


The Odyssey

The Odyssey is the epic poem written by Homer. In the Odyssey, Odysseus, King of Ithaca and the main character, is on a quest to get home, however he must face many challenges the Gods of Olympus set before him.

500 Questions

Which does not express a value from the story of Odysseus and the cyclops?

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In Greek mythology, the story of Odysseus and the cyclops does not express the value of forgiveness or mercy towards one's enemies. Instead, it focuses on themes of cunning, survival, and revenge.

Who says the following and why You terrible man foxy ingenious never tired of twists and tricks and mdash so not even here on native soil would you give up those wily tales that warm the cockles of yo?

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The line "You terrible man foxy ingenious never tired of twists and tricks" appears to be spoken by a character addressing someone they see as cunning and devious, possibly in a playful or admiring way. The speaker seems to be acknowledging the person's ability to captivate others with their clever and imaginative storytelling.

Why didn't Odysseus drown in book 5 of the Odyssey?

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Odysseus didn't drown in Book 5 of the Odyssey because the goddess Ino, also known as Leucothea, provided him with a magical veil that kept him afloat as he swam to the shore of the island of Scheria. Ino took pity on Odysseus and helped him survive the storm at sea.

What best describes the theme of xenia or hospitality in Books 1-6 of The Odyssey?

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The theme of xenia or hospitality in Books 1-6 of The Odyssey highlights the customs and expectations surrounding guest-host relationships in ancient Greek society. It emphasizes the importance of generosity and kindness towards strangers, as well as the consequences of violating the norms of hospitality. This theme is exemplified through the interactions between Telemachus and the various hosts he encounters on his journey.

Why does Odysseus give Polyphemus as fake name?

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Odysseus gives Polyphemus a fake name, "Nobody," so that when he blinds Polyphemus and calls for help, the other Cyclopes would think that "Nobody" harmed him and wouldn't come to his aid. This clever deception allows Odysseus and his men to escape from the Cyclops' cave.

How does he fight turn out in the book Odysseus?

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In the book "The Odyssey," Odysseus' fight is a symbolic and challenging journey for him to return home to Ithaca. He faces various obstacles, battles monsters and endures hardships before finally reuniting with his family. Overall, the fight is a testament to his intelligence, cunning, and perseverance.

What favor does the wind king do for Odysseus?

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Asked by TaylorLowerygp1928

The king of the winds (aeolous) gives Odysseus a bag of winds that has all of the winds except for one (the west wind?) that will bring him home and he does get home within sight of Ithaca but then his crewmates got suspicious of the bag opened it and were blown back away from Ithaca back toward the island of the winds

Who are the two main suitors in Odysseues' house?

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The two main suitors in Odysseus' house are Antinous and Eurymachus. They are both prominent members of the group of suitors vying for Penelope's hand in marriage during Odysseus' absence.

How does eurymachus deceive Penelope?

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Eurymachus deceives Penelope by pretending to be a kind suitor when in reality, he is only interested in gaining power and influence by marrying her. He lies to Penelope and the other suitors to manipulate them and tries to sabotage Odysseus' return in order to further his own agenda.

Is the recognition scene between Telemachus and Odysseus true-to-life?

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The recognition scene between Telemachus and Odysseus in Homer's "The Odyssey" may not be true-to-life in a literal sense, as it is a work of mythology. However, it serves as a powerful moment of emotional reunion and narrative closure, embodying themes of loyalty, identity, and family bonds.

What did Penelope promise if the tattered stranger succeeded in shooting the arrow through the axes?

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Penelope promised to marry the tattered stranger if he succeeded in shooting the arrow through the axes. This challenge was set to test his identity as her husband Odysseus upon his return home.

Which type of character best describes Odysseus?

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Odysseus can be described as a cunning, resourceful, and clever character. He is known for his intelligence, wit, and ability to overcome challenges through his strategic thinking and cleverness.

How does homer identify Odysseus as the protagonist of the story?

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Odysseus is the main focus of the stort

How do conflicts reveal a characters identity?

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Conflicts can reveal a character's identity by showing how they respond under pressure, what values they prioritize, and what they are willing to fight for. Through the choices a character makes during conflict, their true nature, strengths, weaknesses, and beliefs become evident to both themselves and the audience.

What techniques does Homer use to portray the magical and fantastical aspects of Odysseus adventures How does he handle what we might call special effects?

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Homer uses vivid imagery and descriptive language to portray the magical and fantastical elements of Odysseus's adventures, such as encounters with gods, monsters, and supernatural beings. He often employs similes and metaphors to convey the otherworldly nature of these events. The special effects in the story are integrated seamlessly into the narrative, enhancing the overall sense of wonder and awe without relying on overtly flashy or technical descriptions.

Why does Homer wait until book V to bring Odysseus in the story?

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In "The Odyssey," Homer waits until Book V to bring Odysseus into the story because he wants to establish the context and obstacles that Odysseus faces before revealing his return. By delaying his appearance, Homer builds suspense and emphasizes the challenges Odysseus must overcome in order to reunite with his family and reclaim his kingdom. This delay also allows Homer to set the stage for Odysseus' eventual triumph and provide a deeper understanding of his character.

How did Odysseus prove the fedility of his wife Penelope?

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Odysseus proved the loyalty of his wife Penelope by being the only one able to string and shoot an arrow through a line of twelve axe heads, a task he accomplished upon his return to Ithaca. This feat symbolized his unique bond with Penelope, as she had never given up hope of his return and had remained faithful to him throughout his long absence.

What does Circe use as a weapon?

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In Homer's epic "The Odyssey," Circe uses magic and potions as her weapons. She turns Odysseus's men into swine using her enchantments and tries to lure him into staying on her island forever. Ultimately, Odysseus is able to resist her spells with the help of the god Hermes.

Who comes to help Odysseus with his problem with Circe?

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Hermes gives Odysseus a magic herb called Moly, a herb that symbolizes the protection of the gods, as only the gods can uproot it. It allows Odysseus to resist Circe's poisons and not transform into a pig.

What caused Penelope to accept Odysseus as her true husband?

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Penelope accepted Odysseus as her true husband after he revealed their secret knowledge of their bed, which he alone would know. This intimate detail convinced Penelope that the man before her was truly her husband returned from his long journey.

How is the movie The Odyssey different from the book The Odyssey?

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The movie The Odyssey is a modern adaptation of the epic poem rather than a faithful retelling. It may take creative liberties in terms of characters, plot, and setting to cater to a cinematic audience. The book, on the other hand, is the original ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer.

How does Odysseus identify the unfaithful maids?

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They are hanged.

Who is Everett's brother on adventures in odyssey?

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Everett's brother on Adventures in Odyssey is named Wilson Knox. He is a recurring character in the audio drama series.

Who is the writer of The Iliad and The Odyssey?

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Homer is credited as the author of the Iliad and the odyssey. However, whether homer actually existed is still among debate as there is little proof he did. None the less, he is accredited for the poem.

Why is The Odyssey a good book?

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The Odyssey is considered a classic because it is an epic tale that explores universal themes such as heroism, perseverance, and the power of storytelling. Its rich characters and vivid imagery have captivated readers for centuries, making it a timeless and influential work of literature.