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Yes, it is possible that eye lasik surgery has side effects. Some of these side effects are glare, halos with night vision, and dry eyes. For the most part, those side effects will disappear within few days.

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Q: Has anyone had side effects due to smoking before lasik eye surgery?
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No. Consult you doctor before you undergo any form of surgery.

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if youre dead nao. no

Why are patients asked to stop smoking prior to surgery?

This way, you improve your lung ventilation, avoid bronchoconstriction, reduce your chances of thrombosis, reduce chances of pneumothorax... Well basically, as you already know, smoking is not good for anything, and it does increase your operative risk by a lot. It also reduces healing after surgery.

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Smokers should stop or cut back on smoking prior to surgery.

Does smoking pot a week before surgery make a difference?

It is critical that patients quit smoking all substances before surgery, including marijuana; these substances can have the same detrimental effects on surgery as nicotine. For example, they can make patients more or less susceptible to anesthetics. The carbon monoxide found in any kind of smoke affects blood pressure, making it more difficult for the blood to carry oxygen.Patients should feel comfortable telling their anesthesiologist if they have been smoking or using other substances before surgery, as this information will remain confidential and is important to their care.Source: would matter a great deal to me and to the American Medical Association if you were the surgeon who was smoking pot before surgery. That would be the test, wouldn't it? Pot won't hurt you...if you believe that, then you shouldn't mind if your surgeon is high.

Can a smoker have coronary artery bypass graft surgery?

The individual should quit smoking or using tobacco products before the surgery. The individual needs to make the commitment to be a nonsmoker after the surgery.

What are the risks of smoking marijuana before surgery?

It is critical that patients quit smoking all substances before surgery, including marijuana; these substances can have the same detrimental effects on surgery as nicotine. For example, they can make patients more or less susceptible to anesthetics. The carbon monoxide found in any kind of smoke affects blood pressure, making it more difficult for the blood to carry oxygen.Source:

How many hours do you wait smoking weed before surgery?

you should wait at least 7 hours before or you could have stomach bleeding