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Plants give out oxygen which the organism in the pond needs

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Q: How are water plants important to animals living in the pond?
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It is important to them because we all get thirsty, there's water

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Living things plants and animals depend on?

water and nutrition

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Water is a non-living thing which is quite helpful to plants and animals unless they too wish to become non-living.

How are plants and animals connected?

like this plants and animals need food, water, shelther to survive in the wild

Why is water important for animals and what is use?

Without water living things die, no matter what type of living thing they are.

What supports living plants and animals?

Energy in the form of water, sunlight, and air.

How does water play a role in human lives?

No living creature can survive without water.Water is part of body compositionwater is important for power plants coolingwater is important for plants survivalwater is important for animals that human feed on its meatwater is important for transport, recreation, and swimming beaches.

What is hydrobionts?

Hydrobionts are different living organisms (animals, plants, bacteria) which live in water.

What are three ways that plants move?

Wind,Water and living things (Animals and humans)

What living organisms contribute to physical weathering?

plants,animals, and water :) u welcome