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metals are extracted from their ores according to their reactivity series.

firstly, metals that are more reactive that carbon are extracted by electrolysis whic is breaking the compounds down using electricity.

secondly, metals that are less reactive than carbon are extracted by reduction in which carbon is added to the metal ore, carbon react with oxygen and the metal remain by itself pure.

example: Zinc oxide + Carbon ----> Zinc + Carbon dioxide

Gold and Platinum are found in nature by themselves.

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There are a couple ways that minerals are extracted from their ores. Carbon reduction, electrolysis, and magnesium and sodium reduction are ways to extract minerals.

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Q: How are minerals extracted from their ores?
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What do you call rocks and minerals that contain elements extracted through mining?

Rocks and Minerals that contain elements extracted through mining are called Ores. The rocks that contain the minerals are called ores, The minerals that they contain are called ore minerals, and are extracted to be processed in order to recover whatever element it is that is being mined.

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Is a mineral an ore?

Not necessarily. An ore is a mineral deposit that contains some resource that can be extracted profitably. So while ores are minerals, most minerals are not ores.

How minerals recovered or extracted from their ores?

The methods used to extract minerals from ores vary; each ore has its own suitable method(s) of extraction. For example, iron can be extracted from its ore through the blast furnace method, while more reactive minerals (such as aluminum) may need to be extracted through electrolysis.

What minerals are obtained from gold and copper?

Gold and Copper are chemical elements. No "minerals" can be extracted from them other than 'gold' and 'copper'. They can be extracted from the minerals or 'ores' named in the other answers herein.

Are ores minerals in rock form?

No. By definition a rock is made of minerals. An ore is a mineral resource that can be extracted, refined, and sold at a profit.

Why all ores are minerals but all minerals are not ores?

It is so because metals cannot be extracted from minerals in a convenient way. E.g.:- Aluminum metal is found in both minerals: clay and bauxite. Aluminum metal is extracted only from bauxite in a convenient way. So, bauxite is an ore of aluminum. On the other hand, it is not extracted from clay so clay remains only as mineral not ore of aluminum.

What is the difference between ore and ores?

In English ores is the plural of ore. Ore is a mined substance which may be used directly or from which other minerals and elements can extracted.

What are metallic minerals called?

A metallic mineral, which contains sufficient quantities of the metal, so that the metal can be extracted efficiently, is called an ore. However, ores can also refer to minerals from which non-metallic substances can be extracted.

What are the important ores?

Their importance is that these ores can be extracted into metals .

What is the difference between mineral and ore?

Minerals are naturally occurring inorganic solids with a crystalline structure and a definite range of chemical formula. Ores are concentrations of minerals in rock that are high enough to be economically extracted for use. All ores are minerals, but all minerals are not necessarily ores.A mineral is a solid chemical substance, and ore is a rock that contains minerals.

Where are metals extracted from?

Metals are extracted from various ores that are mined from underground.