

How are mechanical waves harmful?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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6y ago

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Recall that mechanical waves are periodic perturbations that move through some kind of medium. The source transfers mechanical energy into the medium to propagate the wave. That said, we can consider a couple of different waves and see how they can be harmful.

Sound is a mechanical wave. It can travel through solids and liquids, but we probably think first that it moves through air. So how can that be bad? If you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, a blast of some kind can drive a pressure wave through air and damage your hearing. Heck, listening to your headphones at high volume can do this to a lesser degree. This is a direct effect of a dangerous level of mechanical energy. How about a couple of examples of harm by what might be termed indirect effect? Let's get to them.

A tsunami is a mechanical wave that moves across the sea. The wave itself may not be fatal, but drowning is a real possibility. We have fresh examples of the human toll taken by these mechanical waves. Enough said about that, yes? Yes.

We know that earthquakes generate mechanical energy, and they can generate a lot of it. Again, the moving ground might not injure anyone, but falling structures can. History is replete with examples of the damage done by quakes, and injuries and fatalities mount up in any assessment.

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sound waves are a example of mechanical waves

Is it true transverse and congressional waves are the two types of mechanical waves?

No. The 2 types of mechanical waves are transverse waves & longitudinal waves

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There are two types of waves, mechanical and non-mechanical waves. A mechanical wave needs some sort of medium, like an earthquake to move the water.

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Mechanical waves require media through which they can travel.

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Mechanical waves require a medium for their propagation whereas electromagnetic waves require a medium for their propagation.

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Mechanical waves require a medium to travel, where electromagnetic waves do not.