

Carbon Footprints

This category is for questions about the amount of greenhouse gases produced by various entities.

500 Questions

How can you reduce carbon footprints in transport?

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You can reduce carbon footprints in transport by choosing more fuel-efficient vehicles, such as hybrids or electric cars. Additionally, using public transportation, carpooling, or biking and walking whenever possible can help minimize emissions. Proper vehicle maintenance, such as regular tune-ups and tire inflation, can also improve fuel efficiency and reduce carbon emissions.

What is largest contributor to the ecological footprint of most individuals in affluent nations?

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The largest contributor to the ecological footprint of most individuals in affluent nations is the consumption of goods and services, particularly those that require extensive resources and energy for their production and transportation. This includes items like clothing, electronics, and food that may have a high carbon footprint or are associated with deforestation, water depletion, and pollution. Additionally, transportation and energy use in affluent lifestyles also contribute significantly to their ecological footprint.

What are the disadvantages of oil?

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  • It is now harder to find and hence more expensive. There may not be much left.
  • Whenever there is an oil spill there is usually a massive environmental disaster.
  • It is easy for criminals to hijack the tankers and bomb the pipelines.
  • It releases huge quantities of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, both in its production and in its use, adding to the greenhouse effect.
  • Burning it in vehicles releases particles into the air that contribute to thousands of human deaths each year.
  • -trouble for wildlife

How does EZ pass save money and time and environment?

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In saving money:

I think you get a discounted rate/ticket when you use it, rather then the cash fare


Simply cruise through the toll booth at a slow speed, instead of stopping, waiting in line, getting ticket, paying ticket etc.


Cruising through the toll booths uses less fuel then having to come to a full 'dead' stop and then starting up again, along with not waiting in line burning fuel

Are old cars carbon footprints different from new cars does the footprint become spent after a period of time?

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The carbon footprint of a car is primarily its gas use efficiency meaning the number of miles it will travel per gallon of gas. Since all cars, old and new, burn gasoline and produce carbon dioxide to move the car, the more miles you get per gallon translates to fewer gallons of gas used to move the car. This applies to straight gas cars and hybrids (not plug in hybrids) since they all get their primary energy from gasoline.

What are the effects of habitat loss on the food chain?

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deforistation ruins the foodchains because it affects the habitat of a producer so then there are less which means less food for the preditor above and so on.

How does helium affect the environment?

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no it is not although if you use too much it could kill you

Why is it important for countries to try reduce their carbon foot print?

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it is so vitally important to this earth and the community around you to try your best to reduce your carbon footprint. CO2 is killing our earth and this is what is causing disasters such as global warming. to reduce your carbon footprint will not only save you alot of money, but also help save the plant!!

The effects power plants have on the carbon footprint?

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There are many effects of the power plant on the environment.

Nuclear plants use diesel generators (and some times gas, or combustion, turbines) for emergency electrical power. These diesels or turbines are typically started and run at least once a month to ensure they can function as backup power, if required, during a loss of power condition or accident condition. When these diesels or turbines startup, usually black plumes of exhaust gases are released. Operation of these diesels or turbines is the only source of greenhouse gases (e.g. carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrous oxides) at a nuclear plant.

The air ejector exhaust at PWRs is usually non-radioactive. Only in those cases where there may be leakage through a steam generator tube could that exhaust have any radioactivity. At BWRs, the air ejector exhaust is radioactive, but that exhaust must also pass through delay pipes, storage tanks and a hydrogen recombiner before being released to the environment from the very tall stack that you sometimes see at BWRs. Ventilation exhaust from buildings containing radioactive processes have radiation monitors that sample for particles and gases. If unacceptable levels are reached, special fans start, the normal ventilation system is shutdown, and the exhaust is routed through special particulate, high efficiency particulate, and charcoal filters before being exhausted. These systems are designed to reduce the release below acceptable levels.

Radioactive gases may be removed from the systems supporting the reactor cooling system. These gases removed are compressed and stored. The gases are periodically sampled and can only be released when the radioactivity is less than an acceptable level according to the 10CFR20regulation. Releases of this nature are done very infrequently.

All potential paths where radioactive materials could be released to the environment are monitored by radiation monitors.

Solid Releases-Ground Effects

Solid radioactive materials only leave the plant by three paths:

  • Routine non radioactive office, process, and building material waste via traditional means
  • Radioactive waste (e.g. clothes, rags, wood) is compacted and placed in drums. These drums must be thoroughly de-watered. The drums are often checked at the receiving location by regulatory agencies. Special landfills must be used.
  • Spent resin may be very radioactive and is shipped in specially designed containers.

For introductory information on low level waste, see Low Level Waste and More on Low Level Waste.

Currently, the used fuel assemblies are stored underwater in large cooling pools at the plant. In some cases, where storage has become limited, dry cask storage on-site may be used. This storage is covered by the regulation 10CFR72 for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Facilities. For introductory information on high level waste, see High Level Waste and More on High Level Waste.

Impact on the Biosphere

In the 1960's, the Atomic Energy Commission funded research to investigate effects of radiation on people, plants, and animals. Some of the studies were conducted at the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Livermore, California and at various government and university laboratories. A number of studies entitled the BEAR (Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation) and BEIR (Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiation) studies reported on these effects. The most recent, BEIR VII Phase 2, "Health Effects of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation", (see summary) was published by the National Academy Press in 2005. A down to earth discussion of radiation is presented in the University of Wisconsin Graduate School'

Other findings, methodology

The activists' report also found that:

  • People dying prematurely from problems associated with exposure to fine particle pollution, or soot, lost an average of 14 years.
  • Power plant pollution is responsible for 38,200 nonfatal heart attacks and 554,000 asthma attacks each year.
  • Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida had the highest overall mortality rates each year, and West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee - states with a large number of coal-fired plants - had the highest per capita mortality risk.

The study relied on computer modeling to compare EPA data on power plant emission levels and dispersal patterns with results of epidemiological studies by Harvard University in 1993 and the American Cancer Society in 1995, said Ledford.

The data came from 2002 for soot - microscopic particles linked to asthma, heart disease and other health problems - along with acid rain-causing sulfur dioxide and smog-forming nitrogen oxides, Ledford said.

What are the environmental issues of chipboard?

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Chipboard is bad for the environment. Not only because it falls apart when wet, but the glue which holds the fibres together is often toxic, and can poison plants and animals. Another practical consideration is it’s weight. Have you ever lifted a sheet of chipboard? Timber is lighter generally, far, far, stronger, and lasts far, far, longer, and looks so much better.

What are three ways you can reduce the extra carbon in the environment?

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There are too many ways to reduce your carbon footprint to list here.

However, here are some of the main ones:

  • Use less electricity, or get a renewable energy source (such as wind or solar power).
  • Reduce, reuse, and recycle any household garbage as much as you can.
  • Compost as much kitchen waste and paper waste as you can.
  • Buying local products, such as foods (the further a product is shipped, the more fuel is wasted on transporting it).
  • Using public transportation, carpooling, or, ideally, cycling or walking to go from place to place.
  • If you want to make your household even more eco-friendly, consider:
  • Reducing your water usage
  • Buying certified organic food and certified organic cotton clothing
  • Using biodegradable soaps and cleaning products.

Hope this can help you to help the Earth!

  1. Try to use public transport when possible, or car share. Drive as little as possible - walk or cycle when you can.
  2. Turn your water heating and central heating down slightly when it isn't too cold
  3. Don't leave any lights etc. on when you don't need them
  4. Try not to waste water so have a short shower rather than having a bath.
  5. don't throw away so much food, stick it in a container and use it for a day where you can't be bothered making dinner.
  6. recycle, if you recycle it will be cutting down on the amount of plastic that goes into the world and when you are finished with something recyclable make sure you check on the side to see if it is recyclable
  7. Don't leave appliances on stand-by - always turn them off and if possible, unplug them when not in use.
  8. Use as few resources as possible.
  9. Try to make make sure that your home and work place are making efficient use of energy - insulate, use low-energy LED lights, update old equipment (e.g. boilers, heating, air-conditioning) to newer more energy efficient models. This will also save money in the long term as it will keep utility bills down.
  10. Re-use and recycle whenever possible, and when you buy new products, research the resources that went into making and transporting them, and let that inform your choices. When you have to buy new things, buy local.

- Go Green: use as many green solutions as you can, from buying a hybrid car to using solar panels.

- Teleworking: use conference calls so that you don' t need to travel so much to meet up with your team.

there are LOTS of ways to decrease it:

  • take shorter showers
  • walk instead of driving
  • don't waste paper
  • don't waste electricity (leaving lights on)
  • use environmentally friendly resources (solar panels, recycled materials, etc.)
  • live in a small house with small amount of people

you probably get the point!! just anything that's good for the environment!!

heat the house less in the winter.

There are lots of ways to reduce; you can drive less , ride your bike more often and walk instead. You can plant flowers and trees. You can also use less electricity and recycle etc.

People can reduce their carbon footprints by driving less, taking more public transport, going to places by walking or cycling, reducing home heating and electricity use, and choosing energy efficient appliances.

How can the earth reduce its carbon footprint?

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by simply not flying there

apparently the UK governmental scheme of "turn your heating down by 1 degree for a year" would actually save much much less carbon than you would burn by taking ONE extra short flight (say intracontinental)

public transport is actually carbon neutral for most folk, in that the train or bus would normally run regardless, so if you're on it or not makes no difference to THAT carbon but it would mean you wouldn't need to add any more.

How do foods you eat affect your carbon footprint?

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By eating different foods, we will be changing the food chain, effecting the enviornment.

What is the primary energy source in Pakistan?

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Hydro electric ,thermal and nuclear energy

How long does a plastic retainer last?

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my sister had her braces taken off a long time ago and was given clear plastic retainers to wear, she wore them all the time apart from eating and drinking, for six months!

she now wears them most nights.

hers have lasted around 6 years! and she treats them quite badly too!

hope i helped!

How much electricity does 1 person use in a year?

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The total estimated power consumption of the world is 15.45 trillion kilowatt hours per year. There are also an estimated 6.67 billion people in the world. Which means that the average power use per person per year is 0.2643 kW. For the United States, the numbers are: 3.892 trillion kilowatt hours per year 306 million people 1.453 kW/person/year

Note: All values are based on 2007 estimates.

What is carbon footprinting?

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A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terns of the amount of greenhouse gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide.

What are the repercussions of a large ecological footprint?

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When people talk about carbon footprints, we think of C02 and global warming and that sort of thing.

In fact carbon, energy, water are all linked for most processes.

By having a big carbon footprint you are contributing to anthropogenic (caused by humans) global warming, using lots of energy which probably comes from non-renewable sources like coal, oil and natural gas. Water usage may also be high.

Best way to lower your carbon footprint is drive less in a smaller car, and shop "green".

Shopping green is tricky so find out how at the link below:

How does a carbon footprint build up?

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Your carbon footprint builds up as you become responsible for more carbon dioxide emissions. You can do this by buying a bigger car, or by using your air conditioning, or by driving to work instead of taking public transport. You can build it up even by eating more red meat!

What are the five environmental strategies?

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The five environmental strategies are Reduce pollution, Reduce pesticide use, Protect habitats, Learn about local issues and Develop alternative energy sources.

How do factories contribute to major problems such as pollution and global warming?

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Factory pollution is one of the minor contributors of global warming; however it can be stopped before it gets any worst than it already is.

Industry pollution mostly comes from the factories that are over ten years old . If we make new factories that don't cause as much pollution and knock down the older factories it will lower the percent of pollution that factories give off. Even if that doesn't work it is still possible to lower the percent of pollution factories give off by using an alternative source of energy instead of burning fossil fuels in factories. This will slow down global warming. If the normal everyday people just don't use as much energy we won't have to burn as much fossil fuel .

Global warming is the effect of 200 years of burning fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, deforestation and other natural disasters. When the sun's heat rays come into the earth's atmosphere the greenhouse gases trap most of the heat and that heat continues to build up, and heat the earth more and more every year. Doing this causes the heat-trapping "greenhouse gases" to increase significantly in the atmosphere every year if not stopped. These gases prevent heat from escaping to space.

One major cause of global warming is industry pollution. Factory pollution is over 40% of the pollution that causes global warming according to some sources, others disagree. One of the diseases that it causes is asthma. More than twenty million people a year have asthma attacks and over 9,000 children in the United States die a year from asthma attacks. Other diseases are heart and lung diseases, and respiratory allergies. The World Health Organization estimates that in all 4.6 million people die each year from causes that are directly from air pollution. According to Scorecard, over 20,000 factories in the United States produce over 4 billion pounds of toxic chemicals that could leak into the environment. Some of these gases contain items that might cause a fire and that well cause global warming, because of the carbon coming from the fire.

The effect of global warming will make the sea level rise nine to eighty-eight centimeters, because of the melting glaciers. This doesn't seem like a lot now, but in a few years when the sea level rises more it will cause more floods because of the water cycle. The water cycle is where the water comes from, the ocean comes up into the clouds and comes down as rain. Then most of the water goes back into the ocean and it starts all over again. With more water there will be more rain and more floods. Global warming is basically another word to explain the theory, that all around the world the temperature of the earth is increasing.

This is all the information needed to know about industrial pollution and how to stop it. Global warming is just another term to name the theory that the temperature all around the world is increasing, but there are still ways to stop it if people take part in helping clean up the mess made on earth.


Though factories do contribute to the addition of pollutants and 'Greenhouse gasses', by far, the greatest amount is from natural processes.

Nor can our factories be 'stopped'. Unless you wish to disassemble the entire technology on which our civilization is based.

Knocking down and building new factories would add to the problem and any benefits from cleaner use would not be seen for decades.

Giving simplistic answers addressing such problems adds to the problems, as does disseminating such information.

There are almost 7,000,000,000 people in the world, many starving or on subsistence diets. To do away with the very infrastructure that is presently keeping these people alive is not a solution.

Why does an egg sink into a glass bottle but not a plastic bottle?

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It floats because the water is heaver then the bottle. The bottle is light so it floats.

No,It floats because the particles are free to move inside but with water in it there is not enough space for the particles to move so it floats.