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Given a Class C network: We want 5 subnets, each with 30 hosts on it. How many bits to borrow ? How many bits to leave? What is the subnet mask? ( in dot notation and in CIDR notation)

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āˆ™ 2y ago
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āˆ™ 6y ago

also, Given a Class B network: and a subnet mask of: What is the subnet mask in CIDR notation.

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Q: How Given a Class C network We want 5 subnets each with 30 hosts on it. How many bits to borrow How many bits to leave What is the subnet mask ( in dot notation and in CIDR notation)?
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What does it mean to borrow 4 bits for subnets?

When you borrow bits for a subnet you are intruding into the client portion of an IP address. As a result, you will lose clients in your network because the "borrowed" portion becomes the extended network prefix. This allows you to separate your bigger network into smaller, logical networks (subnets). The number of bits borrowed will indicate the total number of smaller subnets that you can support in your network. In each case, regardless of class of address, borrowing 4 bits gives a total of 14 subnets (in the classical sense) and 16 subnets (in Cisco).

How many bits do you need to borrow in a class C subnet masks to accommodate 18 networks?

Borrow 5 bits (for 30 subnets total).

In a class A how many subnet bits are needed to make at least 365 useable hosts or subnets?

You would need at least 9 bits to borrow. Since 8 bits gives only 255 the additional bit will get you 256. Adding 256 + 128 gives you at least 384 subnets or hosts.

Given class C address with a default subnet mask How many possible subnets and usable hosts if 4 bits were borrowed?

that gives you 16 subnets with 14 usable IPs for hosts that is because one is for subnet and one for broadcas in that subnet for example: - subnet number -broadcast number usable IPs for hosts - IPs between them that is 14

What is the maximum number of subnets in class A using this mask of

Ok good question To subnet any network requires borrowing host addresses The regardless of class says host addresses start at CIDR (Classless Inter Domain Routing Protocol) /18. So if we borrow every available host address space then we have 2^14 = 16,384 possible subnet addresses available, NOT. In reality we have 11111111.11111111.11000000.00000000 or a /18 network. Every network / subnet requires two special reserved addresses. The network or zero address, and the last address in the range which will be assigned as the broadcast address. So we can't borrow all of the bits for sub netting. If we only leave one we will only have two addresses for the hosts, this won't work because we need to reserve two. We have to leave two so we will have 2^2 = 4. We can then give each subnet a network address and a broadcast address and still have 2 usable hosts' addresses. If we do this we only have 2^12 subnets = 4096. Each subnet will only have two usable host addresses and two reserved addresses. See the math confirms that 4096 * 4 = 16384 which is the total number of addresses in the address space we started with.

If you borrow 10 host bits from a Class B network address how many usable hosts are left?

62 hosts.

What is the minimum number of bits that must be borrowed if three additional network identifiers are required?

You would have to borrow three bits because borrowing only two would result in four and two of those cannot be used. 2nĀ²-2 gives four addresses, one with all 0s and one with all 1s in binary form. Those two cannot be used so an additional bit would have to be borrowed to get at least three usable subnets.

What are the advantages of Class A network over Class B and Class C?

A class A network has more IP addresses - you can connect more hosts on it.A class C network has 256 IP addresses (of which you can use 254), a class B network about 65,000, a class A network about 17 million.More specifically, a Class A network can have 16,777,214 usable host addresses per network whereas a Class B network can have 65,6534 usable host addresses per network.Another advantage is the ridiculous amounts of subnetting you can do. For example, in a Class C network, you can't borrow the same number of bits as you can with a Class A because you only have the last octet to work with for the host portion. With a Class A network, the last three octets are the entire host portion, so you have 24 bits to work with for subnetting (technically 23 since you can't subnet down through all available bits and have no bits left for hosts =p). Due to the amount of subnets you can have and the 16+ million hosts you can potentially have on the same network, Class A networks are reserved for super big applications (ISPs and gigantic companies).

When you borrow money from a bank where does that money come from?

When you borrow money from a bank they pull cash from the bank's reserves. This collection of cash is the net cash reserves within the bank or its network from depositors in the system.

What is the future tense of borrow?

i will borrow is the only thing i can think of

What is the maximum number of bits that can be borrowed with class b?

The maximum number of host bits that can be borrowed from a class A address is 22 (technically you could borrow 23 but the resulting network would be useless). A class A address uses 8 bits for its network address and 24 bits for its host addresses. Class A uses a subnet mask of You can only borrow 22 bits (instead of 24) because a valid network requires 4 addresses: A network address, two host addresses and a broadcast address. These networks would result in 30 bits used for the network address and 2 bits used for the host addresses. These networks use a subnet mask of

Are you supposed to borrow when multiplying?

There is no need to borrow when multiplying. You need to carry numbers when multiplying but not borrow.