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Not at all, the temperature of U-235 or Pu-239 which are used for nuclear energy production by fission, has no effect on the fission reaction, which is driven only by the capture cross-section for neutron capture. Slow neutrons are captured more strongly than fast ones, so it is an advantage for the moderator not to be at a high temperature.

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Q: Why nuclear fission take high temperature for a raection?
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Is hydrogen ever created in nature by nuclear fission?

Yes In high temperature gas cooled nuclear fission reactors using the nuclear process heat.

What are two dangers associated with nuclear fission?

Nuclear waste and high levels of radiation are two dangers associated with nuclear fission.

Elemets that contain high binding energies in the nucleus are likely to release stored energy through -Nuclear Fission -Nuclear Fusion -Kinetic Energy -Chemical Energy?

Nuclear fission - if large atomsNuclear fusion - if small atoms under high temperature and pressureNuclear decay - atoms of any size if unstableThe products of any of these processes usually have high kinetic energy, which is another way of saying they release heat.

Why is Americium not suitable for making fission type nuclear bombs?

Its high spontaneous fission rate.

It takes an extremely high temperature for nuclear to occur inside the sun?

Not nuclear, it takes an extremely hight temperature for Fusion to occur with in the sun or any other star. ADDED: Yes "nuclear". Fusion is one of the two type of nuclear reaction, the other being Fission.

What take an extremely high temperature for nuclear?

Nuclear fusion requires extremely high temperature and great pressure.

What takes an extremely high temperature for nuclear what?

Nuclear fusion requires extremely high temperature and great pressure.

Nuclear energy is an alternate energy source produced from atomic reactions?

There are two: Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion. Fission is when a neutron is fired at an element with a high atomic number (usually Uranium) which then splits, releasing energy and more neutrons. this produces a chain reaction, which continues until all nuclei have been split. Fusion occurs in stars and a few experimental reactors, and happens when two forms of Hydrogen nuclei (Deuterium and Tritium) fuse into an unstable nucleus, which in turn splits again into Helium and a spare neutron. Fission can start at any temperature, but Fusion only when Hydrogen is in a plasma state.

What is 1 condition necessary for nuclear reaction in the sun to occur?

Very high pressure at the centre due to gravity, and high temperature. Note however that temperature does not have to be so high as in tokamaks on earth, because the pressure and hence density of the plasma is so great.

Does Nuclear fission create any waste materials.?

nuclear fission results in the presence of used nuclear fuel that should be:either reprocessed (to gain back the remaining uranium and produced plutonium and to get the fission products as vitrified waste), orstored as high active waste; either under water or in dry storage casks.

What is the critical temperature at which nuclear reactions begin?

For nuclear fission reactors there is no critical temperature, though they do have a temperature coefficient which makes the efficiency of the chain reaction vary slightly with temperature. This can be negative or positive, obvously a negative coefficient is preferred and is safer. Nuclear fusion is another matter, and very high temperatures are required in tokamaks to get fusion started

How does nuclear fission end?

It ends by losing the critical mass or by introducing high neutron capturing material.