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I wondered the same thing. It's so obvious. Older episodes had loads of close ups . Now, the camera keeps its distance. IMO, she looks pretty awful.

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Q: Has Amy Matthews had facial surgery?
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When was Amy Matthews born?

Amy Matthews was born in 1973.

When did Amy matthews divorce Michael matthews?

DIY star Amy Matthews is not divorced and is currently married to Aaron Doering.

What is the lastest facial surgery that is possible now?

The latest type of facial corrective surgery is through facial or jaw distraction techniques

How many facial surgerys are there?

The most common form of facial surgery is to do with jaw correction surgery.

Why do people need facial surgery?

Most people need corrective facial surgery in order to eat and chew. This is called functional surgery

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Thai for humanity

Is Amy Matthews from bathroom renovations married?

Yes. She's married to Michael Matthews. Amy and her husband renovated their kitchen together on DIY's "Kitchen Renovations" in 2008.

Is Amy Matthews Mormon?

There are no sources giving Amy Matthews religion, so we do not know if she is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) or not.

What is the latest facial surgery?

The lastest in facial surgery is jaw distraction surgery, and this forms part of the surgical armamenterium of orthognathic surgery. These operations are performed by oral & maxillofacial surgeons

How did reconstructive surgery turn into plastc surgery?

Reconstructive facial surgery is a specialty practice of maxillofacial surgery. Plastic surgeons or oral & maxillofacial surgeons are usually the people that you turn to for facial reconstruction surgery.

Who is the blonde girl host on the DIY channel?

Amy Matthews

How can a dentist perform facial plastic surgery procedure?

A general dentist, or even a medical GP, cannot perform facial plastic surgery operations. But some dentists (and often dentists who ahve also completed medicine, and therefore are also medical doctors) have specialised in oral & maxillofacial surgery, and oral & maxillofacial surgery includes facial plastic surgery, as much as facial plastic surgery includes oral & maxillofacial surgery.