


Child Support

Get help here on any issues around payment and non-payment of child support. Custody and visitation rights issues are legally separate from support and have their own topic. Be advised that many answers here apply only to the United States and may not apply anywhere else.

500 Questions

Why should the government provide child day care centers for working parents?

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Providing child day care centers helps working parents by ensuring their children are in a safe and educational environment while they work. This support enables parents to remain in the workforce and contribute to the economy. It also promotes early childhood development and can help reduce income inequality by providing accessible childcare options for all families.

What do you say when people ask who is your child's father?

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Asked by Wiki User

I would typically share my child's father's name if it's a straightforward question. If it's a more personal or sensitive situation, I might choose to use discretion in my response and share that information only with those I feel comfortable with.

What does nominal mean in a sentence stating at nominal or no cost?

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Asked by Wiki User

In this context it means or implies "very little." "Nominal" means "in name only"--that is, technically there's a charge, but it doesn't really amount to anything. It's minimal. It's a token amount.

Be a bit cautious, though. Your idea of "minimal" or "very little" might not be the same as that of whoever is doing the charging.

In that context, nominal means small, as in low cost.

Do you have to pay child support on a one time lump sum of money in New York?

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Asked by Wiki User

In New York, child support is typically calculated based on the income of the paying parent and not a one-time lump sum of money. However, if the lump sum significantly affects the parent's financial situation, a court may consider it in determining child support obligations. It is best to consult with a family law attorney for specific advice in your situation.

If you hit the lottery will your child support go up?

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winning the lottery might have implications for child support depending on your jurisdiction and the specific circumstances. In some cases, a significant increase in income, such as a lottery win, could be considered when determining child support obligations. However, the exact impact can vary, and it's crucial to consult with a legal professional to understand how winning the lottery might affect your specific situation. Legal regulations regarding child support can differ, so seeking advice tailored to your circumstances is advisable.

What states consider spousal income for child support?

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Generally, child support laws differ from state to state, but most states take both parents’ incomes into account when calculating child support. For example, California, New York and Texas all take into account spousal income when calculating child support, so you can get a full picture of your family’s financial resources.

Some states, however, may prioritize the income of the other parent. It’s important to check the state’s specific child support guidelines, as state laws can vary significantly.

Your child support lawyer can provide you with personalized advice based on your individual situation and state laws.

Mom is collecting back child support for me and i am 32 years old can i get that money?

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I am not a legal expert, but generally speaking, child support is usually owed for the benefit of the child and not for the custodial parent to collect. In some cases, there may be limitations or specific circumstances that could allow for the collection of back child support. It would be best for you to consult with a legal professional who can assess your specific situation and provide you with accurate advice.

Do mothers with a child that has a mental illness get money from the government?

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The availability of financial support for mothers with a child with a mental illness can vary depending on the country and its specific social welfare programs. In some cases, there may be government assistance programs or benefits available to help support families caring for individuals with mental illnesses. It is recommended to consult with local government agencies or social service organizations to determine the specific support options in your region.

How do you relinguish your rights and not pay child support?

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Asked by Wiki User

Relinquishing rights and obligations, such as paying child support, typically requires going through a legal process. It is advisable to consult with a family law attorney in your jurisdiction to understand the specific procedures and requirements involved. In most cases, relinquishing parental rights does not automatically relieve a person of their financial responsibilities towards a child.

How many names do you have to give to child infocement before they realize you dont know who the father is?

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Asked by Wiki User

There is no set number of names you have to give before a child realizes you don't know who the father is. It ultimately depends on the individual child and their level of understanding. It is important to be open and honest with children about sensitive topics like parentage, using age-appropriate language and providing support and reassurance.

What document is used to support a communications request and identify a mission need?

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Asked by Wiki User

A document commonly used to support a communications request and identify a mission need is a communications plan. This plan outlines the objectives, target audience, key messages, and the various channels and tactics to be used for effective communication. It helps ensure that communication efforts align with the mission and objectives of the organization or project.

Soon to be ex-wife allowed 15 yr old son drop out of school Will this affect child support payments in NC?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am not a lawyer, but generally, child support obligations are separate from educational decisions. Child support is typically based on the income of the parents and the needs of the child, rather than the child's education status. However, it may be beneficial to consult a family law attorney in North Carolina to discuss the specific details of your situation and how it may impact child support payments.

What are statements about social support?

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Asked by Wiki User

Social support is most important during times of personal crisis.

Good social support means having a lot of people to help you.

Social support (and a lack of it) affects your health.

Good communication is essential for strong social support.

How do you apply for child support if your husband is American and the children are British?

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Asked by Wiki User

To apply for child support in this situation, you would typically need to consult with a family law attorney or a child support agency in the country where you and your children reside. They can guide you through the process of initiating a child support case and provide information on any applicable international agreements or protocols between the United States and the United Kingdom that may facilitate the enforcement of child support orders across borders.

Would your new spouse be forced to pay your child support kids live in ga you live in Texas?

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Asked by Wiki User

Child support laws vary by state, but typically the obligation to pay child support is determined by the laws of the state where the child resides. If your children live in Georgia and you live in Texas, the child support obligation would likely be determined by Georgia law. However, it is important to consult with an attorney who specializes in family law to understand the specific laws and regulations that apply to your situation.

How can you get child support stopped tx?

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Asked by Wiki User

To stop child support in Texas, you would need to complete a request to terminate child support through the Texas Attorney General's Child Support Division. Gather relevant information such as the court order, proof of any changed circumstances, and submit the request with supporting documentation. It's advisable to consult with an attorney for assistance with the process and to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements.

When you turn 18 are the child support checks legally yours?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, child support checks are not legally considered the property of the child. The checks are intended to support the child's needs until they reach the age of majority or until a court orders otherwise. The recipient of the child support payments (usually the custodial parent) is responsible for spending the funds in the best interest of the child.

You got fired from work can you lower child support?

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Asked by Wiki User

Losing your job doesn't automatically lower child support obligations. You can petition the court to modify the child support order, but you'll likely need to show that your change in circumstances is substantial and ongoing, such as a significant decrease in income or prolonged unemployment. It's important to consult with a family law attorney to understand the specifics of your situation and how to proceed.

Do you stop paying child support if the mom gets married?

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Asked by Wiki User

In most cases, getting married does not automatically end the obligation to pay child support. Child support is typically based on the financial needs of the child and the income of the noncustodial parent, regardless of the custodial parent's marital status. However, laws vary by jurisdiction, so it's recommended to consult with a lawyer or refer to local child support guidelines for specific information about your situation.

What is child trafficing?

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Asked by Wiki User

Child trafficking refers to the illegal recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of children for the purpose of exploitation. This can include forced labor, sexual exploitation, child soldiering, or other forms of abuse. It is a grave violation of human rights and a serious criminal offense.

How do I contact +[860-474-3339] QuickBooks Enterprise Support (self employed support)?

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Asked by minapif

Also, We have covered a large area of QuickBooks Services. So dial our toll-free QuickBooks Enterprise support number +1-[860-474-3339] and tell us your queries, our well trained and experienced experts take just a few minutes to resolve all your issues. Get connect to our enterprise support team to get the information of all the latest plans and services that we offer to our clients worldwide. We are available 24-7 at your service to provide you with on-demand solutions and advice.

If you owe back child support payments will the state take your 401k when you cash-out?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is possible for the state to garnish your 401k to satisfy back child support payments, but it depends on the laws of the specific state. In some states, retirement accounts like 401k may be exempt from collection for child support arrears, while in others they can be seized. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional or a family law attorney in your state to understand the specific regulations and protections that may apply.

Can a law student represent a family member in Scotland?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a law student cannot represent a family member in court in Scotland. In order to represent someone in court, a person needs to be qualified as a solicitor or an advocate in Scotland. Law students are not qualified professionals and cannot provide legal representation.

Why does NY require financial affidavit for grandparents seeking child support and how does that affect the support order?

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Asked by Wiki User

New York requires grandparents seeking child support to submit a financial affidavit to determine their ability to contribute to a child's support. This requirement ensures that the court can assess the grandparents' financial situation accurately and make an informed decision regarding child support. The financial affidavit affects the support order by providing the court with relevant information to calculate an appropriate amount of child support based on the grandparents' income, assets, and expenses.

You owe 2700.00 for past child support and you are going to court for it you had a job that barely got you buy and tried to pay but couldnt. You are not trying to avoid just couldn't pay. What happens?

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Asked by Wiki User

In court, the judge will typically take into account your financial situation and ability to pay. If you can demonstrate that you made genuine efforts to pay but were unable to due to financial constraints, the judge may work out a payment plan or modify the payment amount to something more manageable for you. However, it ultimately depends on the judge's discretion and the specific laws in your jurisdiction.