


Waves Vibrations and Oscillations

From pendulums, to sound, to Schrödinger's equation, waves and vibrational motion are of fundamental importance to all of the disciplines of physics. Please direct all questions concerning the causes, mechanics, applications, and significance of oscillatory behavior into this category.

500 Questions

What is a longitudinal wave and what is nessasery for a wave?

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Asked by Wiki User

A longitudinal wave is a wave of which the disturbance direction is the same direction of the direction of the wave. Waves done in a spring and sound waves are an example.

A longitudinal wave:

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How does sound travel with graphic?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sound does not travel through graphics, as graphics are visual representations of information. Sound travels through a medium such as air or water by creating vibrations that propagate as waves. Graphics, on the other hand, are static or dynamic visual representations that convey information through images and design elements.

What does the scythe symbolize in pit and pendulum?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "The Pit and the Pendulum," the scythe symbolizes death and the impending threat of execution. It represents the fear and terror that the protagonist feels as he faces his potential demise. The scythe serves as a reminder of mortality and the harsh reality of the situation the protagonist finds himself in.

What does the dungeon symbolize in pit and pendulum?

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Asked by Wiki User

In "The Pit and the Pendulum" by Edgar Allan Poe, the dungeon symbolizes the terror and despair of the narrator's situation. It represents his entrapment and impending doom, reflecting the psychological torment he experiences throughout the story. The darkness and confinement of the dungeon amplify the sense of fear and hopelessness felt by the protagonist.

How many wavelengths per second is a radio frequency on the FM band of 99.5 megahertz?

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Asked by Wiki User

To determine the number of wavelengths per second for a radio frequency on the FM band of 99.5 megahertz (MHz), we can use the formula:

Wavelength = c/f


  • c= is the speed of light in a vacuum (approximately 3* 10^8 meters per second),

  • f= is the frequency of the radio wave in hertz (Hz).

First, we need to convert the frequency from megahertz (MHz) to hertz (Hz). Since 1 MHz = 10^6 Hz, the frequency in hertz is:

f = 99.5MHz10^6 Hz/MHz = 99.510^6 Hz

Now, we can calculate the wavelength:

Wavelength = 310^8m/s/99.510^6 Hz

Wavelength = 3/99.5 m

Wavelength approx 3.02 meters

So, for a radio frequency on the FM band of 99.5 megahertz, there are approximately 3.02 meters per wavelength.

To find the number of wavelengths per second, we can use the reciprocal of the wavelength:

Number of wavelengths per second = 1/Wavelength

Number of wavelengths per second = 1/3.02 m

Number of wavelengths per second approx 0.331 wavelengths/second

Therefore, a radio frequency on the FM band of 99.5 megahertz has approximately 0.331 wavelengths per second.

What is a pendulum debate?

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Asked by Wiki User

A pendulum debate refers to a style of debate where both sides take extreme positions on an issue, swinging back and forth between opposing viewpoints. This format allows for a thorough examination of all perspectives on the topic but can sometimes lead to polarized arguments without reaching a consensus.

Can you find a poem about sound waves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sure, here's a short poem about sound waves:

Sound waves dance through the air, Whispering secrets, everywhere. A symphony of frequencies in play, Bringing melodies to light of day.

What are ICT applications in computing?

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Asked by Wiki User

ICT applications in computing include software development, data analysis, network management, cloud computing, and cybersecurity. These applications leverage computing technology to support various business processes, communication platforms, and information management systems.

Where can you get a 2-shot clip for a 20 gauge Revelation Model R325BB bolt action?

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Asked by Homeboymj1

Basically your gun is a Mossberg 385 series bolt-action 20ga shotgun private-branded for Western Auto. New replacement magazines are available, just need to know if your gun is 2 3/4" only or accepts 3" ammunition.

Is the motion of a seesaw simple harmonic motion?

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Asked by HamzaRasheedgp4133

no because it doesn't have a restoring

How is waves speed related to its wavelength and frequency?

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Asked by Wiki User

As long as the wave stays in the same medium, the product of its


and frequency is always the same number ... its speed.

What is it called when vibrations cause a second object to vibrate?

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Asked by Wiki User

When vibrations from one object cause another object to vibrate, it is called resonance. Resonance occurs when the natural frequency of the second object matches the frequency of the vibrations of the first object, resulting in increased amplitude and sustained vibrations in the second object.

What is an abbreviation often used for secondary waves?

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Asked by Wiki User

The abbreviation often used for secondary waves is S-waves.

Why Can't Sound Waves Travel In Outter Space?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sound waves require a medium to travel through, such as air, water, or a solid object. In outer space, there is a lack of air or any other medium for sound to propagate. Therefore, sound waves cannot travel in the vacuum of space.

Why is important to swing the pendulum multiple times than take an average time?

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Asked by Wiki User

Swinging the pendulum multiple times allows us to account for any variations or errors in individual swings, leading to a more accurate measurement of the average time. Taking an average helps to minimize the impact of any random factors that could affect the individual swings and provides a more reliable representation of the pendulum's true behavior.

How do you do an experiment on a oscillation of a cantilever?

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Asked by Wiki User

To conduct an experiment on the oscillation of a cantilever, you will need to set up a cantilever beam and measure its oscillation. Start by fixing one end of the cantilever beam to a rigid support and attach a sensor or a marker at the other end to track its movement. Apply a disturbance or a force on the cantilever and record the motion using a sensor or a camera. Analyze the recorded data to determine the frequency, amplitude, and other characteristics of the oscillation.

What is the type of waves of the propagation of sound in air- Longtudinal or Transversal?

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Asked by Wiki User

The type of waves for the propagation of sound in air is longitudinal. Longitudinal waves are characterized by the vibration of particles in the same direction as the wave's propagation. In the case of sound waves, air molecules move back and forth in the direction of the sound wave as it travels through the air.

What happens when a vibration interacts with matter?

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Asked by Wiki User

When a vibration interacts with matter, it can induce various effects depending on the nature of the vibration and the properties of the material. If the frequency of the vibration matches the natural frequency of the material, resonance can occur, leading to amplification of the vibration. If the vibration is of sufficient intensity, it can cause the material to deform, break, or generate heat. Additionally, vibrations can also induce changes in the electrical and magnetic properties of the material.

Why it is not advisable to determine the period of the oscillating system by recording the time for one complete oscillation only?

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Asked by Wiki User

It is not advisable to determine the period of an oscillating system by recording the time for only one complete oscillation because the measurement may be affected by random errors. To obtain a more accurate and reliable measurement, it is recommended to record the time for multiple complete oscillations and then calculate the average period. This helps to eliminate any potential errors or variations in timing that may occur in a single oscillation.

Examples of electromagnetic waves?

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Asked by Wiki User

Light wave is an electromagnetic wave.

EM wave spectrum consists of X-rays, gamma rays,ultraviolet , vibgyor , infrared

, microwave and radio waves etc

hope it helps.

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