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I think seasons 1-3 were awesome. all were very funny and Sheldon was great. but then season 4 started and i went down hill and now season 5 is continuing the trend. when it was just the 4 guys and Penny it was hilarious but now there are too many girls (for the big bang). Amy , Bernadette and Penny (I on't even bother mentioning Prea - let's hope she never returns) hanging out in her apartment drinking and talking about boys is NOT the big bang theory; it more closely resembles an episode from Friends.

Sheldon no longer seems to be the central character and is nothing like his old self. In the last episode he hugged Will Weaton (very out of character) and put his arm around him. Anyone knows anything about Sheldon is that he hates physical contact and has only ever hugged Penny, once. And the episodes seem to focus more on the relationships of the character (dating and drama )than about the science and nerdy stuff that made the show unique and hilarious in the first place.

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Q: Has the Big Bang Theory TV show gone down in quality with the later seasons?
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How is the big bang theory is an example od scienctific theory?

Hello i am minakshi answer is that the big bang theory is an example of old scientific theory as big bang theory explains that there was an explosion but the isotropy and the homogenity of the universe is not explained by big bang theory to explain his we connect inflatation theory with big bang theory to explain it so the big bang theory is also an example of old scientific theory.

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