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i need the same answer for a school project!

but all i know from research is that they use satellites orbiting earth to determine its path and what it will do

-sorry it wasn't much help!

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12y ago
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11y ago

Scientists analyze weather patterns in the area of a hurricane and build models to predict how they will interact. High and low pressure systems direct the movement of a hurricane and the conditions in the places a hurricane enters can either hinder or aid its development. Low pressure systems generally lead to a storm making left turns, while high pressure usually leads to right turns. These systems also influence humidity and wind shear, which play key roles in how strong a hurricane can become.

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13y ago

these days by satilite

used to be by planes,

and before that by ships.

Before radio, they all came as a surprise.

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6y ago

Hurricanes are easy to detect with weather satellites. Computer models are used to try to predict how a hurricane will behave.

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How did scientists track hurricanes without technology?

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Who studies hurricanes and tornadoes?

Since tornadoes and hurricanes are weather phenomena they are studied by meteorologists, or weather scientists.

Why do some scientists think that global warming would increase the strength of hurricanes?

Hurricanes get their energy from the warmth of oceans.

How can scientists keep track of tornadoes?

Scientists track tornadoes using Doppler radar and reports from eyewitnesses.

Why do the forecasters give hurricanes name?

People track them that way

How has technology changed the way hurricanes and tornadoes are studied?

Satellites allow us to track hurricanes at sea and study previously unseen features. Doppler radar allows us to directly track winds and precipitation in hurricanes, tornadoes, and potentially tornadic storms.

How are scientists able to track the hole in ozone?

Scientists are able to track ozone hole. New technology has enabled them to do so.

Where can you track hurricanes?

Go on the internet and type in 'National Hurricane Center'

What language must you learn to track hurricanes?

There is no specific language required for tracking hurricanes. All you need is to be able to communicate with your coworkers.