

How can cats see in the dark?

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Q: How can cats see in the dark?
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Are bats the only mammals to see in the dark?

No, cats can see very well in the dark.

What are some creatures that see very well in the dark?

Answer:Fish can also see in the dark, especially deep sea animals such as the Pelican Eel and Giant Squid and the cuttlefish. ------------------------------------------------many nocturnal animals see well in the dark such as cats (big & small cats), hyenas, owls etcpredators usually see better in the dark than herbivores.

Do cats see stuff in the dark?

Cats are nocturnal household pets, meaning that against all odds they can see in the dark. There eyes glow at night, causing this.

What sees best in the dark bats owls or cats?

Bats definitely. Owls can see in the dark but bats are much better. Cats can't see in the dark at all. Their whiskers get vibrations so they don't run into anything but when it comes to seeing in the dark , cats are just as good as humans.

Do owls see better at daytime?

Yes, of course they can see during the day! However, if they are blind, they cannot. Cats can also see very well in the dark, but not pitch black dark. Their eyes are better than ours.

What 2 creatures that can see well in the dark?

Cats and Rats and bats.

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What does a cats tapetum lucidum help it do?

See better in the dark

How far can a cat see in the dark?

Actually cats cant really see in the dark that good so probably not that far.

Can animals hear and see things you can?

it depends which animal. Cats can see in the dark and we can't.

What do Cats eyes look like in the dark?

You cannot see cats eyes unless the light catches them, when the light does you will see a glimse of glowing grees. I looks quite spooky when you see my cats.

Who sees better in the dark - cats or humans?

Sorry to say, but cats can see much, much, better than humans can in the dark, since they are night hunters.