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Q: General Winfield Scott anaconda plan attempted to weaken the confederate states?
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Who is war strategy was the anaconda plan?

That was Winfield Scott, the General-in-Chief who was still in the chair in 1861, although far too old for the job. His long-term plan for the war was ridiculed as 'Scott's Anaconda' (slow strangulation) at a time when almost everyone else thought it would be a short and fairly bloodless war. Time would prove him right, and the Union did eventually put this sort of plan into effect.

How was the situation before the anaconda plan?

The long-term Anaconda Plan was the one put forward at the outbreak of war by the General-in-Chief of the US Armies, the elderly Winfield Scott. It was ridiculed at that time, because everyone expected the war to be over in weeks. 'Before the Anaconda Plan' would mean before the war, when there were almost no troops in uniform and no strategy for the forthcoming conflict, which was unlike any other that America had ever seen or heard of.

Why was the Southern fortress city of Vicksburg the key to the Union's old Anaconda Plan?

The Union sought to gain full control of the Mississippi River, taking it away from Confederate gunboats and supply ships. Early on, General in Chief Winfield Scott had prepared a plan to defeat the Rebels by doing just was described. It was part of his "Anaconda Plan" and he was scoffed for it. After multiple attempts over a two year period, Vicksburg surrendered in 1863, having been under siege by forces led by Union General US Grant.

2 generals of the anaconda plan?

I'd be surprised if you could find two. The plan was put forward by General Winfield Scott, who seemed to be the only senior officer who thought it was going to be a long war. Sherman thought so, and told Southern friends about it, but he was not yet famous.

What was the anaconda plan and what were its goals?

During the United States Civil War era, a man by the name of Winfield Scott proposed a plan to blockade these ports of the seceded Southern states and attack using the Mississippi River. Critics did not think the plan was aggressive enough, comparing it to an anaconda that slowly smothers its victims to death. Therefore, it was discarded for more brutal tactics, such as those shown during the infamous marches of General Sherman.

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Who made the anaconda plan?

General Winfield Scott.

What were the goals in the general winfield Scott anaconda plan?

What is

What general in chief of the US proposed the Anaconda Plan?

Winfield Scott

When was the anaconda plan created?

The Anaconda Plan was created in 1861 when the Civil War started. The plan was put into action by Lieutenant General Winfield Scott.

Who had the anaconda strategy?

The Union or the US side had the Anaconda Plan. It was devised by the aged General In Chief, Winfield Scott. It was a plan to blockade the Southern coast and capture ports along the Mississippi River in order to choke off Confederate supply lines from Europe as well as from the western reaches of the Confederacy.

Who was the confederate general in the anaconda plan?

There was no Confederate General in the Anaconda Plan. The name was given derisively to the long-term strategy recommended by the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S.Army, Winfield Scott. The idea was to blockade the ports and liberate the Mississippi, to stop the South importing the goods it needed. Since most people thought the war would be over in weeks, the plan was rejected. But later, the North adopted a programme basically similar. An interesting case of a top General applying valuable insight, but too old to fight his corner.

How did the first Battle of Bull Run establish the Anaconda plan of Winfield Scott?

It demonstrated that the war would not be over in weeks. It would demand an expensive and laborious programme of recruiting, re-organising and supply, as well as long-term blockading of Confederate ports.

Who devised the unions war plan named anaconda?

Lieutenant-Gen. Winfield Scott, General in Chief of the US Army in 1861.

What was the name given to General Winfield Scott's plan to defeat the Confederacy by blockading southern ports and controlling the Mississippi River?

The Anaconda plan

Who was the general served during the Mexican War and created Union plans?

the Chinese (New Respondent) Sounds like Winfield Scott. He guessed that it would be a long war, and devised a strategy of slow stragulation of the Confederacy, ridiculed as the Anaconda Plan.

Did the North at the beginning of the Civil War feel the Anaconda Plan was a viable plan?

There were mixed reviews by the North at the beginning of the Civil War that the Anaconda Plan was a viable plan. The plan was proposed by Winfield Scott, General-in-Chief.

What was the name given to the idea to control the Mississippi and to suffocate the south?

The name was "The Anaconda Plan". It was a strategic plan set up by Union General Winfield Scott