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Jefferson wanted to make the government more democratic, less favoring people. he wanted everyone to have equal/ the same rights. Jefferson disagreed with the federalists who wanted the government to be based on only the wealthy people.

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Q: How did Jefferson views of government differ?
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How did Jefferson carry out his views in the government?

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Jefferson's views differed from Hamilton's because Jefferson believed that implied powers are the powers that are "absolutely necessary" to carry out expressed powers, but Hamilton thought it meant that they were not expressly forbidden in the Constitution.

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The changes that Jefferson made minimized the powers of the centralized government. These changes reflected his views that government if given too much power would threaten the rights of the people.

Thomas jefferson's views on government?

The smaller and less intrusive the better.

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What was Thomas Jefferson view on government?

Thomas Jefferson's views on federal government were that there should be a weak central government and power to the states. This also shows his continuing support of the Articles of Confederation.

How did Thomas Jefferson feel about the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions?

The Kentucky and Virginia resolutions reflect Jefferson's view on government because Jefferson wanted he government based on a strict translation of the Constitution. Jefferson's views included that government was instituted to protect individual's rights.

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Because they wanted it to be perfect

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