all Alkanes can be easily determined using the following formula:

H = 2(C+1)

where C is the number of Carbon atoms and H is the number of Hydrogen atoms.

You can determine the number of Carbon atoms simply from the prefix, which in this case is PRO, so it means 3 Carbon atoms.

H = 2(3+1) = 2 x 4 = 8

How do you tell how many protons neutrons and electrons are in an atom?

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Inspect the Periodic Table.

For every element two numbers are given.

The larger number is thre ATOMIC MASS. and ther smaller number is the ATOMIC NUMBER.

The ATOMIC NUMBER tells, us ;-

#1 ; the elements position in the periodic table.

#2 ; the number of protons in the nucleus of the element

#3 ; the number of electrons in the neutrally charged atom.

If you subtract the Atomic mass from the Atomic Number , the difference is the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

Taking Carbon as an example.

Symbol 'C'

Position in the periopdic Table is '6'

Number of protonsw in the nucleus is '6'

Number of electrons in the neutrally charged atoms is '6'

The atomic Mass is given as '12'

So subtracting 12 - 6 = 6 Six is the number of neutrons in carbon.

NB For every element, the Atomic Mass may vary. This is because the number of neutrons may vary. Carbon is no exception.

This variations are knowen as isotopes.

Above are the details for the commonest isotope of carbon.

However, Carbon has isotopes

C-13 , 7 neutrons (used in nmr analysis)

C-14 , 8 neutrons. (carbon dating).

How do you draw a propene molecule?

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Something similar to this, hopefully it appears the same way that I constructed it:


\ |


/ | |


it didn't, but from left to right there should be 2 hydrogens bonded to the 1st carbon, double bond between the 1st & 2nd carbon; 1 hydrogen on the 2nd carbon, and 3 hydrogen atoms bonded to the 3rd carbon.

Is C5H10 alkane or alkene?

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The general formula for alkenes is 'CnH2n'.

Sp for C5H10

Substituting for 'n' it becomes C5H(2(5)) = C5H10 . Hence itv is an Alkene.

Is cyclohexane and alkane or alkene?

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Cyclohexane is a six-carbon cyclic compound with the formula C6H12. In its planar representation, it looks like a regular hexagon, but in its 3D representation, it takes on either a chair or boat conformation. It has many uses in organic and analytical chemistry. For more information, see the link below.

What solid product released during the incomplete combustion of hydrcarbon fuels?

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Carbon!!! as black soot/'smoke'.

For incomoplete combustion

CnH2n+2 + O2 = H2O(l) + CO2(g) + CO(g) + C (s)

This is not a balanced equation , but given to demoinstrate incomplete combustions products.

What are the products of trichlorination of propane?

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All possible products from trichlorination of propane. draw the structure

Is propane man made?

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Yes. Propane is man made, but from the fossil fuel natural gas. It is a by product.

What is the molecular formula of benzene triozonide?

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Benzene triozonide is the combination of Benzene and triozonide. Benzene is three molecule of each chlorine and hydrogen and the addition of three molecules of ozone creates Benzene triozonide.

My brother blew up a Butane Can on private property and the detectives come knocking. What kind of trouble is he in even when there was no damage done to the property?

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Your brother may be in trouble for illegal possession or misuse of explosives, depending on the laws in your jurisdiction. Even if there was no damage to the property, the act of blowing up a butane can is potentially dangerous and could be considered reckless behavior or even a criminal offense. He should consult with an attorney to understand the specific legal consequences he may be facing.

What is hydrocarbon emmission?

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Hydrocarbon emissions refer to the release of compounds consisting of hydrogen and carbon into the atmosphere. They are primarily produced by the burning of fossil fuels, such as gasoline, diesel, and natural gas, in vehicles, power plants, and industrial processes. Hydrocarbon emissions contribute to air pollution and can have negative impacts on human health and the environment, including the formation of smog and the contribution to climate change.

Which brand has lowest ethanol?

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The brand of gasoline with the lowest ethanol content can vary depending on the region and availability. However, in general, premium gasoline or high-octane fuels tend to have lower levels of ethanol compared to regular or unleaded gasoline. It is always recommended to check the ethanol content specified on the pump or consult the fuel provider for accurate information.

What is better a standered zippo insert or a butane Thunderbird insert?

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It depends on personal preference and what you prioritize in a lighter. The standard Zippo insert uses lighter fluid and offers the classic Zippo flame, along with the distinctive smell and sound. On the other hand, a butane Thunderbird insert provides a more efficient and adjustable flame, along with the convenience of refillable butane. Ultimately, it comes down to what features and qualities you value in a lighter.

What is the temp of methane when its pressure is 200Bar?

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The temperature of methane at a pressure of 200 bar will depend on several factors such as the specific conditions and any other variables present. However, under normal conditions, methane would typically be in a gaseous state at pressures of 200 bar at temperatures around -20 to -10 degrees Celsius (-4 to 14 degrees Fahrenheit).

Why is butane sold in pressurized cans?

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Butane is sold in pressurized cans because it is a highly volatile and flammable gas. By keeping it in a pressurized container, the gas is compressed, which increases its stability and reduces the risk of accidental ignition or leaks. The pressurized cans also allow for easy and controlled release of the butane when needed.

Is methane gas one of the ingredients of soda?

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No, methane gas is not one of the ingredients in soda. The main ingredients in soda typically include carbonated water, sugar or artificial sweeteners, flavors, and sometimes caffeine or other additives. Methane gas is a greenhouse gas and is not used as an ingredient in food or beverages.

What are the elements in camping gass and butane?

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When it comes to camping gas, the main component is typically propane, which is a highly flammable hydrocarbon gas. Butane is another commonly used component in camping gas, and it is also a flammable hydrocarbon gas. These gases are used as fuel for camping stoves, lanterns, and heaters due to their high energy content and ease of use.

Why could the bromation of ethane to ethyl bromide be a more efficient synthesis than bromination of hexane to 1- bromohexane?

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The bromation of ethane to ethyl bromide could be a more efficient synthesis compared to the bromination of hexane to 1-bromohexane because ethane is a smaller molecule with less carbon atoms, making it easier to react with bromine. Additionally, the bromination of hexane would involve more steps and could lead to more unwanted byproducts.

What compound makes up hydrocarbon?

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Hydrocarbons are compounds composed solely of hydrogen and carbon atoms. They can range in size from small molecules, such as methane (CH4), to large complex structures, such as octadecane (C18H38).