

The Difference Between

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500 Questions

What is the difference between a symposium and colloquium?

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Asked by Wiki User

A symposium is a meeting or conference for discussion and debate, typically on an academic or cultural topic, while a colloquium is a gathering for academic discussion and exchange of ideas among researchers and experts in a specific field. Symposia tend to involve a broader range of topics and participants, while colloquia are more focused and specialized.

What is one Difference between the German and Russian languages?

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Asked by Wiki User

One key difference is their linguistic roots: German belongs to the West Germanic language group, while Russian is a member of the East Slavic language group. This results in variations in vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation between the two languages.

What is Difference between small and large parenteral volume?

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Asked by Wiki User

Small parenteral volumes typically refer to volumes less than 100 mL, while large parenteral volumes refer to volumes greater than 100 mL. Small volumes are often used for medications that require precise dosing, while large volumes are typically used for hydration or nutrient replacement.

What is the difference between summarize and describe?

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Asked by Wiki User

Summarize provides a brief overview of the main points or key ideas of a topic, while describe gives a detailed account or portrayal of the characteristics, features, or qualities of something. In essence, summarizing captures the essence in a concise manner, while describing goes into more depth or detail.

What is the difference between peninsulares and criollos?

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Asked by Wiki User

Peninsulares were Spanish-born individuals who held the highest social status in the Spanish colonies, while criollos were individuals of Spanish descent born in the Americas. Peninsulares often held positions of power and privilege in the colonial society, while criollos faced some discrimination and were often excluded from top positions.

Difference between pidgin and standard language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Pidgin languages are simplified forms of communication that develop between speakers of different native languages, lacking consistent grammar and vocabulary rules. In contrast, standard languages are formalized, codified versions spoken in specific regions, often serving as the official language for government and education. Standard languages typically have grammar rules, syntax, and a larger vocabulary compared to pidgin languages.

What is the difference between a subject and an object?

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Asked by Wiki User

In a sentence, the subject is the person or thing performing the action, while the object is the person or thing that the action is being performed upon. The subject typically appears at the beginning of a sentence, while the object follows the action verb.

What is difference between pragmatic and practical?

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Asked by Ghentbois

Pragmatic means focusing on what is practical or efficient in achieving a specific goal, while practical refers to being concerned with what is useful or workable in a general sense. Pragmatic often involves considering different perspectives and outcomes, while practical is more focused on the immediate application of something.

What is the difference between pure vowel and diphthong?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pure vowel is a single, unchanging sound produced without any movement of the tongue or mouth. A diphthong, on the other hand, is a combination of two vowel sounds within the same syllable, where the sound glides from one to another.

How is the word home different from the word house?

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Asked by Wiki User

The word "home" typically refers to a place where someone lives, it is associated with feelings of belonging and comfort. In contrast, "house" primarily describes a physical structure where people live or could live. While a house is a physical entity, a home is more of an emotional concept.

What are differences between Spanish and American homes?

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Asked by Wiki User

Spanish homes often have tile or stone floors, smaller windows with shutters, and central courtyards. American homes typically have larger windows, wooden floors, and open floor plans with living, dining, and kitchen areas connected. Additionally, Spanish homes may have flat roofs, while American homes usually have pitched roofs.

Can you please explain the difference between 'literal language'and'figurative language' and can you give examples please?

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Asked by Wiki User

Literal language is used to convey information exactly as it is, without any exaggeration or embellishment. Figurative language, on the other hand, involves the use of creative expressions, metaphors, or symbolism to convey a more abstract or imaginative meaning. For example, in literal language, "It's raining cats and dogs" would mean heavy rain using figurative language.

What is the difference between mañana habit and ninjas kugon?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Mañana habit" refers to the tendency of delaying tasks or responsibilities, while "ninja kugon" is a concept in Filipino culture that refers to the ability to gracefully navigate through challenging situations or obstacles. The main difference is that mañana habit is about procrastination, while ninja kugon focuses on adaptability and resilience.

What is the difference between difference and different?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Difference" refers to the way in which two or more things are not the same, while "different" is the adjective used to describe something as not being the same as something else. Essentially, "difference" is a noun and "different" is an adjective.

What are the grammatical differences between american and british english?

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Asked by Wiki User

Some grammatical differences between American and British English include the use of the past simple vs. present perfect tense (Americans favor the past simple more), the use of singular vs. plural verb forms with collective nouns (Brits use both), and the use of different prepositions in certain expressions (e.g. "on the weekend" in American English vs. "at the weekend" in British English).

What is the difference between dominican Latinos and Puerto Rican Latino?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main difference lies in their nationality and cultural heritage. Dominican Latinos are from the Dominican Republic, while Puerto Rican Latinos are from Puerto Rico. While both groups share some cultural similarities due to their shared Latino heritage, they also have unique traditions, dialects, and customs that distinguish them from one another.

What is the difference between Induce and Produce?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Induce" means to cause or bring about something, often through influence or persuasion. "Produce" refers to creating or manufacturing something, typically involving physical action or transformation. Essentially, "induce" focuses on initiating a response or effect, while "produce" centers on generating a tangible output.

What is the difference between model driven and data driven DSS?

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Asked by Beatrice Kariuki

In a model-driven DSS, decision-making is based on predefined mathematical or statistical models, where users input data to generate output. In a data-driven DSS, decision-making is based on analyzing large volumes of historical data to identify patterns and trends, without necessarily relying on predefined models.

Which of these is the process of making connections between different pieces of information?

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Asked by Cathy Limbaugh Eldred

That process is known as synthesis, where you combine different pieces of information to create a cohesive whole.

The Difference Between Data, Analytics, and Insights?

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Asked by expertdigiworld10785

Data refers to raw, unprocessed information, such as numbers or text. Analytics involves using tools and techniques to explore and analyze data to find patterns, trends, and relationships. Insights are meaningful and actionable conclusions drawn from analyzing data and analytics that help organizations make informed decisions and take specific actions.

Internet Surveys And Their Differences From The Traditional Kind?

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Asked by Wiki User

Internet surveys are conducted online through emails, websites, or social media platforms, while traditional surveys are usually conducted in person, over the phone, or through mail. Internet surveys can reach a wider audience and provide quicker results due to automation, but they may be subject to sampling biases and lower response rates compared to traditional surveys. Additionally, internet surveys can offer interactive features like skip logic and multimedia elements that traditional surveys may lack.

What is the difference between speack and speak?

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Asked by Lanenabonita

"Speack" is not a word, at least not in American Standard English. (Perhaps you meant "speck" like a small particle or "spoke" which is a past form of speak.) Speak is the present form of the verb for talking. For instance:

Diana speaks to audiences well.

If it was in the past:

Diana spoke well during the presentation.



In some web sites there are people who write the same word with a 'c'= speack. I wasn't sure if it was the correct form of the verb 'to speak'.

Thanks for your help

What is the main differences between HLL and LLL?

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Asked by Wiki User

The main difference between a high-level language (HLL) and a low-level language (LLL) is the level of abstraction. HLLs are closer to human language and are easier to read, write, and maintain. LLLs are closer to machine code and offer more direct control over hardware resources, but are harder to work with due to their complexity.

What is the difference between give up and give in?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Give up" means to surrender or quit trying, while "give in" means to yield or concede to someone's demands or requests. "Give up" often implies a loss of hope or effort, while "give in" involves complying with someone else's wishes.

Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other countries in terms of the standard requirements for a professional teacher?

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Asked by Wiki User

While there are similarities in the basic requirements such as education and certification, there can be differences among countries in terms of specific qualifications, training programs, and ongoing professional development for teachers. Additionally, cultural expectations, teaching methods, and educational outcomes may vary, leading to differences in how teachers are prepared and evaluated in different countries.