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Yes one but it has been years since it was caught. It was taken to fish and game then put in the zoo. Not sure if it died or what happened

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Q: Have there been Bull sharks in lake pleasant?
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Does kawana lake have sharks in it?

Yeah it has Bull sharks

Are there sharks in Lake George?

No. There are no sharks in Lake George. Do not believe the urban legends about bull sharks swimming up the river. There have been no shark attacks in the Hudson River either.

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What sharks are found in lake ponchartrain?

Bull sharks but what else

What is unusual about Lake Nicaragua?

Originally it was thought to be a separate species but it actually is the bull shark which is known for swimming up rivers. Bull sharks have been known to attack people many miles up the Mississippi and other world rivers. Bull sharks tagged in the lake have been found later in the Caribbean and vice versa. I forgot the river's name the sharks swim up. hope that helps.

Are there bull sharks in lake Washington?

No sightings have ever been reported and I dont think it connects to the ocean in any way

What animals are in lake pontchartrain?

Yes, there have been a few cases of sights of bull sharks near oil rigs in the lake.

Do bull sharks live in silver lake?

Bull sharks are salt water animals, so the only way that one could live in "lake of the woods" would be if the lake were a salt water lake.

Is there sharks around the lake?

You will not find the usual sharks in Lake Tahoe. However, there could be bull sharks in there because they can survive in fresh water, and they have been known to attack.

Are there sharks in Kentucky lake?

yes, and u need to find a new water soluble lubrication to avoid being bit by one.

Where in the Mississippi are there bull sharks are they in Wisconsin?

bull sharks are in the Mississippi river and therefor they are in Wisconsin. Bull sharks are abundant in the lower Mississippi River and are also found in Minnesota up the Mississippi. Bull sharks have also been reported in an attack in Lake Michigan, possibly up the St. Lawrence River from saltwater to freshwater.

What US lakes do bull sharks live in?

lake erie