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passive transport by diffusion

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Q: How are the smaller molecules o2 and co2 able to pass through the openings of the cell membrane?
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How water molucleus move through the cell membrane doing out mosis?

During osmosis, water molecules move through the cell membrane by passing through microscopic openings in the membrane. The openings are large enough for the water molecules to pass through.

Do chemicals pass in and out of a cell through openings of the nucleus?

No they pass through the cell membrane. The cell membrane is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules

How can some substance diffuse through a cell membrane at faster rate than by diffusion alone?

In facilitated diffusion, there are temporary openings in the cell membrane that enable certain molecules to pass through quickly.

What type of molecules can permeate the plasma membrane?

Any molecule smaller than the holes in the membrane can pass through is the membrane is permeable. If the membrane is semi-permeable, then only molecules that the membrane selects can pass through. Electronegativity and existence of lipid layers are common selective traits for semi-permeable membranes.

Why is glucose allowed to pass through a semipermeable membrane and not starch?

Whether molecules are able to pass through the membrane depends on the size of the molecules. Smaller ones can, and larger ones cannot. Glucose can pass through a cell membrane because it is a monomer, which is a smaller molecule than the polymer molecules of starch.

What Materials enter and leave the cell through openings in its?

Cell Membrane

How do small molecules get through the cell membrane against a concentration?

How do small molecules get through a cell membrane

Why do passenger molecules need to be helped by the carrier protein?

Some molecules can't go through the cell membrane.

What is a membrane that only allows certain materials to pass through?

A membrane that permits the passage of only certain molecules is called a semi-permeable membrane. In its simplest form, this separation process is based on molecular size. Smaller molecules pass through and larger ones are retained. In most biochemical processes, a concentration gradient drives the movement of molecules through the membrane.

Why the waste can pass through the membrane?

Waste can pass through a membrane due to its size and composition. Membranes have small pores or channels that allow smaller molecules or ions to pass through, while larger molecules or particles are blocked. Additionally, the chemical properties of the waste may also play a role in its ability to pass through a membrane.

Where does diffusion takes place?

In a cell in the human body diffusion takes place in the cell membrane. The cell membrane allows smaller sized molecules to pass through.

Molecules A and B are both organic molecules found in many cells when tested it is found that molecule A cannot pass through a cell membrane but molecule B easily passes through state one way the two?

The molecules differ in size. B must be smaller than A because it can diffuse through the semipermeable cell membrane.