


Afforestation is the process of seeding trees in non-forest lands and to help protect biodiversity.

500 Questions

What are the good effects of afforestation?

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Definition of afforestation:

Afforestation is the process of establishing a forest on land where there is no forest, by planting trees or sowing their seeds and caring continually until the trees grow collectively as a whole into a forest as planned.

Need and importance of afforestation:

Afforestation helps in addressing the environmental issues of the world, esp. in preventing further global warming and reversing the effects of global warming. It also helps in avoiding desertification.

As the human needs grew by the population growth and advances in civilization people have been exploiting nature and converting forests into agricultural lands, mines, and industrial areas for various resources for their recreation, enjoyment and comfort in living.

As the global environmental issues due toindustrialization are growing more seriously, there isan urgent need for the mankind to resolve them by protecting the environment by way of afforestation.

The afforestation in and around an industrial region serves in aesthetically enhancing the foreground and background landscape features while contributing to the overall improvement of the environment.

Forests have many important and varied functions, and to have a broad idea some of them are listed below:

  • Forests are the renewable resources of nature.
  • They are giant sinks of carbon: they absorb and assimilate carbon dioxide, which accounts for the majority of the greenhouse gases that are now accelerating global warming.
  • They are home to living creatures,
  • They contribute in maintaining biodiversity
  • They regulate the climate
  • They provide industrial timber and fuel,
  • They prevent and mitigate sudden freshets that lead to flooding

Forests are fundamentally essential in

  • preservation of natural lands against soil run-off and erosion resulting in retention of fertility of the soil
  • conservation of water resources,
  • creating a healthy atmosphere for health of humans and other beings,
  • evolution of culture and civilization
  • providing research opportunities in education and learning

When we compare forest with non-forest areas within a single region, we find that forest areas are generally higher in humidity and milder in temperature. Water released from forest areas enters the sea and nurtures a wide variety of life forms naturally.

Afforestation is a proven method which contributes to environmental conservation, less-polluted industrial development and healthy community activation.

Five levels of organization in the environment?

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Why do we need to recycle paper?

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To prevent new trees from being cut down for the paper products made from recycled newspaper .
news papers is one o f the most distributed types of so called, 'junk mail'. many people just read the paper once and then chuck it in the bin. however, if we can recycle our newspaper, then we can cut down less trees; for our environment. trees are essential for our existence (they provide us with oxygen that we breathe with), therefore we rely on them. if we didn't have trees then we would've died out. recycling is when we reuse something; it's environmentally friendly :) . think of all the trees we could save if everyone recycled their newspapers!

What are the effects of dynamite fishing in the philippines?

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Dynamite fishing has many harmful effects on the environment. It not only harms the target fish, it kills everything in the blast area. It kills the fish eggs, fry, plants, and can launch sludge into the water. It can significantly harm the reproductive cycle of any species in the blast area.

What is replanting a forest called?

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Reforestation. Reforestation. Reforestation.

Is it surface water or underground water?

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what is the upper surface of ground water

What is the importance of afforestation in Nigeria?

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the important of afforestation in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized. it helps in addressing the environmental and socioeconomic problems in the northern part of the country. it provides shelter as well as windbreak in the region. it provides a source of fuel wood and poles for the buildings. it also prevent desert encroachment by stabilizing the soil and reducing the speed of winds. increasing crop yield in the region cannot be ruled out, afforestation make marginal lands more arable. Source (MEDUGU et al 2008 emerald publishers)

What Are Top twenty slogans of afforestation?

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save the heart of our environment-'TREES'


How is Van Mahotsav celebrated in India?

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In India 'VAN MAHOTSAVA' was started by Mr. Kaniyalal Manekalal Munshi in 1950. He was the union minister of food and agriculture at that time. He started this program in order to save trees . Trees were rapidly being cutted.

When is tree planting festival Van-Mahotsava celebrated?

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Van-Mahotsav; an one week long celebration for tree planting in India, is held in the month of July every year for protecting forests............. This is one of the methods for stopping GLOBAL WARNING.

It is celebrated all over India to create an awareness among the people about the happenings of landslides, earthquakes, floods and all sorts of climatic disasters taking place everywhere, because people are not taking care of their environment and surroundings.


Harmful effects of polythene?

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Asked by Harishchugh

First a short bit on what polyethylene is:

Polyethylene is a long chained organic molecule that is formed from ethylene (H2C=CH2).It contains no other materials than Carbon and Hydrogen. The basic building block (ethylene) is a non toxic gas that can act as a hormone in plant growth, speeding ripening and the rowth of seedlings.

The harmful effects of polyethylene are more related to the forms that it is made into - films, ropes, six-pack holders, milk jugs etc. As trash it is refractory in the environment, lasting for many years without decomposition except if it is exposed to sunlight. As trash, due to its shapes it has been observed to trap animals legs and heads.

If collected it can be easiiy recycled reducing the need for consumption of fresh raw materials and energy. If burned, it is converted to carbon dioxide and water.

Historical example of conservatism?

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When you say historical, I am compelled to think of both document and event. So I shall provide an example in both situations. In the Congress of Vienna of 1815, where the Restoration of Europe began, the most important principle was legitimacy. Conservatives aimed to make legitimate both the monarchy's authority and a hierarchical social order. Conservatives wanted political stability after a period of turmoil with the French Revolution and other events of the time. And legitimacy seemed to be the best way to ensure that stability when restoring the government systems in European countries. As for the document, Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France is a clear example of conservatism. He argued that the "conquering power of reason" was dangerous. He also saw enthusiasm for constitutions as misguided (as enthusiasm was in the French Revolution with the Reign of Terror). In his document, Burke defended experience, tradition and history.

Where is afforestation being done?

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The which is defrosted or were there is lack of scenic beauty and is not promoted by tourists.

What is the most important source of carbon entering atmosphere?

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The most important source of carbon entering atmosphere is industries. Living things, burning fossil fuels and automobiles are other sources of carbon dioxide.

What are some governments doing to reduce their countries carbon emission?

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conserve water resources


reduce air pollution


increase fuel efficiency


protect marine species from overfishing

How do you reduce carbon dioxide emissions from factories?

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Businesses can cut their energy use by ensuring that their equipment is up-to-date and efficient. They can educate their staff to turn off lights and heating when not needed. Businesses should get a proper energy consultant to evaluate their energy usage and make thorough and specific recommendations for their industry sector.

What are the negative effects of colloids on the environment?

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some colloids cause pollution in the environment...some colloids release cfc's that contributes to the ozone layer depletion...

Why parent material control soil formation?

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Are the rocks,boulders,stones ect. That has been weathered over a certain geological period of time ,breaking down the rocks,boulders ect into smaller rock particles and then into smaller rock particles until they become the soil

How do you make on afforestation?

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  1. Educate children from the early age about earth nature and environment.
  2. Join tree-planting clubs and other nature and ecology clubs.
  3. Make them aware of the relationship of man and nature
  4. Promote afforestation via tree plantations-involve parents and teachers along with children
  5. Display banners explaining disadvantages of deforestation for e.g. land sliding, impact on wild life, global warming

What is the relation between man and environment?

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Man and environment reciprocal relationship. The relationship between humans and environment has varied from the early periods of human settlement on the earth to the present day. The relationship between environment and human beings has also being varying from place to place at any given period of time. For example, early humans considered the environment to be dominant. They were afraid of lightning and thunder, dense forests, wild animals, vast oceans and large rivers, to name a few. The environment has considerably affected human beings right from his evolution. The environment affects humans in many ways. Population on the earth varies due to variation in the environment. The main factors which affect the distribution of population and human settlement are: 1) Relief of Land The populations in the high mountainous areas, such as the Himalayas in India, Andes in South America, Rocky in North America, etc., have very low settlement level. This is because the relief is rugged here which represents obstacles in the construction of roads, railways and communication. Due to steep slopes, agriculture is done with a great difficulty and industries also could not be established. These places having very less economic activity have less population and hence have small isolated settlements. Whereas the plain areas of the world are most suitable for human settlement. Fertile plains of Ganga in India, Indus in Pakistan, Hwang-Ho in China and plains of Europe have huge population concentration having compact or huge semi-compact type of settlement. 2) Climate Most of the areas of the earth having density less than two persons/sq. km are not favorable for settlement because of their unfavorable climate. Areas of cold climate-North Siberia, North Canada, Alaska etc. have low density of population. Hot and arid regions of -Sahara, Kalahari Desert in Africa, Great Australian Desert etc are not suitable for human settlement. In tropical regions due to heavy rain and temperature, the density of population is very low, example in Amazon basin population density is less than two persons/sq. km. But places with favorable climate and favorable terrain, have dense population and hence have compact settlement. 3) Soils Fertile alluvial soils encourage dense population which in turn gives rise to compact type of settlement. This is so because alluvial soils give rise to agricultural activities. Java Islands of Indonesia has fertile soil of young volcanic material and agriculture is an important activity, hence dense and compact settlements are found here. Whereas in Sumatra, due to infertile soil, the population density is very low. 4) Mineral Deposits Mineral wealth is yet another factor responsible for population distribution and density. The presence of coal and iron-ore in different parts of the world has attracted huge population. Coal mining regions have become regions of dense population for example, Jharkhand in India and gold mines in Australian desert. 5) Water supply Population distribution is very much affected by water supply. The earliest settlements or civilizations developed on the banks of major rivers, example-Nile, Indus, etc. Adequate water supply provides irrigation facilities to farmers and hence population increases due to increase in primary activities. In dry regions, population is concentrated in those areas where there is water, hence nucleated- circular settlements are found. Thus it can be said that the environment plays an important role in deciding population distribution, density, settlement type and pattern. The Industrial Revolution which provided mechanical power, invention of steam engine and other machinery, greater use of metals etc gave them opportunities to modify the environment. At the same time agriculture provided abundant food so that they could settle down permanently. The family grew in size and people migrated to different parts, via rail, road and sea, because of improvement in transport system, example the new lands in America and Australia were settled by people from Europe. Another development which enabled humans to survive was the use of preventive and cumulative steps taken to protect them from epidemics and diseases-it increased the span of human life and reduced death rate. With increase in the knowledge and skill and development of human economy there was a gradual increase in carbon dioxide content. It is estimated that carbon dioxide content has increased by 25% in last 100yrs and the global temperatures have risen between 0.3 degree Celsius to 0.7 degree Celsius. Increase in carbon dioxide is attributed to large scale deforestation and will lead to increase in sea level causing submergence of coastal regions. Burning of coal, oil and petroleum adds sulphur dioxide to the atmosphere. Lead, carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide are added to the atmosphere from automobile exhaust. These gases result in acid rain which affects aquatic life, example acid rain in industrial regions of Europe and North America. Even now substances which were not present previously, are introduced into the air, water and soils. The most dangerous one is radioactive substance spewed into the atmosphere by nuclear explosions. They have adverse effects on organisms including man and cause death, impairment of limbs, diseases and psychological disorders. The catastrophe of nuclear disaster at Chernobyl in Ukraine (1988) is a burning example of adverse environmental effects of use of minerals like uranium, thorium etc. through most advanced and sophisticated technology. The environment has already been degraded to such an extent in certain areas that people are forced to migrate. They are facing scarcity of resources like food and energy. Man's impact on environment has resulted in pollution of environment which not only affects air, water and land but also organisms of biosphere. The main points summing up the impact of man on environment are: Air pollution-burning of fossil fuels in large quantities from jet aircraft, CFCs used in aerosol spray cans, refrigerators and farm blowing are responsible for depletion of ozone to 3-4% in last 100 years. Water pollution-leakage of petroleum from huge ships and oil tankers into the sea, causes oil slicks which spread rapidly over water and spell disaster to marine life and to human depending on marine resources. The leakage of 100000tons of crude oil near Spanish coast in 1976, leakage of crude oil off Alaskan coast in 1989 are a few examples of the many such incidents which tell the impact of negligence and failure of technology on environment. The most widespread source of water pollution is disposal of sewage of urban centers into rivers. The Ganga and Yamuna are polluted in this way and the same rivers provide domestic water supply as well. Ocean waters are polluted by discharge of sewage from cities located along the coast. Land degradation-dumping of solid waste from urban centers and waste materials from mining centers renders the land unsuitable for any use. Surface run-off from such areas pollutes streams and ground water seepage. Saline encrustation of irrigated lands is another example of land degradation. In the semi-arid region, wind action causes deposition of sand on a large scale over cultivated land rendering them unfit for cultivation. This marks the beginning of the process of desertification. Depletion of resources-population growth in the recent past has resulted in rapid depletion of all kinds of resources. The most striking example of such resource depletion is the food deficit faced by about 100 countries of the world. Forest and soil resources are getting depleted at a fast rate owing to population pressure. Tropical forests are depleting at a rate of 2% per annum. It is estimated that the world is losing 7% of top soil per decade. Depletion of resources is most significant in respect of non renewable mineral and power resources. The world is facing energy crisis as existing oil resources may last for a few decades. Though coal reserves are adequate for a few centuries but it cannot replace oil, especially for transport. Humans have come to realize that their economic activities are threatening their survival on earth. Their survival depends on their realization that they have to live in harmony with the various elements of environment which are interconnected. An understanding of the components and processes which take place in environment, the relationship between biotic and abiotic components, and the assessment of resources with reference to need of people in a region is essential for their survival.

What is the difference between Afforestation and Reforestation?

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Afforestation refers to the planting of trees on areas that were not covered with forests.

Reforestation refers to the re-planting of trees on areas that were once covered with forests.

Forestation is sometimes used instead of Afforestation, and Deforestation is also used, meaning to remove or cut down forests or trees.

(In Latin De means to take away from, Ad or Af means to add to, and Re means again.)

See the related questions below.

How is afforestation helpful to us?

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Afforestation means planting more trees. This helps by -

1) It prevents soil erosion.

2) Planting more trees (afforestation) increases the amt. of oxygen in the air.

3) Trees have medicinal properties and we get various products such as wood, food, flowers, paper, etc, so we should follow afforestation and not deforestation!

I hope u understand my explanation and u plant more trees! :)