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Hi, I have had trouble with fat on my belly as well but what I did works!

I did 50 sit ups, 50 crunches + another exercise 50 of them.

for the 3rd one what you do is put your hands next to your head bring your left knee forward right knee back not touching the floor + keep doing that and move your opposite arm towards your opposite knee.

sorry I don't know what it is called but do 50 of them as well. i did them every night for a month and i have lost 3/4 of my belly fat. i am now much more confident. I'm going on holiday in 3 weeks so I will probably have a perfect belly for then.

I hope this works for you like it worked for me (: if not go on YouTube and there are lots more exercises on there.


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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

You can lose stubborn fat in areas that are resistant to diet and exercise by cold therapy. Cold therapy works in two ways:

  1. Cold activates brown fat -which helps to burn calories at higher rate (in order to keep us from freezing )
  2. Cold temperatures have also been shown to significantly decrease subcutaneous fat (as in white, blobby fat).

White fat cells are highly sensitive to cold temperatures which was discovered when doctors noticed that children who habitually sucked on ice popsicles began showing dimples/indentations in their cheeks. Research studies have shown that after being cooled white fat cells begin a process called "apoptosis" and begin to shrink. These damaged fat cells are slowly digested over several months by our bodies and removed through the liver. (Apoptosis is the process of programmed cell death (PCD) that may occur in multicellular organisms)

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Short of Liposuction there's no way to target weight loss, it'll happen a little all over, incl your target area.

To lose belly fat without going under the knife you need to eat less/healthier and exercise more. With a sensible and healthy diet, you'd be able to drop 5 lbs in about one month.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The best ways to lose stomach fat are through eating a proper diet and exercise. Stop eating high fat and high carbohydrate foods. Instead eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Mix this with exercise and you will begin to see the stomach fat melt away.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Attempting to reduce fat in just one part of your body at a time is likely to be disappointing.

Fat reduction works like this: When you try to lose fat, the reduction occurs all throughout your body. Unlike muscle-building, it cannot be specifically targeted to one region. Also, the reduction in fat will not be quickly apparent because it will not be focused on only one spot on your body. So it's helpful to have a "slowly but surely" attitude.

Note that exercises mostly serve to tone the muscle underneath the fat. But if you want to slim down, the fat has to be burned off. For that, the main thing is to ditch the junk food and the sweetened drinks. Exercise alone might not be sufficient.

Here's a program for the period in which you want to lose weight:

Plenty of moderate aerobic exercise, no sweetened liquids at all, and no junk food at all. Preferably no sugar, and as little added salt and processed foods as possible. Eat 3 small-portioned meals/day; do not skip breakfast; and avoid snacks. Limit your calories (better to consult a doctor or nutritionist concerning the amount), and weigh yourself 2-3 times/week. Ignore the sensation of hunger. If you see your weight diminishing at a safe, reasonable rate (1-2 pounds/week), keep it up.

Once you've reached your target weight, increase your calorie intake somewhat. And you can then have small amounts of sweetened foods or junk food on occasion (if at all), along with your regular foods (not instead of them). But keep checking your weight 2-3 times/week.

Avoid crash diets, diet pills etc. Avoid fatty cuts of meat. Walk as much as possible. Bicycling and swimming are good too.

More guidelines:

Don't concentrate on specific foods so much as on a balanced, healthy diet plus exercise. Plenty of moderate exercise rather than intense exercise, which can damage your joints.

Good nutrition means eating what your body needs, while ingesting as few harmful things as possible. It has also been described as getting enough of each of the major food categories (grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, dairy, etc.; plus plenty of water).

This will vary somewhat from one person to another; and I don't believe that there's any universal diet that can be prescribed for everyone. Avoid best-sellers with their perennial fad diets. And think twice before using any dietary supplements or weight-loss pills.

In general, one's starting point can be a menu of whole grains, whole-wheat bread, a good amount of vegetables, some fruits and nuts, fish, lean meats (in not-large amounts), and some dairy. However, this must be tweaked according to one's health, weight and other factors at the outset; and also adjusted over time, as one sees what works for him/her in particular.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

What might be some of the best ways to lose belly fat?

In addition to the answer below, for more detailed information, plus free plans, list and programs, showing you how, step by step, see this question and answer: HOW TO LOSE BELLY FAT

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Lvl 5
βˆ™ 2y ago

1. Get enough sleep

  • The hormones that break down fat and control appetite are affected by sleep, and adequate sleep helps control appetite and break down fat.
  • Sleep deprivation reduces insulin sensitivity, disrupts hormone cycles and affects brain function. Sleep-deprived people have disrupted hormone production, are more likely to feel hungry and thus eat more, and are more likely to store fat so that their bodies have enough calories to resist longer-term stress.

2. Refuse to diet

Dieting allows fat to be stored protectively, and it is muscle that is consumed and broken down. During the diet, the body's muscle breakdown more than fat. In the first month or two, dieting will allow you to taste the sweetness of rapid weight loss. But most of what is consumed is muscle, while fat is still on the body and the body line is flabby and invisible. Therefore, people who lose weight through dieting are often not tightly built.

Copy and Paste the link Below to know : How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases)

3. Adjust the diet structure

  • Eat protein- and fat-rich meat, eggs and vegetables at every meal, so you'll be less likely to gain weight!
  • Enjoy unprocessed, whole grain foods. You can eat up to three servings a day, but no more than one serving per meal. For example, brown rice, black rice or quinoa. Avoid refined grains such as all pasta, bread, pasta, white rice, crackers (including foods made with whole wheat flour). Instead of whole grain foods, you can eat starchy vegetables such as corn, sweet potatoes, taro, squash, potatoes, yams, etc. You can eat about as much as one palm per meal. Beans are not starchy vegetables, so you can eat them whenever you want.
  • Never refuse fats.Healthy fats will ensure that your body functions properly and help you produce leptin, lipolytic enzymes and other good things that are good for weight loss. Eating more unsaturated fatty acid-based foods, such as salmon and fish oil, can also adjust your fat distribution.
  • To lose weight make sure that every meal includes high protein foods. They help lose weight, reduce appetite, increase satiety and improve metabolic rate! The best sources of protein are seafood, fish, eggs, beef, chicken, pork, etc.
  • Eat enough dietary fiber and probiotics All types of dietary fiber are good for weight loss!
  • Fruit should be limited! The fructose content of fruit will keep you from losing weight. During weight loss it is recommended to eat less fruit, if you must eat, it is recommended: strawberries, avocado, blueberries, raspberries, mulberries, which have less fructose content.

4.Do exercise for the abdomen

No abdominal muscles, then low body fat, there will be no body line. So if you want a waistline, exercising your abdomen is still necessary!

This is the video of targeted abdominal training (no gender), interested to see.

Copy and Paste the link Below:

You can also get other methods for daily weight loss at the link below.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Losing belly fat can be achieved in multiple ways. One can diet, do crunches, sit ups, and squats. These are just a few of the ways that you can lose belly fat.

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Lvl 2
βˆ™ 3y ago
  1. Swimming

  2. Running

  3. Cycling

  4. Light Weight training

  5. Walking.

  6. Yoga

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What are some weird ways to lose belly fat?

All good weight loss methods are healthy and sustainable. Don't think there will be " weird" ways to lose weight, that will only make you uncomfortable! There is a Daily Weight Loss Guide: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases) Link: The way to lose weight for men: 1.Exercises To Lose Belly Fat | Exercises To Lose Weight Link: 2.Workouts To Slim Down Belly Fat Link: The way to lose weight for women: 1.10 Min Cardio workout to burn Fat Link: 2.7-Day Challenge: Reduce Belly Fat and Arm Fat Link:

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Belly fat is more than a nuisance that makes your clothes feel tight. It’s seriously harmful.

Is it true that blueberries help you to lose belly fat?

No, going to the gym and eating healthy will make you lose belly fat.

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There are many ways to lose belly fat. You can have surgery, or consistently work out, and exercise, or it can also be possible by eating nutritious food.

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A good way to lose belly fat is jogging. 30 to 45 minutes of jogging three to four times a week should cut down your belly fat fairly fast. If you have the time, extending your jogs to an hour or more is very effective.

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If you shake your belly will you lose belly fat?

Shaking belly fat to lose weight is useless.All good weight loss methods are healthy and sustainable. Don't think there is a "weird" way to lose weight, it's just futile and a waste of time. There is a Daily Weight Loss Guide: The way to lose belly fat: Link: How To Diet To Lose Fat FOR GOOD (4 Phases) Link: The way to lose weight for men: 1.Exercises To Lose Belly Fat | Exercises To Lose Weight Link: 2.Workouts To Slim Down Belly Fat Link: The way to lose weight for women: 1.10 Min Cardio workout to burn Fat Link: 2.7-Day Challenge: Reduce Belly Fat and Arm Fat Link:

How do you lose belly fat by the next day?

That is not possible.

How to get rid of belly fat quickly at home?

Belly fat is one of the most common problems that people suffer from. Belly fat is more of an aesthetic problem than a health-related one. Despite of that, belly fat can be the cause of many health related problems. One of the biggest reasons of having belly fat are unhealthy lifestyle habits. If you are willing to get rid of your belly fat naturally, then you need to change certain things in your lifestyle. Getting rid of belly fat fast isn’t hard: you just need to reduce the body fat percentage. Fat percentage is the easiest and fastest way to measure your body fat. Apart from that, your body fat percentage will also reflect the rate at which you lose belly fat. To lose belly fat in 4 simple steps, You need to visit my profile description where you'll find a website just copy and open in a new tab. Thank you.

Would you lose belly fat from situps?

DO SIT-UPS BURN BELLY FATIn addition to the answer given beneath this one, for more in-depth information about the best ways to lose belly fat, what foods to eat and what foods to avoid, how to stop the fat from returning, and for the free charts, plans, lists, and exercises to enable you to achieve your goal, see the related questions and answers given below.HOW TO LOSE BELLY FATEXERCISES TO BURN BELLY FAT

Does Jasmine tea help to lose belly fat?

No. Nothing you put in your mouth will help you lose belly fat. But Jasmine tea, preferably unsweetened, will not make you fatter.