

Niels Bohr

Niels Bohr is a scientist that revolutionized the way we look at atoms today. He won the 1922 Nobel prize in physics.

500 Questions

What new information was included in Niels Bohr's initial atomic model?

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Niels Bohr's initial atomic model introduced the concept of energy levels or shells, where electrons could orbit the nucleus at specific distances. He also proposed that electrons could only exist in certain discrete energy states, and that they could jump between these states by absorbing or releasing energy. This model provided a better explanation for the stability of atoms and the emission and absorption of light at specific wavelengths.

Does the Bohr model work for all elements?

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No, the Bohr model does not work for all elements. It accurately describes the electronic structure of hydrogen and other single-electron systems, but it fails to explain the behavior of multi-electron atoms. Instead, a more complex quantum mechanical description, such as the Schrödinger equation, is required to accurately describe the electronic structure of all elements.

What was the cause of niels ryberg finsens death?

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Niels Ryberg Finsen died from a streptococcal infection in 1904. He was a Danish physician and scientist, renowned for his contributions to the development of light therapy for the treatment of diseases, including lupus vulgaris. Finsen's experiments with ultraviolet light earned him the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1903.

Why was bohr not quite happy with rotherford's model?

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Bohr was not quite happy with Rutherford's model because it failed to explain certain phenomena, such as the stability of atoms and the emission spectrum of different elements. Rutherford's model also couldn't explain why electrons did not spiral into the nucleus due to their electromagnetic radiation. This led Bohr to propose his own model, known as the Bohr model, which introduced the concept of quantized energy levels and successfully explained these phenomena.

Niels Bohr predicted that the electrons would be found orbiting the nucleus in energy levels that could be compared to what?

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Niels Bohr predicted that the electrons would be found orbiting the nucleus in specific energy levels that could be compared to the rungs of a ladder. He proposed that electrons can only exist in these discrete energy levels and that they move between levels by absorbing or emitting specific amounts of energy. This led to the development of the Bohr model of the atom.

How did bohr propose the particles within the are arranged?

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Protons and neutrons form the nucleusof the atom with electons orbiting it

Who was Niels Bohr and was did he do?

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One of the physicists that worked on Quantum Mechanics in the 1920s and 1930s. He is Danish and lived in Copenhagen. He is most popularly known for his interpretation of Quantum Mechanics that came to be called the Copenhagen Interpretation (which Einstein strongly opposed).

During WW2 following the Nazi invasion of Denmark, he nearly died in a unpressurized part of a British bomber from lack of oxygen, even though he was given an oxygen mask and bottle, when the mask came loose from his large head and he blacked out before he could put it back.

Why electron move in circular path around the nucleus?

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because the electric field of the nucleolus is radially symmetrical.

And if you really want to get picky, the electron doesn't move in a circle but occupies a spherical probability continuum with indeterminable position and velocity.

Where was Niels Bohr buried at?

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Assistens Cemetry in Copenhagen Denmark

What was the contributions to atomic theory of Niels Bohr?

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Niels Bohr proposed the planetary model for the atom.

Why did Neils Bohr create the Bohr atom model?

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To explain atomic emission spectra. Using the Bohr Model of a hydrogen atom, deriving the frequency of these emission lines is almost trivial. Without the Bohr Model, deriving them is impossible.

Also, the "classical" model of electrons in an atom, acting like planets around a nucleus, would result in complete collapse of such an atom in a small fraction of a second.

Who the bohr model is named after?

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=Neils is his first name.=

Did Niels Bohr have siblings?

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Actually he had only one brother who was a famous football (soccer) player. And his name was Harold Bohr.

Which statement is not true of the atomic model of Bohr?

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An electron has the same amount of energy in all orbitals this is not true because depending on how much enegry it has will depend on how many orbitals it has.
An electron has the same amount of energy in all orbitals.

What was Niels Bohr's favorite food?

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niel from 1ds favoroit meal is steak and chips he is so fit

What religion was Niels Bohr?

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Neils Bohr was above religion, he was a Physicist. I think this answer belies a narrow and inaccurate view that C.S. Lewis called "scientism" or the placing of scientific knowledge above all else. It falsely presents science and religious faith as being mutually exclusive. What about physicists who were also people of faith? The more accurate answer would be that Neils Bohr did not believe in a personal God. That actually represents the truth. His father was Lutheran and his mother was Jewish. Later in life Neils embraced neither Christianity nor Judaism.