



Relationships include parent/child, sibling/sibling, friendship, dating, marriage, and lots of others. They can be great, but many times they are problematic and can be unhappy or even abusive. This category is for questions about relationships, both good and bad.

500 Questions

When is 's used?

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Asked by Wiki User

It shows the possessive, such as: "the horses' mouth." ============================ Ooooh, I'm not so sure. An apostrophe is used to show the possessive, but the example is incorrect. When the apostrophe follows the letter 's' rather than preceding it, it indicates the plural as well as the possessive. The example above should read, "the horses' mouths," thus indicating that there is more than one horse and more than one horse's mouth. An apostrophe following the letter 's' is also frequently used to show the possessive when a word ends in the letter 's.' An example would be "Mr. Jones' hat." It avoids the somewhat awkward, but still correct, "Mr. Jones's hat." (Obviously, "Mr. Jone's hat" would be incorrect.)

What does it mean when a man licks his lips while making eye contact at you?

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Licking his lips while making eye contact could be a sign of desire or attraction. It may indicate that he finds you attractive or is feeling a level of arousal. However, it's important to consider other cues and context to interpret his behavior accurately.

Why would an elderly person rather be alone than commit to a relationship and have a companion?

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Asked by Robin

There could be several reasons why an elderly person may prefer to be alone rather than commit to a relationship. Some common reasons may include past negative experiences in relationships, a desire for independence and autonomy, fear of getting hurt, personal preferences for solitude, or feeling content and fulfilled with their current lifestyle.

When you meet someone who's from another country are you allowed to ask them questions about their country?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, it's generally okay to ask someone from another country questions about their country as long as you do so respectfully. Keep in mind cultural sensitivities and avoid making assumptions or stereotypes. Engage in conversation with genuine curiosity and respect for their perspective.

Does the girl or the guy put their tongue in the others mouth?

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Both partners can choose to use their tongues during kissing. It's a personal preference and should always be consensual for both individuals.

Is a survey conducted by AARP in 2004 the primary reason middle age in order man cited for wanting a divorce was?

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No, the primary reason middle-aged men cited for wanting a divorce in the AARP survey conducted in 2004 was lack of communication and emotional connection with their spouse. The survey highlighted a desire for emotional intimacy and closeness as a key factor in their decision to seek divorce.

What is a trust deficit?

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A trust deficit occurs when there is a lack of confidence or belief in someone or something, often due to a history of dishonesty, unreliability, or unethical behavior. It can hinder effective communication, collaboration, and relationship-building. Trust deficits can impact both personal and professional interactions, leading to strained connections and low morale.

Why do old people feel insecure?

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Asked by Wiki User

Old people may feel insecure due to changes in physical appearance, health, and abilities that come with aging. They may also feel less relevant in a society that places emphasis on youth and productivity. Social isolation and emotional or financial uncertainties can also contribute to feelings of insecurity in older individuals.

Which is the most sexually corrupt country?

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It is not accurate or respectful to label a country as the most sexually corrupt. Sexual behavior and attitudes vary widely across cultures and should not be judged in this way. It's important to approach discussions around sexuality with sensitivity and understanding.

Am I right to be upset that my boyfriend doesn't like the country I come from?

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Yes, it is understandable to be upset if your boyfriend does not appreciate or respect your cultural background. It is important for partners to support and value each other's heritage and identities in a relationship. It might be helpful to communicate your feelings openly with your boyfriend to better understand his perspective and find ways to address the situation together.

What does it mean when a guy hugs you and presses his face against yours?

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This gesture typically indicates closeness, affection, and intimacy. It suggests that the person feels a strong emotional connection with you and wants to express their feelings in a physical way.

I am 20 and my boyfriend is 40 is that too old?

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Age differences in relationships are subjective and vary depending on personal preferences and compatibility. As long as both individuals are consenting adults and have a healthy, respectful relationship, age should not be a barrier. It's important to communicate openly with your partner about any concerns or differences that may arise due to the age gap.

Explain the difference between uncharacteristic behaviour and inappropriate behavior?

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Uncharacteristic behavior refers to actions or reactions that are unusual or atypical for a person based on their typical patterns of behavior. Inappropriate behavior, on the other hand, refers to actions or conduct that is not suitable or proper for a given situation, context, or relationship. While uncharacteristic behavior deviates from one's usual demeanor, inappropriate behavior pertains to actions that are not socially acceptable or violate norms.

How does the human cloning affects the human dignity?

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Human cloning raises ethical concerns related to the potential exploitation and instrumentalization of cloned individuals, which could infringe upon their inherent dignity. It may also diminish the uniqueness and value of each individual, challenging our understanding of human identity and relationships. Additionally, concerns about the social and psychological implications for cloned individuals regarding their sense of self and autonomy can also impact human dignity.

How does political science affect history?

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Political science helps to analyze and understand historical events by examining how political structures, systems, and actors have shaped decision-making processes, policies, and outcomes over time. By applying political science theories and methods, historians can offer deeper insights into the political dynamics that have influenced historical developments. Additionally, political science research can shed light on how historical events have influenced contemporary political systems and behaviors.

What do you think about dating someone twice your age?

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Dating someone twice your age can present challenges, such as differing life stages and experiences. It's important to consider potential power dynamics and societal perceptions. Ultimately, relationships should be based on mutual respect, understanding, and consent.

What are 10 things to do at age 20?

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Asked by Wiki User

  1. Explore different career paths through internships or part-time jobs.
  2. Travel to new places to gain new perspectives and experiences.
  3. Develop a regular exercise routine to prioritize physical health.
  4. Build a strong social network of friends and mentors.
  5. Take on leadership roles in clubs or organizations to develop valuable skills.
  6. Start saving and investing money for future financial stability.
  7. Volunteer for causes you care about to give back to your community.
  8. Learn a new skill or hobby that interests you.
  9. Prioritize self-care practices such as mindfulness, meditation, or journaling.
  10. Set goals and create a plan to work towards them, whether it's academic, career, or personal growth-related.

What is interculturality?

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Asked by Wiki User

When your mannerisms, clothes, traditions, etc., are a hybrid of more than one culture. For example, Hindi people (often from India) might live in the US, but have the "dot" between their eyes (you can Google the name for that), and wear their traditional clothing, which is very distinct from ours. They also might speak with an accent, but still speak English and live and work with us in our society.

I like the love and happiness we have dealing with emotions but why do we have hate and sadness what are those negative emotions for?

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Asked by Wiki User

Negative emotions like hate and sadness are part of the human experience and can serve as indicators of underlying issues or unfulfilled needs. They can also offer contrast and perspective, helping us appreciate the positive emotions more fully. Embracing and understanding these feelings can lead to personal growth and resilience.

What are the kinds of family?

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Asked by Wiki User

I know about afew of them: # The nuclear family that consist of both parents and children # The extended family that consists of both parents, children, and other relatives of the parents, for example grand parents, aunts and uncles. # The single parent family that consists of only one parent and childern # The sibling family that consist of an older or older siblings and smaller siblings. I don't believe that this a complete list but i do know that these are the main ones. == In these families, both adults are the biological or adoptive parents of the children. There are three types of married nuclear families depending on the employment status of the woman and man. In the first type, the man works outside the home while the woman works inside the home caring for the children. Twenty-eight percent of all households fit this description according to the current U.S. Census. In the second type of married nuclear family, the woman works outside the home and the man cares for the children. This constitutes 2 percent of families in this country. In the third kind of married nuclear family, both the husband and the wife work outside the home or are income providers. In some situations, the woman might have a home-based business, such as a day care center. Nearly 60 percent of women with children under the age of six were in the work force at the beginning of the decade. == In this kind of family, the couple lives together but are not legally married. Either one or both of them are the biological or adoptive parents of the children. == In this family there is only one parent in the home. Primarily because of high divorce rates and adults choosing not to marry, this is currently the fastest growing family form in America. More than half of all children will spend some of their lives in a single-parent family.Currently, 88 percent of these families are headed by women. == These families are generally created by divorce and remarriage, rather than by the death of the mother or father. In stepfamilies, biologically unrelated children often live in the same household. There are thousands of new stepfamilies being created each week in this country. == In these families, children are legally raised by both parents who are not living together. Generally, the children move back and forth between the residences of each parent, depending on the agreement between the parents. == Sometimes children are raised by their grandparents when their biological parents have died or no longer can take care of them. The number of these families has increased by 40 percent in the past ten years. In addition, many grandparents take some primary responsibility for child care, particularly when both parents work. == Children are sometimes reared by two adults of the same sex who live together. For example, two sisters may be raising their children together in the same household. Also included in this definition are families where lesbian (female) or gay (male) couples are filling parenting roles. Most frequently, the adults bring children from a heterosexual relationship to these families. == Foster parents and institutional childcare workers often provide a substitute family for children referred by the courts or government agencies. While problems with their parents or guardians are being resolved, the children may live in these families. == A community family is a group of people who live and work together and share the responsibilities of raising the children. One well-known community family type in Israel is the kibbutz (meaning "gathering" in Hebrew). In some community groups, only certain adults function in the parent role, while in others all members of the group participate equally in child rearing. == In these families, the parents live and work in different towns or states. One parent provides the primary residence, and the other parent comes home for short periods of time, such as weekends and holidays. The number of commuter families is growing due to the difficulty of finding two suitable jobs in the same vicinity or the need for parents to receive additional job skills training. ^-^_cj hope i'd help

Do older women check out college boys?

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Asked by Wiki User


Some do and some don't. This is a generalization of enormous magnitude. The group of "older women" is HUGE, and is made up of a wide variety of individuals - each woman with her own preferences. Some of them may have preferred older men their whole lives so there is no reason they would ever even look at a younger guy. Some of them may have been perverts their whole lives and actually spend their time checking out high-school or even younger boys. The majority fall in between these two. Most prefer people their own age but that's just a matter of preference. I'm sure there are all kinds of varying degrees in between as well, such as older women who have a thing for one college guy and could care less about the rest. And there are a few that may have a thing for college guys in general.

My point is, a question like this is like asking if older women like hamburgers. Neither the "older women" nor the "hamburgers" fall into a distinct group, so the question is pretty general. That makes a concise answer difficult.


Hell yeah. The saying I like is you can look at the menu you just can't eat. That doesn't mean that women in their 50's can't be with a guy in his 20's. It depends where she is at in her life. If she just got out of a 30 year sour marriage, a young stallion may be her thing. If she has had yo-yo relationships and wants to go even younger, then a college guy will do. Lets face it. Most college guys aren't ready to settle down, and they would be into getting with an older woman just as much as she might be into getting with them....

Yes, yes and yes! I'm in my late 30s and since turning 30 I have been propositione

d by guys no less than 12 years my junior. At first I thought it was a fluke, then I started to see a pattern. Now, I mostly check out younger guys and almost exclusively date them.

What are signs your boyfriend wants to end the long distance relationship?

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Asked by Wiki User

Signs may include decreased communication frequency, lack of interest in future plans together, reluctance to make time for visits, and expressing doubts about the relationship's sustainability. It's important to have an open and honest conversation to clarify his intentions.

What is racial realism?

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Asked by Wiki User

Racial realism is a view that argues for the existence of biological or genetic differences between races that influence various aspects of human behavior and traits. This perspective is controversial and widely criticized as it can perpetuate harmful ideas of racial superiority or inferiority. It is important to be critical and consider the social and environmental factors that shape human diversity.

What should you do if you've been seeing a lady for 3 weeks but 8 months ago you split up with your ex who you still love and she's contacted you to say she still loves you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Take some time to reflect on your feelings for both women and consider what you truly want in a relationship. It's important to communicate openly and honestly with both parties to address any lingering emotions and make a decision based on your own emotional well-being and what's best for everyone involved. Consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor to navigate these complex feelings.

What does trans mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

Trans can mean two things that I'm aware of: Trans is a shortened form of the word Transmission. And it can also mean across. For example, the Pontiac Trans Am would mean across America, the trans American.