

Declarative and Interrogative Sentences

Declarative sentences state a fact such as such as "The table is round." Interrogative sentences ask questions such as "Where have you been?"

500 Questions

Changing interrogative sentence to simple past?

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Sure, feel free to provide the interrogative sentence that you would like me to change into the simple past form.

When do you use 'is' and 'Are' in a question?

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'Is' is used in questions when referring to a singular subject, while 'are' is used when the subject is plural. For example, "Is she coming to the party?" and "Are they going to the movies?"

The best kind of response to a short answer question is one that?

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Is clear, concise, and directly addresses the question with relevant information presented in a logical manner. It should aim to provide a complete answer without unnecessary details or deviations from the main topic.

If the concluding sentence in a story is a question do you put the question mark first or the speech mark?

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In American English, the question mark typically goes inside the closing quotation mark if the question is part of the quoted material. For example: "Did you hear that?" she asked.

Is the word order correct in The kites are colorful and beautiful flying in the sky?

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Yes, the word order is correct in the sentence "The kites are colorful and beautiful flying in the sky." The subject "The kites" is followed by the adjectives "colorful and beautiful" describing them, and the verb phrase "flying in the sky" indicating their action.

Does declarative mean its a statement?

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Yes, declarative typically refers to a type of sentence that makes a statement or expresses an opinion or feeling. It is a form of sentence that provides information or describes something.

Why does a question mark look like the way it does?

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The question mark's shape evolved from its early Latin form, a lowercase "q" over a dot. The raised dot eventually merged with the curve to form the modern question mark we recognize today. This evolution likely occurred to visually distinguish it from other punctuation marks.

Can you give me example of welcome address speeech?

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Sure! Here is an example of a welcome address speech:

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you all to our annual conference. We are thrilled to have such a talented and diverse group of individuals gathered here today. I hope you find the presentations enlightening and the networking opportunities fruitful. Thank you for being here and let's make the most of our time together."

Give 5 examples of declarative sentence?

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A declarative sentence tells about something.

A declarative sentence does not ask a question or give a command.

A declarative sentence sometimes ends with an exclamation point.

A declarative sentence can be a simple or a compound sentence.

All of these sentences are declarative sentences.

What is the importance of patriotism among students?

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Patriotism among students helps foster a sense of belonging and pride in their country, encouraging them to contribute positively to society. It also instills values of civic responsibility, respect for diversity, and a willingness to work towards the betterment of their nation. Overall, patriotism can help students develop a strong sense of identity and commitment to their country's well-being.

What does an imperactive sentence end with?

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An imperative sentence typically ends with a period (.) or an exclamation point (!). This type of sentence gives a command, request, or instruction to someone.

Is the question ''What prompted you to call today'' an open-ended question?

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Yes, "What prompted you to call today?" is an open-ended question because it encourages the caller to provide a detailed response rather than a simple "yes" or "no." It invites the caller to share their reasons or motivations for making the call.

What are examples of asking questions?

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Examples of asking questions include these:

  • How are you?
  • Where do you go to school?
  • Are you married?
  • Do you have children?
  • What activities do you enjoy the most?
  • Did you have fun over the weekend?
  • What did you do over the weekend?
  • What did you do on vacation?
  • Where did you go on vacation?
  • Do you know (insert name of the person)?
  • Have you met (insert name of the person)?
  • Will you go with us to the movie?
  • How many people went to the concert?
  • Who is taking you to the prom?
  • Do you like working at the pet shop?
  • Have you finished your homework?

Can this sentence have a exclamation mark at the end The clown juggled with three balls?

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Yes, the sentence "The clown juggled with three balls!" can have an exclamation mark at the end to convey excitement or emphasis.

Using the word perpendicular in a sentence?

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The two buildings were positioned perpendicular to each other, creating a striking visual effect in the cityscape.

What the respelling of machine?

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The respelling of "machine" is mə-SHEEN.

What is an interrogative marker?

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An interrogative marker is a linguistic element, such as a word or a phrase, that signals a question. It is used to indicate that the speaker is seeking information or clarification from the listener. Examples include words like "who," "what," "where," "when," "why," and "how."

A good way to end a sentence?

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A good way to end a sentence is by using strong punctuation like a period, question mark, or exclamation point to clearly signal the completion of the thought.

If you use OD at the end of sentence do you need two periods O.D..?

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No, when using "OD" at the end of a sentence, you only need one period as the abbreviation already ends with a period. So it would be "O.D." with one period.

Why database system support data manipulation using a declarative query languages?

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Declarative query languages allow users to specify what data they want without specifying how to retrieve it. This abstraction simplifies the querying process and allows for optimization by the database system to determine the most efficient way to execute the query. It also enhances portability and adaptability by separating the query logic from the database structure.

What are the possible questions and answers for miss palaro?

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Possible questions for Miss Palaro may include inquiries related to school events, student activities, academic competitions, and other school-related matters. Answers from Miss Palaro could provide information about upcoming events, schedule changes, results of competitions, and general updates about the school community.

Which is the best question to verify ID?

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A common and effective question to verify ID is asking for personal information that only the individual would know, such as their date of birth or a specific detail from their identification document.

Can a statement be a question?

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what is the word used when a statement is written as a question?