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Only in the angle of incidence.

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Q: How are the suns rays different at the equator compared to the poles?
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What is the main reason why Earth is warmer at the equator than at the North and South Poles?

the equator receives direct rays from the sun and the poles receive indirect rays.

Where do the rays of the sun strike most directly on the earth the equator at the poles in the temperate zone or over the oceans?

i think it was at the equator or poles

Why is there warm water near Earth's poles?

As you get farther from the equator the sun rays get less concentrated

Why do areas closer to the equator have warmer air than areas farther away?

the sun's radiation is concentrated in smaller area near the equator

The angle of the suns rays is the cause of the differences in temperature at the?

It is the cause of the differences in temperature at the equator and North and South Poles.

Why do charged particles from outer space like cosmic rays strike Earth more frequently at the poles than at the equator?

Charged particles are attracted to magnetic fields, and therefore are attracted to the magnetic poles of the Earth.

Where the sun's rays strike earth most directly and least directly?

Directly is near the equator. Least directly is at the poles.

Why is latitude a major influence on the climate of a region?

Latitude has a major influence on the climate of a region because the higher the latitude is, the closer to the poles you are getting and less sunlight gets to the poles compared to the equator which always has direct sunlight due to the location of the sun. Because the equator receives more sunlight, the climate is warmer. Because the poles receive less sunlight, the climate is colder.

Why are the regions away from the equator cool?

At the equator, the sun's rays strike the earth vertically - making their path through the atmosphere shorter than at the poles - thus more of the sun's energy reaches the earth's surface. Towards the poles, the angel of the sun's rays is flatter - meaning they pass through more of the earth's atmosphere.

Identify where the sun's rays strike earth most directly and least directly?

Directly is near the equator. Least directly is at the poles.

Why are the hottest places near the Equator?

This is because the sun's rays directly fall near and in the equator. Thus the places near the equator are hot. The sun's rays falls slantingly towards the poles and so, the poles are not so hot.... - Shreya Santhosh

Why is it always hot and wet near the equator?

Generally, the equator receives the direct or almost direct and vertical rays of the sun. Due to this the rays fall on a smaller area and the heating effect of the rays with reference to the area of heating increases. Hence it is hotter at the equator as compared to the other parts of the earth.