


Issues related to how people feel about themselves, and questions that indicate unhealthy emotional adjustment or negative beliefs about the self.

500 Questions

What are the major differences between how a behaviorist and how a humanist would motivate someone?

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A behaviorist would focus on using external rewards or punishments to motivate someone, such as offering incentives for desired behaviors or consequences for undesired behaviors, while a humanist would emphasize intrinsic motivation by fostering a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness to encourage self-driven behavior. Behaviorists view motivation as a result of conditioning, while humanists believe in the individual's inner drive towards personal growth and self-actualization.

Scope and Limitation of the study?

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The rise of influencer measuring effectiveness and navigating ethical concerns

Why do girls call themselves fat or ugly?

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Girls may call themselves fat or ugly due to societal pressures and unrealistic beauty standards. They might internalize negative messages about their appearance and compare themselves to idealized standards propagated by media and social platforms. In some cases, it could also stem from low self-esteem or body image issues. It is important to support and uplift individuals by promoting body positivity and encouraging healthy self-perception.

How did concept of separate spheres affect women?

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they were expected to focus only on their homes and families

How can a person self esteem be improved?

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yes but that peron has to make it happen

What is a self state?

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'are you a good person' what makes someone a good person?

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Your question implies a differentiation between that which is good and something else which is bad or less than good. As it should be. Goodness is not relative. There are hosts of people who 'thought' they were doing good or being good when in fact, they were acting or believing badly. Goodness brings forth positivity, not negativity. Goodness brings forth light, not darkness. A good person is one who tries to make the world a better place based upon a valid and reasonable philosphical foundation. Notice the term "valid" and "reasonable". There is no moral equivalency between good and bad. A terrorist and a revolutionary are not flip sides of the same coin. For example, a good person does not murder, or steal, or covet, or make idols. These are negative. A good person creates positive. To be clear, that little voice in your head (that so many falsely rely on to tell them what is good and what is bad), is often unreliable. Feelings too are often unreliable. Good people do what is right regardless of what they"feel like" doing and despite social aceptance of badness.

The reflection of the self concept?

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Asked by Wiki User

Self-Reflection: Regularly take time to reflect on your values, strengths, and weaknesses. Self-awareness is the first step toward self-improvement go to my YouTube channel, EMERGELSPIRED

In relation to specific conditions in care practice that can affect communication and language of individuals and key people?

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Asked by Juliegraz

Conditions could be stroke patients, Autism, individuals with mental health issues, Dementia patients.

Why do people join groups?

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beacause they feel that they need to beacause they feel that they need to

How does a narcissist get diagnosed with narcissist personality disorder?

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Asked by Nex


Only a licensed psychiatrist can diagnose an individual with Narcissist Personality Disorder, or NPD. Individuals with NPD rarely seek psychiatric help (that's part of the disorder: "I'm OK and you're crazy, why should I seek help?") so usually it's a spouse or family member that exposes the behavior. Individuals suspected of having NPD must have a certain number of traits or characteristics common to the disorder. Recognizing these traits is what a psychiatrist is trained to do. An individual can have multiple symptoms of NPD and still not get a diagnosis of NPD.

Your gum is in deep pain how do you cure it?

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How Do You Cure Gum Disease? Please awnser me!

Why would a teen girl shave her head?

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In a society that places high value on the appearance our hair it seems like an odd thing to do doesn't it? It could be she is just expressing herself though. Hair grows back, so unless there are other symptoms of something else going on with her, she probably just wanted to shave her head. Shaved heads feel nice and cool, and if society was not so appearance centric I imagine many more females would shave their heads, especially if they knew how wonderful it feels.

Why do some fat woman have low self esteem?

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BECAUSE THEY'RE INSENCURE! AND mostly Jealous of YOU! And if your a boy, they have a crush on you-most likely.:) Just give them a compliment and see how they sorta change...

A person who always boasting?

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There is no specific word for that specific form of bragging. "Uxurious" can refer to a man excessively devoted to his wife.

"Braggart" is the general term for a man boasting of his own accomplishments.

Often times any person who excessively speaks of their children or grandchildren - for any reason - is called a "bore", as others usually do not care one way or another.

Someone who is proud of there son..

How do you free yourself from mental stress?

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Daily meditation is an effective way to manage stress, reduce stress, and remain relatively stress free. There are different ways to relieve stress, but meditation will enable you to relax and clear your mind. Meditation will provide you with the way forward throughout life.

Yes, daily meditation is an effective way to deal with stress.

Meditation is for everyone. It brings support on all levels. Meditation can enable you to cope with stress or difficult life situations. Meditation can bring precious peace of mind; it can improve the quality of your life. There are different forms of meditation and there are some excellent free methods online.

For free meditation techniques (serenity, tranquility, peacefulness) see the page link, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.

Sleep turns out to be one of the most important ways to decrease stress. Serious sleep deprivation leads to anxiety and panic attacks. Make sure you sleep at least 6-8 hours. If possible, "catch up" on sleep. Results are immediate.

Can your mind invent something to cure you from boredom?

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Games, books and typical teenager activities.

One would suggest masturbation, if one was inclined onto that sort of thing.

But the cure tends to be games, there are many to choose from.

Books are nice too.

What foods raise serotonin levels?

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Asked by Wiki User

1 Food sources that help with serotonin production - foods high in B-vitamins (brown rice, chicken, corn ,eggs, green leafs, legumes, meat, nuts, peas, sunflower seeds, nutritional yeast), Calcium (almonds, brewer's yeast, green leafs and cruciferous vegetables, fish with bones, sesame seeds, tofu), Magnesium (green leafs, brown rice, sesame seeds, shrimp, salmon) and Tryptophan (turkey, soy foods, peanuts, almonds).

2 Essential fatty acids necessary for serotonin production are the omega 3's (fish oils found in mackerel, salmon, sardine, tuna; walnut oil, flax oil) and 6's (canola oil, chicken, eggs, flax, grape seed oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, turkey, wheat germ oil) as well as Gamma-Linolenic Acid (black current oil, bluegreen algae, borage oil, evening primrose oil). I've also read that most people have an excess of omega 6's and need to decrease the amount of 6's in their diet in order for the 3's to function well. I guess most of us are lacking in 3's.

3 Long-term stress depletes serotonin levels. Short term stress actually increases serotonin, but after time you get burn-out and it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to produce serotonin. So reduce stress--this can be as simple as adding exercise and meditation to the daily routine or as life changing as choosing to leave a really stressful job.

4-Avoid stimulants because they deplete serotonin over time--this works the same was stress does. We're talking things like caffeine, refined carbohydrates, chocolate, sugar as well as the heavier stimulants like cold remedies, alcohol, street drugs, diet pills and tobacco.

Taken from Alpha Online A Division of Environmed Research

Neurotransmitters Serotonin

Serotonin is similar to catecholamines. It is made from the amino acid, tryptophan. Serotonin is converted to melatonin in the pineal gland. Tryptophan, derived from food, is transported to the brain to make the neurotransmitter serotonin. At the appropriate place inside a brain cell, two enzymes and vitamin B6 transform tryptophan to serotonin. Serotonin is then transferred to the sending end of the neuron (the terminal bouton of the axon), where it is used as a molecular messenger to carry information across the synapse to the receiving neuron. ...

Serotonin production is sensitive to the supply of tryptophan in the diet. The effects of serotonin were first observed in the digestive tract where it causes contractions of the smooth muscle. Serotonin is released from blood platelets and elevates blood pressure. Serotonin circuits arise from the brain stem arousal complex and reach into all areas of the brain. Increased serotonin circuit activity tends to activate abnormal behaviors. Too little serotonin is associated with sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and depression. Some antidepressant drugs increase serotonin activity and these drugs tend to decrease appetite.

Serotonin itself isn't in food. It's a neurotransmitter released into the synapse and bloodstream. However, certain foods cause serotonin to be released like candy, cereal and pasta. Anything with plenty of carbohydrates will increase serotonin levels. However, the effects won't last long, maybe only 2-3 hours.

Please don't discount chocolate in an emergency , especially for women .I don't drink alcohol, but chocolate cheers me up niceely.

Why do certain people lack self-respect?

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That question has a lot of different answers but sometimes it's just how people are raised, or a tramatic event happened and they didn't do anything to deserve it so they decide to take it out on other people by not respecting them. Again though I'm not a doctor so don't take this word for word, but I !

What is external stress?

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i don't know, that's why i asked

How can a 17 year old girl get bigger breasts when it's only an A cup or less?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are many factors that influence growth of breasts. These include nutrition and genetics, both because of hormone stimulation. Breast growth is one of the important things that happens during puberty. The pubertal hormones produced by the pituitary gland (located in the brain and responsible for producing a variety of hormones), play a critical role. One of the earliest signs that puberty has begun is enlargement of the breasts as a result of increased production of ovarian estrogen stimulated by these pituitary hormones. Boys also often experience breast enlargement during the early stages of their pubertal growth spurt, but their breasts usually shrink in size after one or two years. As long as estrogen continues to be secreted in females, breasts will grow and/or maintain their size. Breasts may also enlarge slightly in women taking birth control pills or, after menopause, estrogen-replacement pills. Naturally, breasts enlarge during pregnancy as a result of marked increase in estrogen secretion. Girls with poor diets and weight loss may notice that their breasts get smaller. If these girls improved their nutrition, their breasts would enlarge to their previous size. Push up or padded bras make them "look" bigger, but that is deceitful. The poor guy is going to be disappointed when he finds out they are smaller than he thought they would be.

This may be worthwhile. You can enlarge the muscles under the breast tissue that may give the appearance of a slightly larger bustline and help to keep them from sagging. Any exercise for the pectoral muscles will do. Pectoral muscles are muscles that support the breasts so if you do them your breasts will get a somewhat lifted appearance. Other chest exercises will help to create a little more rounded look. The breast themselves, however, will NOT increase in size no matter what exercise you do. Put on weight although it's not good for your health. If you gain weight your boobs will get bigger but I don't recommend it as they will become saggy and fat and the fat will also go into other places and make your whole body bigger I heard if you massage them then they will be bigger because it relaxes the muscle or if you put your hands in a prayer position with your elbows out and push your hands together.

Hang in there. You may not get large breasts simply because it isn't in your genes. Look at other family members like mom, grandma, aunts. Don't be fooled into taking any pill or using any creams, they don't work. If you are 21 and still unsatisfied, you could consider a breast augmentation.

How do you handle pressure?

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Asked by Wiki User

By maintaining an equal internal pressure to avoid being flattened.

What is the difference between narcissistic personality disorder and self-centeredness?

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Apparently there is but be very careful because it is often stated that even the experts have trouble telling the difference between these two definitions and even between narcissism and narcissistic tendencies and the prognosis is different for each. My husband had NPD and everyone said that he couldn't get better but he did. After that there were those who said OH he really just had tendencies! I think that it is dangerous to try and diagnose someone as incurable when it is not so clear cut. My husband and I have the best marriage ever now. If you want to read more about our story or read an advice blog to my readers please visit the links below. Kim Cooper author of "Back from the Looking Glass" Living with the personality Disorder that Causes Abuse.

How do you help anxiety?

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Asked by Wiki User

There are three things you can do.

1) Drugs have been known to supress anxiety but this only lasts a little while, and eventually the drug becomes useless...this includes all prescription or natural remedies.

2) Many will sell other methods like subliminal messages hypnosis psycaitric help. They are of very little help. Dont waste your time.

3) Experience. This cures Anxiety. Anxiety will keep growing if you keep giving in to it. Except if you fight nervousness and face all problems, challanges, and situations head on. After 1 year you will become the type of person who is simply immune to anxiety....Take it from someone who has tried everything and realized the truth