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Chloroplast in a plant cell performs photosynthesis which give the cell energy and food.

Mitochondria is the power house of the cell and creates energy too.

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They both have an inner membrane and an outer membrane

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They have their own DNA. They have circular DNA

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Q: How are the function of chloroplasts and mitochondria similar?
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What organelle have the same function as an mitochondria?

Chloroplasts have a similar function.

How are mitochondria and chloroplasts similar?

mitochondria and chloroplast are similar as chloroplast and mitochondria both are power houses of cell.chloroplast prepares food and mitochondria releases oxygen as both are providing power they are similar

What is similar about chloroplasts and mitochondria?

Both have their own DNA and are surrounded by a double menbrane

How are chloroplasts and mitochondria similar to bacteria?

Both mitochondria and choloplasts were thought to be single-celled bacteria that got "eaten" by other organisms, eventually giving rise to complex organisms that have mitochondria or chloroplasts in their cells (see endosymbiotic theory). Consequently, both mitochondria and chloroplasts are very similar to bacteria. One of the similarities is that both have their own DNA and replicate independently of the rest of the cell.

What are two differences in the structure and function of chloroplast and mitochondria?

Mitochondria is catabolic reactor. Chloroplasts conduct anabolic reactions.

What organelle is responsible for converting food into energy?

Mitochondria and Chloroplasts are involved in energy conversion.

Do mitochondria and chloroplasts contain ribosomes?

Yes.They have 70s ribosomes. They are similar to bacteria

What two organelles are derived from symbiotic bacteria?

Chloroplasts and mitochondria. It is believed they were engulfed by the cells because of the dual membrane present on both. Both are believed to have originated from an endosymbiotic bacteria. Mitochondria's inner matrices contain DNA, and they have many features similar to those of bacteria. Chloroplasts are believed to have come from an endosymbiotic cyanobacteria.

What organelles are associated with ednosymbiont theory?

The mitochondria. They contain a small amount of their own DNA.

Which is not a function of the endomembrane system of the cell?

In your cell, this is where the endomembrane system comes in a cell image because one is studded with small ribosomes and one is not.

How are mitchondria and chloroplasts similar?

Mitochondria and chloroplast are botn thought to be what remains of ancient bacteria. They are both about the size of a bacteria and both of them contain their own DNA. Mitochondria is responsible for cellular respiration using the sugar generated in the chloroplasts.

What organelles that have a double membrane?

Nucleus Mitochondria