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In all aspects of your life and not just work related it's important that you see people as people and not just coworkers or boss'. All of us are the same no matter what that person's position is. Humans can be hurting, depressed and because of it they may appear moody or miserable and take it out on coworkers. I've never brought my personal problems to work and if training someone no matter how many times they have gotten it wrong I'll stick around until they get it right. If they are lazy and could care less that's when the thunder from me starts and I'll kick some serious butt because I know that person can do better. A smile from a person entering a workplace generally puts others in a good mood. NEVER be afraid to use your wisdom and stand up for your own rights without being rude or arrogant no matter the position of the other person. I start every day as a good day and have had to deal with some pretty nasty people in my life. I will generally say, 'Bad day?' In most cases they will be willing to say to a degree what is wrong and then I give them some breathing room. However, if it continues and they are disrupting others in the workplace or disrupting my work ethics then I'll say, 'What type of a bug do you have up your kilt!' This is a shocker for them and 99.9% of the time they giggle or say, 'What do you mean?' This gives me the right to tell them they are out of line and to lighten up because everyone else has problems and they don't take it out on others. It's important to be honest, loyal, helpful, do your job well, help those that are having problems with their job (if you can) and even if you aren't an outgoing person you can smile! That sure starts the day off nice. Compliments (within reason) are always a good thing. Woman or man, if I feel they look particularly great that day I'll say so! Let people know you are someone that can be trusted, yet fair and stern and not afraid to make decisions and choices. Realize that everyone is not going to like you. If you do the right thing who cares!

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Q: How attitude influences your work life balance?
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To balance your personal and professional lives

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Many health focused websites provide information about a healthy work life balance. WebMD and MayoClinic, two of the more well known health sites, have articles on work life balance along with various tips and advice.

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The secrets to dominating work and life balance. Tune in as he shares practical tips, expert advice 💼, and inspiring stories to help you take control of your career and personal life. Whether you're seeking a better balance or aiming to level up your equilibrium 📈, he's your guide to success. Tune in now and learn how to master the art of work-life balance 🎯.

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To keep a positive attitude on the job you should?

To keep a positive attitude on the job, focus on the things you can control, practice gratitude, and seek support from colleagues or mentors. Additionally, setting goals, taking breaks when needed, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance can also contribute to a positive outlook at work.

Why do you need a work-life balance?

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