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if in England as i am, i done a runner with my two girls and my ex wife took me to court to get them back but my girls stated that they wanted to stay with me which was a massive boost to my case which i won.

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Q: How can I take my children from their father and get full custudy?
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How can you get your children to the UK from their abusive father?

You will need a lawyer to try and get you full custody of your children and your lawyer will have to prove your husband is abusive to his children. If you presently have duel custody of your children and you take the children to the UK you could be charged with kidnapping.

Mom has full custody children don't want to go to dad's can mom force dad to take them when she goes on vacation?

A father who does not have legal custody of his children cannot be forced to take care of those children while the mother, who has custody, is on vacation. And really, it would not be good for the children to be left with the father if that father actually didn't want to take care of them, but was forced to do so by some form of legal coercion. Children should be cared for by someone who actually wants to care for them. They will get much better care that way.

Should my ex feels like he shouldn't take responsibility for our 3 children because I'm the one that left him?

No because if you don't feel like it anymore you break up but he is still the father and should take full responsibility for his children.

If the father hasn't seen his children in 6 months hasn't come around or tried to see them or asked about them or anything so I have to take him to court to get full custody?

You can try taking him to court. This does not mean that you will get full custody.

Can a father take baby when mother has full custody?

Not legally. Father can be charged with kidnapping.

How does the mother get her children from their father?

Generally, they would go take the father to court and claim for custody (protection/safeguarding) over the children.

In the state of Illinois can a parent with sole custudy take a child out of the country without the consent of the other parent?

The passport application requires both signatures, in person.

My child is native American can the father get custudy if is not native American?

The father can get custody, he has to qualify like anyone else. The child is under the jurisdiction of the Indian Child Welfare Act. It depends on lot factors. this just tip of iceberg. what is wrong you? if your able you can care for the child. if you an unfit mother, yes they can award cusody to the father. as long as you stay on the reservation they can't take your child. as soon as you leave reservation they will take your child by force. this is also true for products you buy.

Can a father take his children out of the country when they live with their mother and she does not approve?

No, you can not, that would be kidnapping.

How can a father get custody of children when the wife is using drugs?

You need a lawyer. You can take the children out of the house & get her arrested. That would help.

Can a mother get a police officer and take children from father?

If she has custody of the kids. Legal custody.

Is it right for a father who pays his child support not to be able to see his children for several months?

No, its not right. You should take that fact to a local judge and request court ordered visitation. It is only right if he poses a threat to either the mother or children. If the mother has full custody, he is at her mercy to see them. Best to contact a lawyer or mediator so the father can get a new parenting plan in order. The children need both parents in their lives.