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Both systems have motor fibers

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Q: What way is the somatic and autonomic nervous systems are similar?
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How are somatic and autonomic nervous systems similar?

I came on this to figure it out!

What is the difference between the autonomic nervous system and the somatic nervous systems?

somatic is voluntary autonomic is involuntary.

Which of the following is a way in which somatic and autonomic nervous systems are similar?

The somatic nervous system is the voluntary part of the brain and it operates under conscious control. The autonomic nervous system is the part of the brain that is involuntary, and that humans have no control over.

The peripheral nervous system is made up of the autonomic systems and what other system?

The peripheral nervous system is divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous systems.

The somatic and autonomic nervous systems make up the?

The somatic and autonomic nervous systems make up the peripheral nervous system. The main function of this system is to connect the central nervous system to the limbs and organs in the body.

What part of the peripheral nervous system is composed of the somatic and autonomic nervous systems?

Spinal nerves , cranial and branches

What is a somatic and an autonomic nervous system action?

Somatic is when you move on purpose. Autonomic is when you react without thinking.

Are the autonomic and somatic nervous systems different based on voluntary and involuntary control of body moments and organ functions?


What are two divisions of the peripheral nervous system?

The peripheral nervous system is divided into motor and sensory systems. The peripheral nervous system is also divided into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

What has two systems using cranial and spinal nerves?

The peripheral nervous system has two main systems that use cranial and spinal nerves: the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. The somatic nervous system controls voluntary movements and sensations, while the autonomic nervous system controls involuntary processes such as heart rate, digestion, and respiration.

Is organized into two divisions controls the involuntary actions of the body?

The peripheral nervous system is divided into two categories: autonomic and somatic systems. The autonomic system is the one that controls involuntary actions.

What are the two main systems that belong to the pns?

PNS means peripheral nervous system. It has two main components: the autonomic nervous system and the somatic, or voluntary nervous system. The autonomic nervous system also contains two parts: the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.